BAP - Wolf un Skorpion - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction BAP - Wolf un Skorpion

Wolf un Skorpion
Wolf and Scorpion
Die Sonn steht huh ahm Himmel,
The sun is high in the sky,
Kaum noch Jröön, uss Jras wood Strüh.
No more green, grass turns to straw.
Bloß Rauch zoeez, dann kütt e′ nöher,
Only smoke rises, then it gets closer,
Leechterloh, Sturm uss Füer.
Blazing fire, the storm of flames.
Diere blökke, schreie, renne,
Animals run, scream, and flee,
Och Wolf, bess raff nohm Fluss,
Even the wolf has just made it to the river,
Wo e' koot stonnblieht un deef Luff höllt,
Where he pauses and takes a deep breath,
Eh dat e′ springk, wat e' wohl muss.
Before he jumps, which he must do.
"Wer sprich do?", denk Wolf, irjendjet jehührt,
"Who speaks there?" thinks the wolf, who has heard something,
Doch he enn singer Nöh nirj'ndwo noch e′ Dier sieht.
But he sees no animal anywhere near him.
Jetz widder: "Ich he unge!", rööf en Stemm,
Now again: "I'm down here!" calls a voice,
Während Wald heißer als dausend Hölle brennt.
As the forest burns hotter than a thousand hells.
′Ne Skorpion, op aach Bein ziddert,
A scorpion, trembling on eight legs,
Fleht: "Böck dich, loss mich op dich drop,
Begs: "Bend down, let me climb on you,
Ich kann nit schwemme 'n will nit stirve!"
I can't swim and I don't want to die!"
"Nä, ′ss klar ... hälls du mich für beklopp?
"No, it's clear... Do you think I'm crazy?
Kumm bloß nit nöher, ich weiß, wer du bess:
Don't come any closer, I know who you are:
Die Kreatur, die alles wat zo noh kütt, stich.
The creature that stings everything that gets too close.
Nä, dir vertraut nur dä, nie vüür dir jewarnt wood,
No, only someone who has never been warned about you would trust you,
Jevatter Wolf kritt mer esu flöck nit ömjarnt."
Gossip Wolf won't be fooled so quickly."
Wodrop Skorpion meint: "Wie jetz?
To which the scorpion says: "What now?
Hätt ene Wolf dann jar kei Häzz?
Doesn't a wolf have a heart at all?
Nur op dingem Rögge kumm ich rövver,
Only on your back can I get across,
Verjess dat Jeff enn mingem Stäzz!"
Forget the poison in my tail!"
Die Hetz weed langsam unerdräächlich,
The heat is becoming unbearable,
Un eh dat Füer sieh Fell versengk,
And before the fire consumes his fur,
Knurrt unsre Wolf: "Okay, beihl dich
Our wolf growls: "Okay, climb on
Un halt dich joot fess, wenn ich spring!"
And hold on tight when I jump!"
Un su passiert et dann, wat jeder kumme sooch.
And so it happens, what everyone had seen coming.
Et andre Ufer ess ald fass zom Jriefe noh,
The other shore is almost within reach,
Do hührt mer 'm Pelz vum Wolf winz′je Passagier:
When a tiny passenger is heard in the wolf's fur:
"Do bess Jrößte, minge Held, ich danke dir."
"You're the greatest, my hero, thank you."
Doch medden en däm Satz 'ne Stachel,
But in the middle of the sentence, a stinger,
Als wöhr e′ vun 'nem andre Dier,
As if from another animal,
Stich zo, und Wolf jault:
Stabs, and the wolf howls:
"Wieso nur? Denn jetz, du Doof, versuffe mir!"
"Why only now? Because now, you fool, you're drowning me!"
Skorpion säht: "Deit mer leid,
The scorpion says: "I'm sorry,
Wolf, dat unsereins nit anders kann.
Wolf, it's not something we can help.
Wat jööv ich dröm, künnt ich et hahle,
What I would give to be able to stop it,
Mieh Woot ... eimohl nur ... sorry, Mann!"
No more anger... Just once... Sorry, man!"

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