Badcurt - А на море - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Badcurt - А на море

А на море
At the Seaside
За моим окном льёт осенний дождь
Outside my window, the autumn rain is pouring
Ты уже ушла, больше не придёшь
You're gone now, you won't come anymore
За моим окном льёт осенний дождь
Outside my window, the autumn rain is pouring
На улице холодно, а сердце как лёд
It's cold outside, but my heart is cold as ice
А на море светит солнце, плывут корабли
But at the seaside, the sun is shining, and ships are sailing
Ты была простой девчонкой, я был мутный тип
You were just a simple girl, and I was a shady character
А на море мы танцуем, плывут корабли
But at the seaside, we would dance, and ships would sail
И я тебя целую под песни о любви
And I would kiss you as love songs played
А на море светит солнце, плывут корабли
But at the seaside, the sun is shining, and ships are sailing
Ты была простой девчонкой, я был мутный тип
You were just a simple girl, and I was a shady character
А на море мы танцуем, плывут корабли
But at the seaside, we would dance, and ships would sail
И я тебя целую под песни о любви
And I would kiss you as love songs played
101 роза была мне не по карману
101 roses were out of my reach
Я купил тебе вина и чуть-чуть марихуаны
I bought you wine and a little marijuana
Мы виделись часто, и твоя маманя знала
We saw each other often, and your mother knew
А потом твой строгий батя пригрозил своим травматом
Then your strict father threatened me with his gun
Мы были детьми, но ты знала повзрослеем
We were just kids, but you knew we'd grow up
А я просто тупо верил, что любовь с нами навечно
And I just naively believed that our love would last forever
Курортные романы, нам 15, во всё верим
Holiday romances, we were 15, we believed in everything
Теперь ты стала шлюхой, а я второсортный рэпер
Now you've become a whore, and I'm a second-rate rapper
За твоим окном пальмы и моря
Outside your window, palm trees and seas
Я такой один, таких как ты дохуя
I'm one of a kind, there are plenty of girls like you
Я как будто без зрачков, читаю о нас
I'm like a man without pupils, reading about us
На улице жарко. Снимай, что ты взяла
It's hot outside. Take off what you've got on
А на море светит солнце, плывут корабли
But at the seaside, the sun is shining, and ships are sailing
Ты была простой девчонкой, я был мутный тип
You were just a simple girl, and I was a shady character
А на море мы танцуем, плывут корабли
But at the seaside, we would dance, and ships would sail
И я тебя целую под песни о любви
And I would kiss you as love songs played
А на море светит солнце, плывут корабли
But at the seaside, the sun is shining, and ships are sailing
Ты была простой девчонкой, я был мутный тип
You were just a simple girl, and I was a shady character
А на море мы танцуем, плывут корабли
But at the seaside, we would dance, and ships would sail
И я тебя целую под песни о любви
And I would kiss you as love songs played
101 роза стала мне по карману
101 roses are now within my means
Теперь в 100 раз богаче, чем твой папа или мама
Now I'm a hundred times richer than your father or mother
К хуям мне не припёрлись твои лечебные травы
To hell with your medicinal herbs
Я зависим от того, о чём ты даже не знала
I'm addicted to something you never knew about
Твой папа так же думает, что мне страшны травматы
Your father still thinks that I'm afraid of guns
Но вот только я считаю передоз больше опасен
But the fact is, I think an overdose is worse
Теперь уже за 20 и мы ни во что не верим
Now we're in our twenties, and we don't believe in anything
Теперь ты стала шлюхой, а в второсортный рэпер
Now you've become a whore, and I'm a second-rate rapper
А на море светит солнце, плывут корабли
But at the seaside, the sun is shining, and ships are sailing
Ты была простой девчонкой, я был мутный тип
You were just a simple girl, and I was a shady character
А на море мы танцуем, плывут корабли
But at the seaside, we would dance, and ships would sail
И я тебя целую под песни о любви
And I would kiss you as love songs played
А на море светит солнце, плывут корабли
But at the seaside, the sun is shining, and ships are sailing
Ты была простой девчонкой, я был мутный тип
You were just a simple girl, and I was a shady character
А на море мы танцуем, плывут корабли
But at the seaside, we would dance, and ships would sail
И я тебя целую под песни о любви
And I would kiss you as love songs played

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