Baby Rasta, Gringo, Arcangel, Nejo El Broky, Jomar El Caballo Negro & Kendo Kaponi - Caminando En Fuego (Official Remix) [feat. Arcangel, Nejo El Broky, Jomar El Caballo Negro & Kendo Kaponi] - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Baby Rasta, Gringo, Arcangel, Nejo El Broky, Jomar El Caballo Negro & Kendo Kaponi - Caminando En Fuego (Official Remix) [feat. Arcangel, Nejo El Broky, Jomar El Caballo Negro & Kendo Kaponi]

Caminando En Fuego (Official Remix) [feat. Arcangel, Nejo El Broky, Jomar El Caballo Negro & Kendo Kaponi]
Walking On Fire (Official Remix) [feat. Arcangel, Nejo El Broky, Jomar El Caballo Negro & Kendo Kaponi]
No se qué
I don't know what
Por esta zona estan buscando (Nosotros se lo advertimos)
In this area they are looking for (We warned them)
No saben bien (No saben bien)
They don't taste good (They don't taste good)
Que saldran los lobos aullando (Dime Eme y se los digo)
That the wolves will come out howling (Tell me Eme and I'll tell them)
Tirense (Haha)
Get down (Haha)
Sentiran como deshacen
You will feel how they undo
Y saben bien
And they taste good
Con las ratas arreglos no se hacen
With rats arrangements are not made
No queremos arreglos con nadie
We don't want arrangements with anyone
Ya sabes las reglas en la calle
You already know the rules on the street
Ten cuidao que no te resbales
Be careful that you don't slip
O sentirás el full de los metales
Or will you feel the full of the metals
Si crees que esto es juego
If you think this is a game
En la cara sentirás el fuego
On the face you will feel the fire
Con esto aquí si que no hay miedo
With this here if there is no fear
O sentiran
Or they will feel
Kendo Kaponi "The Demon":
Kendo Kaponi "The Demon":
sabes que yo soy el favorito
You know that I'm the favorite
El Demonio de la Tinta
The Demon of Ink
La imagen del espejo que no te para de hablar
The mirror image that won't stop talking to you
La que te dice ahora tienes que guerrear
The one that tells you now you have to fight
The Demon of the Territory
The Demon of the Territory
Con un calvo peine clear
With a clear bald comb...
No pienso arreglar a mi me tienen que matar
I'm not going to fix me they have to kill me
Tirando el ñaka tu baja porque cuando abrieron
Throwing the ñaka your low because when they opened
Y me dieron se quedaron en la lata
And they gave me they stayed in the can
Apláudanle al charro que no entiende que con R o FN
Applaud the charro who does not understand that with R or FN
Voy a mandar fuego de carro a carro
I'm gonna send fire from car to car
Se fueron por retrete y no me aseguraron me tiraron al garete
They went down the toilet and they didn't insure me they threw me in the garbage
Adentro del escucho un vino y van como siete
Inside I hear a wine and they go like seven
Y mete el caballo sin jinete le mando un fulete
And he puts the horse in without a rider I send him a fulete
Pa′l baul que les pegue la cara del bonete
Pa'l baul to stick the face of the bonnet on them
Gringo "El Lobo":
Gringo "The Wolf":
Sacale la capa a ver quien anda tirandome
Take off the cape and see who's fucking me
Traigan los peines que los lobos andan cazandote
Bring the combs that the wolves are hunting for you
Andan rocando por el car despues velandote
They're rockin' around the car after watching over you
Y de seguro que tu cara no la van a ver
And surely your face will not be seen
Jomar "El Caballo Negro":
Jomar "The Black Horse":
Los tiempos han cambiado
Times have changed
Han subido to' hasta los octavo
Have gone up...' to the eighth
Y estos cabrones de sus egos se han hecho esclavos
And these bastards of their egos have become slaves
Se creen se creen que tienen al diablo agarrao′ por rabo
They think they think they've got the devil by the tail
