Baby Gang feat. Geolier - Miez A Via (feat. Geolier) - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction en anglais Baby Gang feat. Geolier - Miez A Via (feat. Geolier)

Miez A Via (feat. Geolier)
Middle of the Street (feat. Geolier)
Ok, ah-ah
Ok, ah-ah
(2nd Roof Music) ehi
(2nd Roof Music) hey
Siamo cresciuti 'mmiez'â via, in mezzo a chi c'ha i soldi
We grew up in the middle of the street, among those who have money
Siamo cresciuti 'mmiez'â via, in mezzo a chi c'ha i soldi
We grew up in the middle of the street, among those who have money
Soldi sporchi, bimbi, sbirri o criminali
Dirty money, kids, cops or criminals
Le strade sono solo due, o fai il plug o il cops
There are only two paths, you're either a plug or a cop
La terza umiliati o, fra', milionari
The third is humiliated or, bro, millionaires
Siamo cresciuti 'mmiez'â via, welcome to my block
We grew up in the middle of the street, welcome to my block
Con tutti i padri chiusi nei penitenziari
With all the fathers locked up in penitentiaries
Gli occhi parlano, son tristi, baby girl, my love
Eyes speak, they're sad, baby girl, my love
Gli occhi non mentono, ma tu menti uguale
Eyes don't lie, but you lie just the same
Sono nato per questo, sono nato in mezzo al degrado
I was born for this, I was born in the midst of degradation
Un bimbo depresso, cresciuto un po' presto solo
A depressed child, grown up a little too soon, alone
Sono nato maestro, un ladro onesto, un negro in arresto
I was born a master, an honest thief, a black man under arrest
Il padre al fresco e il figlio lo stesso
Father in jail and the son the same
Sono nato dove mi spari o ti sparo
I was born where I shoot you or you shoot me
Patti chiari, come diceva chiaro il colombiano, bebe
Clear agreements, like the Colombian used to say, babe
Sono nato in mеzzo agli ostacoli, cose che non ti immagini
I was born amidst obstacles, things you can't imagine
Cose chе non ho detto e mai dichiarato
Things I haven't said and never declared
Non ho una guagliuncella che mi aspetta
I don't have a girl waiting for me
Fuori c'è solo la vendetta e la guerra
Outside there's only revenge and war
Hanno messo in cella una stella
They put a star in a cell
Meglio lontano da 'sta gente di merda
Better away from these shitty people
Siamo cresciuti 'mmiez'â via, in mezzo a chi c'ha i soldi
We grew up in the middle of the street, among those who have money
Soldi sporchi, bimbi, sbirri o criminali
Dirty money, kids, cops or criminals
Le strade sono solo due, o fai il plug o il cops
There are only two paths, you're either a plug or a cop
La terza umiliati o, fra', milionari
The third is humiliated or, bro, millionaires
Siamo cresciuti 'mmiez'â via, welcome to my block
We grew up in the middle of the street, welcome to my block
Con tutti i padri chiusi nei penitenziari
With all the fathers locked up in penitentiaries
Gli occhi parlano, son tristi, baby girl, my love
Eyes speak, they're sad, baby girl, my love
Gli occhi non mentono, ma tu menti uguale (yeah)
Eyes don't lie, but you lie just the same (yeah)
Gesù criaje 'a vita (uah), e po criaje Adamo (uah)
Jesus created life (uah), and then he created Adam (uah)
E po criaje a Eva (ua, yeah), e po criaje a Caino (yeah) ch'accedette Abele (yeah)
And then he created Eve (ua, yeah), and then he created Cain (yeah) who killed Abel (yeah)
Na pattuglia fa catture, fa battute (ah) 'mmiez'â via
A patrol makes arrests, makes jokes (ah) in the middle of the street
Sta Giuda, no Gesù, si ggiure, te miette in dubbio (uah)
It's Judas, not Jesus, I swear, you put me in doubt (uah)
'O sanghe nun scorre secco 'o marciapiede ma l'assorbe
The blood doesn't run dry on the sidewalk but it absorbs it
Po rimane nu quadretto e chiagnarrà sulo mammà (eh)
Then a picture remains and only mama will cry (eh)
Pecché 'int'â Bibbia mostre sulo 'o bbuono d"e persone
Because in the Bible they only show the good in people
Pure 'a guerra serve sempe, ê vote pure cchiù d"a pace (eh)
Even war is always useful, sometimes even more than peace (eh)
È tutto organizzato, affitte a casa 'e fronte 'a banca
It's all organized, rent the house in front of the bank
Na semmana v"a studiate, nu blindato, duje blindate, po sta calmo
A week you study it, an armored car, two armored cars, then stay calm
L'alleato 'a primma cosa ha dda magnà, accussì nun fa penziere strane
The ally has to eat first, so he doesn't think strange things
E po è fernuta 'a malavita, comme 'a lira
And then the underworld is over, like the lira
Nun se vede, nun se sente, nun se sceta nu criaturo
It's not seen, it's not heard, a child doesn't wake up
Nun se sosa chi è caduto 'nterra, uommene se fanno 'a guerra
You don't know who fell on the ground, men make war
Frate stanno 'nzieme, fanno 'nzieme 'o primmo reato
Brothers are together, they commit the first crime together
Po s'accideno a vicenda sott'a ll'ordine d"e cape (yeah, yeah)
Then they kill each other under the orders of the bosses (yeah, yeah)
Napule è mamma e papà e i' so' figlio a lloro
Naples is mom and dad and I'm their son
'Mmiez'â via, si guarde, nu testimone
In the middle of the street, look, you're a witness
Stongo sempe 'mmiez'â via, 'mmiez'â via nun dormo
I'm always in the middle of the street, I don't sleep in the middle of the street
Pate, zie e nepute 'int'ê penitenziarie
Fathers, uncles and nephews in penitentiaries
I' me ne vulevo ascì, ma sto chiuso ancora
I wanted to get out of here, but I'm still locked up
L'uocchie mi' so' chiuse, nun menteno maje
My eyes are closed, they never lie
Lloco 'e strade songo ddoje, perduona e fa l'ommo
Instead of streets there are two, forgive and be a man
Rancore te magna e po te rende schiavo
Resentment eats you and then makes you a slave
Siamo cresciuti 'mmiez'â via, in mezzo a chi c'ha i soldi
We grew up in the middle of the street, among those who have money
Soldi sporchi, bimbi, sbirri o criminali
Dirty money, kids, cops or criminals
Le strade sono solo due, o fai il plug o il cops
There are only two paths, you're either a plug or a cop
La terza umiliati o, fra', milionari
The third is humiliated or, bro, millionaires
Siamo cresciuti 'mmiez'â via, welcome to my block
We grew up in the middle of the street, welcome to my block
Con tutti i padri chiusi nei penitenziari
With all the fathers locked up in penitentiaries
Gli occhi parlano, son tristi, baby girl, my love
Eyes speak, they're sad, baby girl, my love
Gli occhi non mentono, ma tu menti uguale
Eyes don't lie, but you lie just the same

Writer(s): 2nd Roof

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