BUMP OF CHICKEN - Gravity - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction BUMP OF CHICKEN - Gravity

帰ろうとしない帰り道 いつもどおり
I try to keep walking without wanting to go home, as always
視界の隅っこ ほとんど外 君が鼻をすすった
In the corner of my vision, almost out of sight, I see you sniffling
An evening siren cuts through the sky
給水塔の下 あれは蝙蝠
Under the water tower, that's a bat
We try not to look at our watches
But that's how we end up being aware of the time
Trying to drown it out with chatter
We wind up falling silent anyway
君の影の 君らしい揺れ方を
Just watching your shadow, the way it moves
眺めているだけで 泣きそうになったよ
Makes me want to cry
見つけた言葉いくつ 繋げたって遠ざかる
No matter how many words I find to connect
今一番伝えたい想いが 胸の中 声を上げる
The thought I most want to convey screams in my chest
そんなの全て飛び越えて 子供のまま笑って
Leaping over all that, laughing like children
裸足のメロディー歌うから いつも今を許してしまう
Singing this barefoot melody that makes me forgive the present moment
笑顔のまま ずるいよな
Smiling all the while, isn't that unfair?
いつの日か どっちかが遠くに行ったりして
One day, one of us will go far away
会えなくなったりするのかな 今が嘘みたいに
We might not be able to meet then, like this is all a lie
じゃあまた会えた時 今みたいに
When we meet again, will we be able to stand side by side in silence
Like we do now?
大人っぽく振る舞ったり 尖ってみせたり
Acting mature, trying to be edgy
刺さった時に誤魔化して 変な感じになったり
Pretending our barbs don't hurt, feeling strange
そういうの まとめて愛せるくらいに
Enough to love even all that
We believed in ourselves
わりと同時に くしゃみしちゃうのが
We used to sneeze at the same time
面白かったよ 泣きそうになったよ
That was funny, it made me want to cry
今日が明日 昨日になって 誰かが忘れたって
If today becomes tomorrow, yesterday, and someone forgets
今君がここにいる事を 僕は忘れないから
I will never forget that you were here, with me
見えない涙拭って 謝るように笑って
Wiping away invisible tears, laughing apologetically
触ったら消えてしまいそうな 細い指の冷たさが
The chill of your slender fingers, like they'd disappear if I touched them
Lingers like a burn
見つけた言葉いくつ 繋げたって遠ざかる
No matter how many words I find to connect
今一番伝えたい想いが 胸の中 声を上げる
The thought I most want to convey screams in my chest
せーので全て飛び越えて 僕らのまま笑って
Together, we'll leap over all that, laughing as ourselves
裸足のメロディー歌うから そして一緒に手を振るんだよ
Singing this barefoot melody, waving our hands together
笑顔のまま またねって
Smiling all the while, see you later
雨でも晴れでも 空のない世界でも
In rain or shine, even in a world without sky
また明日 明日が ちゃんときますように
May tomorrow, and the day after that, come properly
一緒じゃなくても 一人だったとしても
Even if we're not together, even if we're alone
また明日の中に 君がいますように
May you be in each tomorrow

Writer(s): Motoo Fujiwara

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