BTS - Skit - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction en anglais BTS - Skit

빌보드 가수 1위가수 입장!
Billboard song number one singer entry!
벌써부터 녹음이었네?
Oh! It's already recording from the beginning?
1위가수 1위가수로 불러 주시다니
Oh, calling me number one singer number one singer
와! 정말!
Wow! Really!
생일도 축하하고
I'll even wish you a happy birthday
Oh, yeah
너는 생일날 빌보드 1위 그거 한다
Oh, Jungkook, you're on your birthday, Billboard number one
생일 선물 제대로 받았네
I got a birthday present right
선물이 필요없겠네 정국이
You don't need a present Jungkook (twice)
약간 이거는 말도 안돼 말이 안돼?
This is a bit of a crazy talk?
그치 필요없지 각자의 선물 줬다 (두번)
So you don't need it, each present is a present (twice)
The best
빌보드 1위는 선물이지
Billboard number one is a gift
최고의 선물을 받았네요 인생에서
I got the best present in my life
뭔일이래요 이게?
Oh, what is going on here?
오늘 공식적으로 뜨는가 9월1일?
Today is September 1st?
겹경사다 진짜
I'm really double-sloped
목요일날 뜰걸아마? 공식적인 차트에서?
It's probably going to be Thursday? Billboard official chart?
토요일날인가 그렇다네요
Saturday? Yes, that's right
Oh my
죄송합니다 방탄소년단 빌보드 1위 가수 늦게
I'm sorry, BTS, the Billboard number one singer, you are late
내가 말— 내가 말했잖아?
I—I said something?
죄송합니다 화장실 갔다왔어 가지고
Oh, I'm sorry, I went to the bathroom and brought it
소감 한마디 하세요
Say a word
기가막힌 소감였습니다
It was a great feeling. Yes
빌보드 1위가수한테 이렇게 해도 돼? 자리도 없고 아이고 아이고
Oh, can you do this to the Billboard number one singer? There is no seat, oh my gosh
앞선 1위 가수 여섯 명이 앉아있어요
Six of the previous number one singers are sitting in front of you
건강이 좋아졌다
I'm healthier
다들 어땠어요 어제? 어제 침착하게 일찍 자가지고
How were you guys yesterday? I went to bed early yesterday
건강에 좋더라구
It was good for my health
나도 늦게 자는 편이어가지고
I tend to go to bed late too
나도 남주니 보내준거 보고 바로 다음에 드링킹하고 잤다
I opened a bottle as soon as I saw the one Namjoon sent me and drank it and went to sleep
아니 톡방에 내가
No, in the chat room, I
하나도 잤어
I didn't sleep at all
아니 뜨자마자 보냈는데 반응이 없어 다들!
No, I didn't, I sent it as soon as I saw it, None of you responded!
아이고 울고 있어서
Oh my, I was crying
"자고있어?" 이러면서
"Are you asleep?" as they say
그때 울고 있어서 미안
I'm sorry, I was crying then
나는 오늘 뜨는지 솔직히 몰랐어요
I honestly didn't know if it would come out today
나도 근데 화요일날이 나는 오늘인줄 몰랐어 날짜개념이 없으니까
Me too, but I didn't know it was today on Tuesday. I don't have a concept of date
시차가, 시차 때문에
Because of the time difference
나는 오늘 저녁에 뜨는 알았어요
I thought it would be out this evening
그래 나도.나도 오늘 오후 1시반에 알았어
Yes, me too. I thought it would come out at 1:30 pm today
근데 "그랬으면 좋겠다" 하고 있었는데 이제
But "I wish it would" and now
갑자기 은퇴하고 싶어졌지?
Suddenly you want to retire?
지금 발표해
Announce it now as retiring
스킷으로? 레전드다
A skit? That's legendary
죽을 때까지 음악 할라고
I'll be singing until I die
Life-long industry
뭐, 한잔 할거예요? 어떡해요
What, are you going to have a drink? What are you going to do?
After it's over, what?
한잔 해야지
We'll have a drink
끝나고 짧고 빠르게 마셔보자
Let's have a short and quick drink after it's over.
짧게 한잔 하자, 좋을 같고
Let's have a short drink, I think it's going to be good
하지만 빌보드 1위 가수는 오안 취를 막지 못했다
But the Billboard number one singer couldn't stop drinking
Stop drinking?
How should we choreograph
짧게하고 끝내자
Let's make it short and finish it
예, 그럼
Yes, so, what
오늘 할거 뭐예요?
What do you do today?
했던 것들
Things they used to do
Oh, no
No More Dream. No More Dream
No More Dream. No More Dream
아, No More Dream, 그만하지 여러분 걱정마십시오!
Oh, No More Dream, stop it, everyone, don't worry!
아니야 우리 초심 찾기 프로젝트 한거지, 1위한 순간에서 No More Dream 연습한다
No, it's our back-to-basics project, practicing No More Dream at the number one moment
초심 같은 소리하고 있네!
Sounds like the basics!
아니, 얼마나 멋있어요 형. 빌보드 1위 가수가 그날 데뷔 곡을 연습한다. 진짜
No, how cool it is! The Billboard number one singer rehearses the debut song on that day. Wow, really
그거 그거 가사로 써요
Hyung, write it as a lyric
어떻게 써?
How do I write it?
오늘도 No More Dream을 연습했지!
I practiced No More Dream today!
그것도 웃기긴하다 1위한 날에 연습하는 거. 재밌는데?
That's funny too, practicing on the Number One Day. It's fun, isn't it?
We have to practice!
아침에 일어나가지고 계속 뉴스를 보면서 진짜
Oh my, I got up this morning and kept watching the news, oh, for real
I didn't sleep
진짜 진짜 대단하다. 여러분 진짜 대단하십니다! 여러분
It's really great. You're really great, everyone! Everyone
진짜 대단합니다!
You're really great!
대단합니다 여러분들!
You're great, everyone!
에이 뭐가 대단해요 빌보드 1위 가수 된거
Hey, what's so great about being Billboard number one
여러분 대단해요
You're great
이렇게 말씀하신면 섭섭하죠
It's a shame to say that
진짜 공연 너무 하고 싶다 이거보니까
Oh, I really want to perform looking at this
홉아 이런게 행복 아닐까?
Hobi, isn't this happiness?
오랜만이다 저러는거
It's been a long time since I did that
지금은 다르게 다가오지 않냐?
Don't you come at me differently now?

Writer(s): J-hope, Jimin, Jin, Jung Kook, Mc Jin, Rm, Suga, V

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