BUNTAI - Godina Zmije Intro - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction BUNTAI - Godina Zmije Intro

Godina Zmije Intro
Year of the Snake Intro
Da je život samo jedna noć
If life were just one night
Ja bih spavo, spavo, spavo
I would sleep, sleep, sleep
Ja bih sanjo, sanjo, sa njom
I would dream, dream, with you
Ja bih da si ti tu sa mnom
I would want you here with me
Ja bih da se opet osjećam kao nekad
I would want to feel again like I used to
Kad sam nekom bio vjetar u leđa
When I was someone's guiding wind
A ne znam ja više, sad ja ne znam
But I don't know anymore, now I don't know
Ne bih plak'o, nikad, ne bih plak'o
I wouldn't cry, never, I wouldn't cry
Ako rekla bi da'š bit tu sa mnom
If you said you'd be here with me
Sad sam ovdje da pomažem drugima
Now I'm here to help others
A zaš' su oni tu, stvarno ne znam ja
And why they are here, I really don't know
Mala zaš' si ti tu, i zašto nisi tu?
Baby, why are you here, and why aren't you here?
Da je život jedna noć možda bih i čuo istinu
If life were one night, maybe I would hear the truth
Mala ima dobar ass, GPS
Baby got a nice ass, GPS
Pravim putem vodi me, voli me
Leads me the right way, loves me
Život vrti se k'o kolo sreće, Oliver Mlakar
Life spins like a wheel of fortune, Oliver Mlakar
Bogat, ja sam voditelj, dođi tu da volim te
Rich, I'm the host, come here so I can love you
Pitaš se kaj mislim, a ja molim te da idemo u vis
You wonder what I think, and I'm begging you, let's go higher
Mala ti si mi delice, hvala kaj postojiš, sve ih voliš
Baby, you're my delight, thank you for existing, you love them all
Volim isto al' se bojiš
I love the same but you're afraid
Nekad teško je prihvatit, nekad teško se odvojit
Sometimes it's hard to accept, sometimes it's hard to detach
Ja sam dečko koji moli se za uspjeh
I'm a boy who prays for success
Da ti budem prvi susret, svaki put da bude usred
To be your first encounter, every time to be in the midst
Mala tu sam, mislim bolje priče pusti
Baby, I'm here, I think it's better to let go of the stories
Bolje pusti, bolje pusti, bolje primi moju ruku
Better let go, better let go, better take my hand
Kad zagusti, čvrsto čvrsto
When things get tough, tight, tight

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