B.U.G. Mafia - Tine-O Tot Asa - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction B.U.G. Mafia - Tine-O Tot Asa

Tine-O Tot Asa
Tine-O Tot Asa
Direct din Pantelimon sunt Caddy
Straight out of Pantelimon (that's where you'll find) Caddy
Esti cu mine pan′ la sfarsit striga "hei"
You'll be with me till the end, so shout "hey"
Pantelimon, Pantelimon
Pantelimon, Pantelimon
Direct din Pantelimon, Pantelimon
Straight out of Pantelimon, Pantelimon
Ce fac bine pentru mine pentru tine fac pe fete
What I do well for me, I do for you, the girls
Fac pe tine sa m-asculti pe mine cu respect
I make you listen to me with respect
Nici apocalipsa n-ar putea sa rupa Mafia
Not even the apocalypse could break up the Mafia
Cu voi mereu la greu, haide cu mahoarca
With you always through thick and thin, come on, let's roll the spliff
Hai cu noi sa fii high, e aproape 2000
Come with us to get high, it's nearly 2000
Ce-ar putea sa fie dupa, mai bine sa nu stii
What could come after that, better not to know
Prea multi care se-ntreaba de ce cant despre strada
Too many wondering why I rap about the streets
Despre cei ce s-au dus, din suflet inc-o data
About those who have gone, from the heart once more
Despre baietii mei, despre tovarasi, despre tine
About my boys, about my comrades, about you
Pt ca stiu ca toti ar fi facut la fel pentru mine
Because I know they all would have done the same for me
De-aia zic de ce se-ntampla, de-aia imi apar fratii
That's why I say what's happening, that's why I stand up for my brothers
De la cei din libertate, pan' la cei de dupa gratii
From those on the outside to those behind bars
Peste autoritate, peste lege, peste tradatori
Above authority, above the law, above traitors
Pan′ la capat, pan' la capat
Till the end, till the end
Mafia e-n strada, e-n masini, e-n parnaie
The Mafia's on the streets, in the cars, in jail
Daca nu e pentru tine, sa nu asculti coaie
If it's not for you, don't listen to it
Stai deoparte si de departe
Stay back and out of the way
Nu faci parte nici pe departe
You don't belong here by a long shot
Partea mea de realitate
My slice of reality
Da-te-n spate, frate
Step back, bro
Direct din cartier, 99, Mafia
Straight out of the neighborhood, 99, the Mafia
Tine-o tot asa
Keep it up
Tine-o tot asa, nu inceta
Keep it up, don't stop
ESti aici pana la capat pentru tine Mafia
You're here till the end for you Mafia
Tine-o tot asa, nu te opri
Keep it up, don't slow down
Esti aici pana la sfarsit pentru tine Caddy
You're here till the end for you Caddy
In fiecare an la fel, nu pot sa ma opresc
Every year the same, I can't stop
Continui sa traiesc, sa explic, sa gandesc
I keep living, explaining, thinking
Sa scriu, raman viu, pentru toti care sunt
Writing, staying alive, for all who are
Un cuvant pun pe foaie, pentru voi inca un rand
I put a word on paper, another line for you
De la strada pentru strada ca la-nceput intotdeauna
From the streets for the streets like always
In concerte, pe casete, pe CD, e totuna
In concerts, on cassettes, on CDs, it's all the same
Sunt asa cum vreau nu pune botul la ce se-aude
I am as I want to be, don't believe the rumors
Il fac si pe dusman sa fie gata sa m-aplaude
I make even the enemy ready to applaud me
6 ani avem in spate si multi or sa mai vina
We've got 6 years behind us and there's more to come
Este muzica de strada, din nou pe prima pagina
It's street music, back on the front page
Dam totul pentru voi, dati totul pentru noi
We give everything for you, you give everything for us
Multi nu pot sa vada n-au cum sa inteleaga
Many can't see, they can't understand
Dau an dupa an, an dupa an
I give year after year, year after year
Despre viata de cartier, despre cum se fac bani
About neighborhood life, about how to make money
O luam de la-nceput nu inceta
Let's start over, don't stop
Tataie, Uzzy, Caddy, pentru tine Mafia
Tataie, Uzzy, Caddy, for you Mafia
Mainile in aer sa va vad cum dati din cap
Put your hands in the air and I'll see you nodding
Direct din cartier, zona Socului, Caddy
Straight out of the neighborhood, Socului area, Caddy
99, Mafia, tine-o tot asa
99, Mafia, keep it up

Writer(s): Alin Adrian Demeter, Dragoş Vlad Neagu, Vlad Irimia

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