BEGIN - 十九の春 - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction en anglais BEGIN - 十九の春

Spring of Nineteen
ながす涙も 輝(かがや)きみちし
Even tears flow shining,
あわれ十九の 春よ春
Oh pitiful spring of nineteen,
菫(すみれ)つみつつ 散(ち)る白露(しらつゆ)に
Picking violets, scattering white dew,
泣きし十九の 春よ春
Weeping spring of nineteen.
君はやさしく 涙は甘く
You were kind and your tears were sweet,
唄をうたえば 花散(はなち)りぬ
As I sang, flowers fell.
乙女振袖(おとめふりそで) ゆく白雲(しらくも)も
White clouds resemble a young woman's long-sleeved kimono,
われを眺(なが)めて 流れ行く
Watching over me as they drift by.
我世(わがよ)さみしと 嘆(なげ)くな小鳥(ことり)
Don't sigh, little bird, saying that the world is lonely.
春はまたくる 花も咲く
Spring will come again and flowers will bloom,
愛(あい)の光に 夜はほのぼのと
In the light of love, the night will grow brighter,
明(あ)けて十九の 春よ春
And the spring of nineteen will dawn.

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