Y yo callao' el dinero de calle en musica lo lavo
And I callao' the street money in music I wash it
Roncan de corta y de rifle pero nunca abren el clavo
They snore short and rifle but never open the nail
Dile Mago que tenemos un Eme con more en el clavo
Tell him Wizard we have an Eme with more on the nail
Me bajo y los acabo guardensen en los establos
I get off and finish them guardensen in the stables
Que ya estamos sueltos y seguimos contando chavos
That we're already loose and we're still counting kids
Y dame un breaker pa' tumbarle la movie a estos facker
And give me a breaker to knock down the movie to these facker
La isla de los lobos pa′ The Money Maker
La Isla de los Lobos pa' The Money Maker
Si te bajan el deo te arrancamos hasta los brassier
If you get the deo down we'll rip you up to the brassiers
Leyenda como undertaker siempre cargo la face taker
Legend as an undertaker I always carry the face taker
Y sigo invicto guerrear con nosotros es muy distinto
And I'm still undefeated fighting with us is very different
El sentimiento de matar los cacos por instinto
The feeling of killing the cacos by instinct
Las monjas callejones que parecen laberintos
The nuns alleys that look like labyrinths
Nosotros estamos duros (Jumbo ellos lo han visto!)
We are hard (Jumbo they have seen it!)
Baby Rasta "El Lobo":
Baby Rasta "The Wolf":
No queremos arreglos con nadie
We don't want arrangements with anyone
Ya sabes las reglas en la calle
You already know the rules on the street
Ten cuidao que no te resbales
Be careful that you don't slip
O sentirás el full de los metales
Or will you feel the full of the metals
Gringo "El Lobo":
Gringo "The Wolf":
Sacale la capa a ver quien anda tirandome
Take off the cape and see who's fucking me
Traigan los peines que los lobos andan cazandote
Bring the combs that the wolves are hunting for you
Andan rocando por el car despues velandote
They're rockin' around the car after watching over you
Y de seguro que tu cara no la van a ver
And surely your face will not be seen
Ñejo "El Broky":
Ñejo "The Broky":
Sien-sien-sien siento una boca que me dice no te desenfoques
Temple-temple-temple I feel a mouth that tells me don't blur
O que te dejes pa′ llevar eso las pone al bloque
Or that you let yourself get carried away that puts them on the block
En verdad que si que hay ponerlos los ponemos fucker
Really, if there is to put them we put them fucker
Y de una vez hacer una pared pa' que con ella choquen
And at once make a wall so that they collide with it
Echanme bromas maldiciones to′ lo que tu quieras
Tease me curses to 'whatever you want
Y si quieres te presto el lighter pa' que prendas la caldera
And if you want I can lend you the lighter to turn on the boiler
Que el dia que me quede sin voz voy a meter los fondos
That the day I run out of voice I'll put the funds
De droga por cable pa′ que mi cuerpo tambien muera
Of drugs by cable so that my body can die too
Yo soy la fama pero me di de cuenta que siempre hay un lambe bicho
I am the fame but I realized that there is always a bug lambe
Que de frente te ve y te lo maman
Who sees you from the front and they blow you
Pero cuando das la espalda te quieren matar
But when you turn your back they want to kill you
Lo que pasa es que con lo que anda es con pistola de balas de salva
The thing is that what he's going around with is a blanks pistol
Prueba de esperar y te tardas
Try waiting and you're late
No te vivas la movie que en la dimensiana tu das las nalgas
Don't live the movie that in the dimensional you give the buttocks
Y cojelo con calma que yo creo en el carma
And take it easy that I believe in the carma
Matandolos con mil armas haciendo con papa en el alma
Killing them with a thousand weapons doing with pope in the soul
Gringo "El Lobo":
Gringo "The Wolf":
