BTS - NO MORE DREAM - traduction des paroles en anglais

NO MORE DREAM - BTStraduction en anglais

야, 인마, 꿈은 뭐니? (뭐니?)
Hey, girl, what's your dream? (What is it?)
야, 인마, 꿈은 뭐니? (뭐니?)
Hey, girl, what's your dream? (What is it?)
야, 인마, 꿈은 뭐니? (뭐니?)
Hey, girl, what's your dream? (What is it?)
꿈은 겨우 그거니?
Is that all you dream of?
I wanna big house, big cars and big rings (ooh)
I want a big house, big cars and big rings (ooh)
But 사실은, I don't have any big dreams (yeah)
But honestly, I don't have any big dreams (yeah)
하하, 편하게 살아
Haha, I live comfortably
따위 꿔도 아무도 뭐라 하잖아
No one says anything even if I don't have dreams
전부 다-다-다 똑가같이 나처럼 생각하고 있어
Everyone-one-one thinks the same way as me
새까-까-까맣게 까먹은 많던 어린 시절
Those childhood days with many dreams are forgotten
대학은 걱정 마, 멀리 라도 거니까
Don't worry about college, I'll go far away
알았어, 엄마, 지금 독서실 간다니까
Okay, mom, I'm going to the study room now
네가 꿈꿔온 모습이 뭐야?
What is the you that you've dreamed of?
지금 거울 속엔 누가 보여?
Who do you see in your mirror now?
I gotta say, 너의 길을 가라고 하루를 살아도
I gotta say, go your own way, even if you live for just one day
뭐라도 하라고 나약함은 담아둬
Do something, put your weakness aside
못하고 있어? 공부는 하기 싫다면서
Why can't you say it? You say you don't want to study
학교 때려 치기는 겁나지? 이거 봐, 등교할 준비하네 벌써
But are you scared to quit school? Look, you're getting ready for school already
들어 제발 좀, 입만 살아가지고, 인마, 유리 멘탈 boy
Grow up, please, you only talk big, girl, you glass-mental girl
Stop! 자신에게 물어봐, 언제 네가 열심히 노력했냐고?
Stop! Ask yourself, when did you ever work hard?
야, 인마, 꿈은 뭐니? (뭐니?)
Hey, girl, what's your dream? (What is it?)
야, 인마, 꿈은 뭐니? (뭐니?)
Hey, girl, what's your dream? (What is it?)
야, 인마, 꿈은 뭐니? (뭐니?)
Hey, girl, what's your dream? (What is it?)
꿈은 겨우 그거니?
Is that all you dream of?
거짓말이야, you such a liar
It's a lie, you such a liar
See me, see me, ya, 위선자야
See me, see me, ya, you're a hypocrite
자꾸 길을 가래? 야, 너나 잘해
Why do you keep telling me to go another way? Hey, you do well yourself
제발 강요하진 말아줘
Please don't force me
Say, la-la-la-la-la
Say, la-la-la-la-la
꿈이 뭐니? 꿈이 뭐니, 뭐니?
What's your dream? What's your dream, dream?
Say, la-la-la-la-la
Say, la-la-la-la-la
고작 이거니? 고작 이거니-거니?
Is this all? Is this all-all?
Okay, 지겨운 same day, 반복되는 매일에
Okay, boring same day, repetitive daily life
어른들과 부모님은 틀에 박힌 꿈을 주입해
Adults and parents instill stereotyped dreams
장래 희망 number one, 공무원?
Number one dream job, a public official?
강요된 꿈은 아니야, 9회말 구원투수
It's not a forced dream, it's a ninth-inning relief pitcher
시간 낭비인 야자에 돌직구를 날려
Throw a fastball at the time-wasting evening study session
지옥 같은 사회에 반항해 꿈을 특별사면
Rebel against the hellish society, give dreams a special pardon
자신에게 물어봐 꿈의 프로필
Ask yourself about your dream's profile
억압만 받던 인생 삶의 주어가 되어봐
Become the subject of your life, a life that has only been oppressed
네가 꿈꿔온 모습이 뭐야?
What is the you that you've dreamed of?
지금 거울 속엔 누가 보여?
Who do you see in your mirror now?
I gotta say, 너의 길을 가라고 하루를 살아도
I gotta say, go your own way, even if you live for just one day
뭐라도 하라고 나약함은 담아둬
Do something, put your weakness aside
야, 인마, 꿈은 뭐니? (뭐니?)
Hey, girl, what's your dream? (What is it?)
야, 인마, 꿈은 뭐니? (뭐니?)
Hey, girl, what's your dream? (What is it?)
야, 인마, 꿈은 뭐니? (뭐니?)
Hey, girl, what's your dream? (What is it?)
꿈은 겨우 그거니?
Is that all you dream of?
거짓말이야, you such a liar
It's a lie, you such a liar
See me, see me, ya, 위선자야
See me, see me, ya, you're a hypocrite
자꾸 길을 가래? 야, 너나 잘해
Why do you keep telling me to go another way? Hey, you do well yourself
제발 강요하진 말아줘
Please don't force me
Say, la-la-la-la-la
Say, la-la-la-la-la
꿈이 뭐니? 꿈이 뭐니, 뭐니?
What's your dream? What's your dream, dream?
Say, la-la-la-la-la
Say, la-la-la-la-la
고작 이거니? 고작 이거니-거니?
Is this all? Is this all-all?
살아가는 법을 몰라
Don't know how to live
날아가는 법을 몰라
Don't know how to fly
결정하는 법을 몰라
Don't know how to decide
이젠 꿈꾸는 법도 몰라
Don't even know how to dream anymore
눈을, 눈을, 눈을 떠라 이제
Open, open, open your eyes, everyone now
춤을, 춤을, 춤을 춰봐 자, 다시
Dance, dance, dance, come on, again
꿈을, 꿈을, 꿈을 꿔봐
Dream, dream, dream, everyone
꾸물대지 마, 우물쭈물대지 마, what's up!
Don't hesitate, don't fumble, what's up!
거짓말이야, you such a liar
It's a lie, you such a liar
See me, see me, ya, 위선자야
See me, see me, ya, you're a hypocrite
자꾸 길을 가래? 야, 너나 잘해
Why do you keep telling me to go another way? Hey, you do well yourself
제발 강요하진 말아줘
Please don't force me
Say, la-la-la-la-la
Say, la-la-la-la-la
꿈이 뭐니? 꿈이 뭐니, 뭐니?
What's your dream? What's your dream, dream?
Say, la-la-la-la-la
Say, la-la-la-la-la
고작 이거니? 고작 이거니-거니?
Is this all? Is this all-all?
To all the youngsters without dreams
To all the youngsters without dreams

Writer(s): Jhope, P-Dogg, "hitman"bang, Jung Kook, SUGA, Rap Monster, Supreme Boi

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