Bap - Fuhl Ahm Strand - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Bap - Fuhl Ahm Strand

Fuhl Ahm Strand
Fuhl Ahm Strand
Lieje fuhl am Strand römm,
Lying fully on the beach dear,
Hühr die Welle un ich spill mem Sand,
Hear the waves and I play with my sand,
Loss en durch die Finger rinne,
Let it run through my fingers,
Denk an Lück, die ich ens kannt.
Think of people I once knew.
Lück die mir ens wichtich woore,
People who were once important to me,
Die ich jähn gehatt,
Who I used to have,
Och an die, die lästig woore,
Also those who were annoying,
Nur dat hann ich dänne leider nie jesaat.
But unfortunately I never told them that.
Met Welle vun Brandung
With the waves of the surf,
Falle mer die Name enn,
The names come into my mind,
Och Jeseechter, die anscheinend noch nit janz verjesse sinn.
Also faces that apparently are not completely forgotten yet.
Paar dovun nur schummerich,
Some of them only dimly,
Su wie durch Nevel sinn ich die,
As if through a fog I see them,
Andere kloor un deutlich,
Others clear and distinct,
Et jitt Minsche, die verjisste nie.
There are people you never forget.
Övverhaup Jeföhle,
Feelings above all,
Dunkelgrau bess strahlend bunt,
Dark gray to bright colorful,
Denk an jet wie Liebe
Think of something like love,
Un an manch jähn verschenkte Stund.
And of many a wasted hour.
Noh langer Zick fällt mir sujar ming Vorbild widder enn,
After a long time even my role model comes to my mind,
"Äh, Vorbild dank dir schön,
"Well, role model thank you very much,
Ich jläuv, ich kriej'et langsam selver hin."
I believe I'm slowly getting it myself now."
Wer ich do em Einzelne meine,
Who I mean in particular,
Dat jitt üch janix ahn.
None of your business.
Ich künnt jetzt laut die Name singe,
I could now sing the names out loud,
Doch, dat jevv ich draan,
But I'll drop it,
Denn et jitt nix affzerechne,
Because there's nothing to settle,
Nohkaate jillt nit,
Catching up is not worth it,
Un usserdämm, wat soll dat?
And besides, what's the point?
Lück en de Pooz ze hänge bring mir nix.
Hanging the people out to dry doesn't do me any good.
Zum Beispiel dä, vüürhätt,
For example, the one who intended,
Nur selfs ze sinn,
To be just himself,
Andre noh der Muhl ze schwaade,
To talk others by the mill,
Dat woor füt ihn nit drinn
That was not for him
woor domohls einer,
He was one of those, back then,
de Schnüss nit hahle däät.
Who would not get peanuts from me.
"Dat wooren doch nur Kindereie'"
"Well that was just childish behavior '"
Ess alles, watte hück dozo noch säht.
Is all that you say about it today.
Wahrscheinlich sinn en Hääd Lück
Probably a handful of people
Jetzt janz anders als jeplant
Are now completely different than planned
Un hann jrooße Schwenk jemaat
And have made the big swing
öm hundertachzisch Jraad.
by hundred and eighty degrees.
Wenn ich manche widdersööch,
If I saw some of them again,
Ich jläuv, do feel ich öm.
I think I would be surprised.
Door mir Jefallen
Do me that favor
Un blieht do wo ihr sitt, ich bitte schön!
And stay where you are, I beg you!

Writer(s): Wolfgang Niedecken

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