Sacale la capa a ver quien anda tirandome
Take off the cape and see who's fucking me
Traigan los peines que los lobos andan cazandote
Bring the combs that the wolves are hunting for you
Andan rocando por el car despues velandote
They're rockin' around the car after watching over you
Y de seguro que tu cara no la van a ver
And surely your face will not be seen
Baby Rasta "El Lobo":
Baby Rasta "The Wolf":
No queremos arreglos con nadie (Tu te sabes mi nombre ya)
We don't want arrangements with anyone (You know my name already)
Ya sabes las reglas en la calle (Tu sabes que si)
You already know the rules on the street (You know you do)
Ten cuidao que no te resbales
Be careful that you don't slip
O sentirás el full de los metales
Or will you feel the full of the metals
Arcangel "La Maravilla":
Archangel "The Wonder":
A-A A lo Call Of Duty yo los mato First Person
A-A The Call of Duty I kill them First Person
Papi, I got the flow like Nelson
Daddy, I got the flow like Nelson
Luian dile, que ya yo no ni que decirle
Luian tell him, I don't even know what to tell him anymore
Yo me voy a poner pa' ustedes todos me paguen los billes
I'm going to get you all to pay me the bills
Mientas tanto si picheo no te asombre
In the meantime, if picheo doesn't amaze you
En los libros de esta música se va a escribir mi nombre
In the books of this music my name is going to be written
Arcangel pa′ La Maravilla el Mago
Archangel pa' The Wonder the Magician
Habla claro te gusta como lo hago
Speak up straight you like the way I do
Tengo una bolsa de balas no hagas que la desenvolse
I have a bag of bullets don't make me unwrap it
Impulsadas con velocidad por un mini 14
Driven with speed by a mini 14
Socio en verdad evítate un lio
Partner really avoid a mess
No quieras conocer los fulles del pana mio
Don't you want to meet the fulles of my corduroy
Yo, yo no mato nah'
I, I don't kill nah'
Yo solo soy un bobo que le gusta chavo contar
I'm just a fool who likes to tell
El sonido dinero mientras mas tengo mas quiero
The sound money the more I have the more I want
Eme Music
Eme Music
Baby Rasta "El Lobo":
Baby Rasta "The Wolf":
No se qué
I don't know what
Por esta zona estan buscando (Nosotros se lo advertimos)
In this area they are looking for (We warned them)
No saben bien (No saben bien)
They don't taste good (They don't taste good)
Que saldran los lobos aullando (Dime Eme y se los digo)
That the wolves will come out howling (Tell me Eme and I'll tell them)
Tirense (Haha)
Get down (Haha)
Sentiran como deshacen
You will feel how they undo
Y saben bien
And they taste good
Con las ratas arreglos no se hacen
With rats arrangements are not made
Que paso!?
What happened!?
Eme Music
Eme Music
Esperaste a que llegue la luna llena
You waited for the full moon to come
Para que se quede
For him to stay
La Reunion de Los Lobos
The Gathering of the Wolves
Se acerca
It's coming closer
Los Lobos coming soon
The Wolves are coming soon
Hora de moverse papito
Time to move Daddy
Que por ahi vamos nosotros
That's where we're going
Flow Factory
Flow Factory
Alquaedas Incorporate
Alquaedas Incorporate
Alquaedas Inc
Alquaedas Inc
Kendo Kaponi
Kendo Kaponi
Kendo Kaponi
Kendo Kaponi
Baby Rasta & Gringo
Baby Rasta & Gringo
Baby Rasta & Gringo
Baby Rasta & Gringo
La trayectoria
The trajectory
Arcangel Pa!
Archangel Pa!
Arcangel La Maravilla
Archangel The Wonder
Y el Caballo Negro
And the Black Horse
Oye aqui estan los durakos
Hey, here are the duraks.
Estos todos son el diminutivo lleno
These are all the diminutive full
Luian en la casa
Luian in the house
Jumbo el que produce solo
Jumbo the one who produces alone
Dile Eme y Eme
Tell Eme and Eme
Y el Internacional
And the International
No te copies papi
Don't copy yourself Daddy

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