BAP - Wie ’ne Stein - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction en anglais BAP - Wie ’ne Stein

Wie ’ne Stein
Like a Stone
Noch vüür kooter Zick, do woorste furchbar chic,
Not too long ago, you were terribly chic,
Jetz fällt dir langsam op, wat alles nimieh trick, stemp et nit?
Now it slowly dawns on you that everything has lost its trick, don't you?
Do häss et nie jegläuv, wenn einer säät: "Pass op"
You never believed anyone when they said: "watch out",
Jetz küsste langsam drop un packs dich ahn der Kopp, stemp et nit?
Now it's slowly catching up with you and hitting you on the head, don't you?
Do häss dich schiefjelaach,
You scoffed,
Die sinn nur neidisch, hässte dir jedaach,
They are just jealous, you thought,
Jetz weißte nit nieh, wann de laache solls,
Now you don't know when you should laugh,
Un övverhaup, jetz besste janit mieh su stolz.
And anyway, you're not so proud anymore.
Jetz hängste nur noch römm un lamentiers,
Now you hang around and complain,
Do hätts et ärme Dier.
You poor thing.
Wie küsste dir vüür?
How did it happen to you?
Saach mir: Wie küsste dir vüür?
Tell me: how did it happen to you?
Do föhls dich nirjens doheim,
You don't feel at home anywhere,
Weil Frönde hässte′rer kein.
Because you have no friends.
Do titschs erömm wie'ne Stein.
You drift around like a stone.
Ja, do woors op de schlauste Schulle, klar,
Yes, you went to the smartest schools, of course,
Nur do ham se dir verdamp vill Schwachsinn beijebraat.
But there they taught you a lot of nonsense.
Nur ein Saach, die hässte nie jeliert,
Just one thing you never learned,
Nämlich wie mer drusse schlööf un dobei nit erfriert,
Namely how to sleep outside and not freeze to death,
Wat dich jetz irritiert.
Which is now bothering you.
Ding Kompromisse wooren janz erbämlich krank,
Your compromises were quite pathetically sick,
Jetz söökste Alibis, avver Frollein jottseidank
Now you're looking for alibis, but luckily nobody
Verkäuf die keiner, un jeschenk krisste se nit.
Will sell you any, and you won't get any for free.
Do steiß vürm Nix, dat süht mer op der eezte Blick,
You're standing there for nothing, you can see it at first glance,
Do hätts et nie jedaach, do bess allein,
You never thought it, you're alone,
Et hält kein Sau mieh zo dir.
Nobody will stand by you anymore.
Wie küsste dir vüür?
How did it happen to you?
Saach mir: Wie küsste dir vüür?
Tell me: how did it happen to you?
Do föhls dich nirjens doheim,
You don't feel at home anywhere,
Weil Frönde hässte′rer kein.
Because you have no friends.
Do titschs erömm wie'ne Stein.
You drift around like a stone.
Nä, für mich woor nie jet drinn, weil do wollts jet bessres sinn
No, for me there was never anything in it, because you wanted to be better
Un für all ding Strunzerei woor ming Breeftäsch jet zu dünn, stemp et nit?
And my wallet was too thin for all your fancy stuff, don't you?
Un ding Schickeria-Schau jing mer op de Nerve, Frau,
And your chic pose got on my nerves, woman,
Datte mich dozo nit krääts, woßte absolut jenau,
You knew exactly that you wouldn't get me to do it,
Jetz saach bloß, dat stemp och nit? (ach hühr doch op)
Now just say that doesn't fit either? (oh, stop it)
Do häss dich immer nur für mich jeniert,
You've always been embarrassed by me,
Wat en mir vüürjing, hätt dich nie groß intressiert.
What was important to me never really interested you.
Et ess schun jeck, wie mer sich täusche kann,
It's crazy how you can be wrong,
Et ess vorbei, wemmer jraad denk: "Jetz fäng et ahn"
It's over when we just think: "Now it's starting"
Do weiß, do bess et selvs schuld, datte keinem mieh vertraue kanns.
You know, you're to blame that you can't trust anyone anymore.

Writer(s): Wolfgang Niedecken

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