BUNTAI feat. KUKU$ - Roxtar - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction en anglais BUNTAI feat. KUKU$ - Roxtar

Ay, ay
Ay, ay
Mala šalje poruke, kaže mi da sam lijep
Shorty's sending messages, saying I'm handsome
Ja to dobro znam, glupačo nisam slijep
I know that already, dummy, I'm not blind
Mala sluša nas, a ne zna ni kaj je trap
Shorty's listening to us, but she doesn't even know what trap is
Nemam vremena za tebe, moram spasit svijet
I don't have time for you, I have to save the world
Ne traži me, nemam vremena mazit se
Don't look for me, I don't have time to cuddle
Odi snađi se izvukla si mi iz padže sve
Go figure it out, you drained all my passion
I sada znam od kad budim se sam
And now I know, since I wake up alone
Svaki san mi post'o stvaran i bit ću rockstar
Every dream has become real and I'll be a rockstar
Viši cilj di si bio, živim život - autopilot
Higher purpose, where have you been, I'm living life - autopilot
¥ung Bud€ mlad i lud
¥ung Bud€ young and wild
Puno njih me svaća krivo
Many people misunderstand me
Buntai we the realest
Buntai we the realest
S nama su Goca i Hilje
Goca and Hilje are with us
Zato pripazi kak briješ
So watch how you flex
Na svakome uglu te čekaju zmije
Snakes are waiting for you on every corner
Nekad bila si mi sve, moj svijet
You used to be everything to me, my world
Sad te neću spasit' kad probudim se
Now I won't save you when I wake up
Jurim cash i nikom ne kasnim
Chasing cash and I'm not late for anyone
Oko mene gang, prije svega
Gang around me, above all
Imam svoje ljude, dignu me kad padnem
I have my people, they lift me up when I fall
Znači dić će milijune
Meaning they'll make millions
Radim pos'o, sam moj nije od osam
I'm working, my job isn't from eight to five
Nemoj shvatit to osobno
Don't take it personally
Shvatio sam ko sam, rockstar
I realized who I am, a rockstar
Kad će pljuštat pare barem tada znam ko će ostat
When the money starts pouring, at least then I'll know who'll stay
I ne vidiš preko crte kaj ti stoji ispred nosa, ay
And you can't see past the line what's right in front of your nose, ay
Mala šalje poruke, kaže mi da sam lijep
Shorty's sending messages, saying I'm handsome
Ja to dobro znam, glupačo nisam slijep
I know that already, dummy, I'm not blind
Mala sluša nas, a ne zna ni kaj je trap
Shorty's listening to us, but she doesn't even know what trap is
Nemam vremena za tebe, moram spasit svijet
I don't have time for you, I have to save the world
Ne traži me nemam vremena mazit se
Don't look for me, I don't have time to cuddle
Odi snađi se, izvukla si mi iz padže sve
Go figure it out, you drained all my passion
I sada znam od kad budim se sam
And now I know, since I wake up alone
Svaki san mi post'o stvaran i bit ću rockstar
Every dream has become real and I'll be a rockstar
Nemam menadžera ali imam odvjetnika
I don't have a manager but I have a lawyer
Na sve sam spreman ako neko ljude moje dira
I'm ready for anything if someone touches my people
Buraz mi sjajimo ko Illuminati, Kuku$ i Buntai
Bro, we're shining like the Illuminati, Kuku$ and Buntai
Razum mi izvrnut ko kukasti
My mind is twisted like a swastika
Kažu mi: "Hiljsone, puko si"
They tell me: "Hiljson, you're crazy"
Nastupi su nam rasprodani
Our shows are sold out
Gro smo više sada bogati, yeah, yeah
We're mostly rich now, yeah, yeah
Al' depresija me isto nekad sjebe
But depression sometimes fucks me up too
I zato pazim na sebe
That's why I take care of myself
Al ne mogu, vikend jer zgazim se
But I can't, it's the weekend because I get wasted
Mala gorim, ajde spasi me i zgasi me
Baby I'm burning, come save me and extinguish me
I kada lutam noćima ja tebi vratim se
And when I wander at night I come back to you
Mala šalje poruke, kaže mi da sam lijep
Shorty's sending messages, saying I'm handsome
Ja to dobro znam, glupačo nisam slijep
I know that already, dummy, I'm not blind
Mala sluša nas, a ne zna ni kaj je trap
Shorty's listening to us, but she doesn't even know what trap is
Nemam vremena za tebe, moram spasit svijet
I don't have time for you, I have to save the world
Ne traži me nemam vremena mazit se
Don't look for me, I don't have time to cuddle
Odi snađi se, izvukla si mi iz padže sve
Go figure it out, you drained all my passion
I sada znam od kad budim se sam
And now I know, since I wake up alone
Svaki san mi post'o stvaran i biću rockstar
Every dream has become real and I'll be a rockstar
Mala kaže da sam lijep
Shorty says I'm handsome
'Ajde reci mi kaj vidiš, ay
Tell me what you see, ay
Kad ti kažem da si glupa ti popizdiš
When I tell you you're stupid you freak out
Cijeli sjajim k'o da imam gold finish, ay
I'm shining all over like I have a gold finish, ay
Oko para ja ne brinem se
I don't worry about money
Jer jednom imat ćemo milju, vidit ćeš
Because one day we'll have a million, you'll see
I zato vozim samo ravno, pun gas
That's why I'm only driving straight, full gas
I puno je toga već iza nas
And a lot is already behind us
K'o mali po kvartu sam bježao od murije
As a kid I ran from the cops in the neighborhood
Sad kad sam veći idemo u studio
Now that I'm older we're going to the studio
Daj mi te pare i daj mi taj keš
Give me that money and give me that cash
Pogledaj mi džep, više nije smješno
Look at my pocket, it's not funny anymore
Oh my, na bitu je Dipsi
Oh my, Dipsi's on the beat
BUNTAI - to su moji cripsi
BUNTAI - those are my crisps
Hustleam i bit ću legenda ko Nipsey
I hustle and I'll be a legend like Nipsey
Znam, ja to ne mislim
I know, I don't mean that
Mala šalje poruke, kaže mi da sam lijep
Shorty's sending messages, saying I'm handsome
Ja to dobro znam, glupačo nisam slijep
I know that already, dummy, I'm not blind
Mala sluša nas, a ne zna ni kaj je trap
Shorty's listening to us, but she doesn't even know what trap is
Nemam vremena za tebe, moram spasit svijet
I don't have time for you, I have to save the world
Ne traži me nemam vremena mazit se
Don't look for me, I don't have time to cuddle
Odi snađi se, izvukla si mi iz padze sve
Go figure it out, you drained all my passion
I sada znam od kad budim se sam
And now I know, since I wake up alone
Svaki san mi post'o stvaran i biću rockstar
Every dream has become real and I'll be a rockstar
Bit ću rockstar, o-o-oh
I'll be a rockstar, o-o-oh
Bit ću rockstar, o-o-o-o-oh
I'll be a rockstar, o-o-o-o-oh
Bit ću rockstar, o-o-oh
I'll be a rockstar, o-o-oh
Bit ću rockstar, o-o-o-o-oh
I'll be a rockstar, o-o-o-o-oh
Bit ću rockstar, o-o-oh
I'll be a rockstar, o-o-oh
Bit ću rockstar, o-o-o-o-oh
I'll be a rockstar, o-o-o-o-oh

Writer(s): Ivan Hilje, Ivan Godina, Dorian Brezak, Jakov Budić

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