BUNTAI - Clout Chaser - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction en anglais BUNTAI - Clout Chaser

Clout Chaser
Clout Chaser
Neću wasteat cijeli život, zato nisam stalno wasted
I won't waste my whole life, that's why I'm not always wasted
I'am check na papiru, čekam ključeve od Tesle
I'm a check on paper, waiting for the keys to a Tesla
Dobro su ti rekli doma, sine, pazi preko ceste
They told you right at home, son, be careful crossing the street
Ak' ti neko ne nacrta, mogo bi pasti u nesvijest
If someone doesn't paint you a picture, you might faint
Znam sve, i to je to
I know everything, and that's it
I to je tak', aj bok, nemoj me gledat s visoka
And that's how it is, bye, don't look down on me
Sam' peglam
I'm ironing alone
Peglam, peglam i moje kartice nemaju limit i peglam male u troje
Ironing, ironing, and my cards have no limit and I'm ironing girls three at a time
Ak' ti rogovi narastu, onda hlače idu low
If your horns grow, then your pants go low
I peglam kao glačalo, La Cucaracha, gasi to
And I iron like an iron, La Cucaracha, turn it off
Najjača priča to kaj pušite i pušite priče
The strongest story is that you smoke and smoke stories
I ja sam došo bez ičeg, al' nikad nisam išo žicat
I came with nothing, but I never went begging
Profitiram na rizik, ti bi išo na zicer
I profit on risk, you'd go for a sure thing
Kalkuliram korak ispred svih, a istih se ne tiče to
I calculate a step ahead of everyone, and they don't care about that
Kaj pričam proživim, nekad brijem da sam preacher
What I say I live through, sometimes I think I'm a preacher
Otiđi dalje pičim, ić' ću, znam kako bit će
Go away bitch, I'll go, I know how it'll be
Ja sam zamka, ovo biće Buki živi tu priču
I'm a trap, this being Buki lives that story
Ti u zamci sam sa sobom, drugi pišu tvoju priču
You're trapped with yourself, others write your story
Drugi život ti sišu, ti ga sišeš najviše
Others suck your life, you suck it the most
Meni siše delicious, mala pazi kaj pričaš
You suck me delicious, baby be careful what you say
Neću wasteat cijeli život, zato nisam stalno wasted
I won't waste my whole life, that's why I'm not always wasted
I'am check na papiru, čekam ključeve od Tesle
I'm a check on paper, waiting for the keys to a Tesla
Dobro su ti rekli doma, sine, pazi preko ceste
They told you right at home, son, be careful crossing the street
Ak' ti neko ne nacrta, mogo bi pasti u nesvijest
If someone doesn't paint you a picture, you might faint
Znam sve, i to je to
I know everything, and that's it
I to je tak', aj bok, nemoj me gledat s visoka
And that's how it is, bye, don't look down on me
Sam' peglam
I'm ironing alone
Peglam, peglam i moje kartice nemaju limit i peglam male u troje
Ironing, ironing, and my cards have no limit and I'm ironing girls three at a time
Ti bi sve odjednom, this shit takes time
You want everything at once, this shit takes time
Flexaš stvari u najmu, htio bi bit next up
You flex things you rent, you wanna be next up
Htio bi pit, pušit, vuć, htio bi bit uključen u ekipu
You wanna drink, smoke, pull, you wanna be in the crew
I naučio si kak' to tre'a zvučat, to je fejk
And you learned how it's supposed to sound, it's fake
Ajmo neš' opet probat skopirat
Let's try to copy something again
I ja sam već odavno presto na to se obazirat
And I've long since stopped paying attention to that
Samo biram, briljiram, pa se nerviraš, negiraš
I just choose, shine, and you get annoyed, you deny
Ako te pitam si miran i biram riječi pa điram odavde
If I ask you, you're quiet and I choose my words then I bounce from here
Bounce, imam trap house
Bounce, I got a trap house
Chillate na cesti i da ideš sabotirat ovaj game nećeš namjestit'
Chillin' on the street and even if you go sabotage this game you won't fix it
We the best i o tome uopće nemamo kaj pričat
We the best and we don't even have anything to talk about that
Da bi imo nekaj prvo drugog moraš se odricat
To have something, first you have to give up something else
Neću wasteat cijeli život, zato nisam stalno wasted
I won't waste my whole life, that's why I'm not always wasted
I'am check na papiru, čekam ključeve od Tesle
I'm a check on paper, waiting for the keys to a Tesla
Dobro su ti rekli doma, sine, pazi preko ceste
They told you right at home, son, be careful crossing the street
Ak' ti neko ne nacrta, mogo bi pasti u nesvijest
If someone doesn't paint you a picture, you might faint
Znam sve, i to je to
I know everything, and that's it
I to je tak', aj bok, nemoj me gledat s visoka
And that's how it is, bye, don't look down on me
Sam' peglam
I'm ironing alone
Peglam, peglam i moje kartice nemaju limit i peglam male u troje
Ironing, ironing, and my cards have no limit and I'm ironing girls three at a time

Writer(s): Ivica Duspara, Jakov Budic, Dorian Brezak

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