Bap - Liebesleed - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Bap - Liebesleed

Song of Love
Dich Katharina nenn ich Kapstadt,
I call you Cape Town, Katharina,
Weil do mich wigger hoffe löös.
Because there I can always find hope.
Du stehs als Kap der joode Hoffnung
You stand as the Cape of Good Hope
Felsenfest - stark op eijne Fööß.
Rock solid - strong on one foot.
Mancheiner luhrt, wenn vorbeikütt,
Some people look when they pass by,
Ob de Mitleid spürs oder Zorn,
Whether you feel compassion or anger,
Op do ihn ohne Sturm vorbeilöös.
If you let them pass without a storm.
De miehste lööste, do heiß nit Kap Horn.
Most people let you go, you're not called Cape Horn.
Dich, Dorothea, dich nenn ich Dresden.
I call you Dresden, Dorothea.
Do woors kapott, do woors ussjebrannt.
There it was ruined, there it was burnt out.
Saach, häss do dich janz vun selfs jefange,
Tell me, did you catch yourself,
Oder häss do ahm Eng Phönix janz joot jekannt?
Or did you know the Phoenix well at the end?
Do weiß, wat loss ess, wenn nix loss ess.
You know what's going on when nothing's going on.
Do kenns ding Fähler - kenns ding Pesch.
You know your mistakes - you know your bad luck.
Ich weiß, dat, wenn de laachs, et ähns meins.
I know that when you laugh, it's really me.
Vüür allen Dingen bess do echt.
Above all, you're real.
Un Vera, dich nenn ich Verdun.
And Vera, I call you Verdun.
Do woods ömworbe, woods ömkämpft.
You were courted, you were fought over.
Manch einer hätt dich schon erobert,
Many a one has conquered you,
ävver nur uss Prestige, weil sons nix zählt.
but only for prestige, because nothing else counts.
Öm dich zo kämpfe, dat sching mer sinnlos.
To fight for you, that seems senseless to me.
Do bess zerschosse, ömjeplösch.
You're shot to pieces, plowed under.
Die Zick, wo Männer für dich storve,
The time when men died for you,
Steht dir jeschrewe em Jeseech.
Is written on your face.
Dich, Nora, dich nenn ich Nordpol.
I call you North Pole, Nora.
Do tricks mich ahn wie ne Magnet,
There you attract me like a magnet,
Un weil ich nie mieh zo dir hin will,
And because I never want to go to you again,
Weiß ich jenau, wie schwer dat weed.
I know exactly how hard it will be.
Ich benn die Noodel en dingem Kompaß.
I am the needle in your compass.
Do mähs mich heiß, un do selvs blievs kalt.
You see me hot, and you yourself stay cold.
Ich blieven he en der Antarktis.
I'll stay here in the Antarctic.
Nä, Kind, mer weede nie zosamme alt.
No, child, we'll never grow old together.
Doch do Maria heiß Marokko,
But you Maria, you're called Morocco,
Denn do will ich sick langem hin.
Because I want to go there for a long time to come.
Ich hann kein Ahnung, wat en Marokko loss ess.
I have no idea what's going on in Morocco.
Am Eng will ich jraad deswäje hin.
In the end, that's exactly why I want to go there.
Ich weiß, dat ich en vier Daach do wöhr,
I know that I'd be there for four days,
Für eine koote Sommer lang,
For a short summer long,
Un daß du dat do nie met mir nohuss köhms.
And that you'd never come looking for me there.
Waat aff, ich kumme Kind, bess dann.
Wait a minute, I'll come, child, until then.

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