Baio - The Names - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Baio - The Names

The Names
The Names
Hey Kupla-san, what do you usually eat?
Ah, um...
A herbivore!
It seems no one has noticed yet (pushes up glasses)
That our true identity is that of genius physicists (pushes up glasses)
The Pythagorean theorem!!
The Pythagorean theorem here...!?
Geniuses, you see (laughs)
To To To
隣のクラス 最近ちょっと気になってるクプラ
Kupla from the next class, I've been kinda interested in her lately
プリティトキメキラメキすまいる 「うるさい!」 「はいっ!」
Pretty, sparkling smile, "So noisy!" "Yes!"
いやいやいやいや 別に好きとかそんなんじゃないよ!
No no no no, it's not like I like her or anything!
ただ ちょっと ちょっと ちょっと 何色の下着履いてんのかなって...
Just, just, just, what color underwear is she wearing...?
とかいってもうほら 私はだから10歳なんだって!
Even though I said that, come on, I'm only 10 years old!
君に因数分解 (されたい!) 妄想で公式展開 (解!解!)
I want to be factored by you (I want to be!), Expanding the formula in my fantasies (Solve! Solve!)
こうなったら 次元の果てまで超えてけ れりごー
If it comes to this, let's go beyond the ends of dimensions, let's go!
君ん中 直接残さずイってき maaaaaaath!
Inside you, I'll come directly without leaving a trace, maaaaaaath!
「ハァ... かわいい... あるふぁきゅんかわいい... かわいいよぉ...!」
"(Sigh)... Cute... Alpha-kyun is cute... So cute...!"
「クプラさんも... 美しいです... っ!」
“Kupla-san too... is beautiful...!”
“That's obvious, right? (laughs)"
Pi pi pi
Pi pi pi
ピースで飛ばします Re: Say →一心自制心
I'll send it with peace, Re: Say One heart, self-control
ノってくてっテクの波 したいたい盛り
Ride the wave of technology, I want to do it so much
なんか なんか なんか なんか ドキっとしちゃう
Somehow, somehow, somehow, somehow, it makes my heart race
君の 君の 君の 君の ふぁっきん!
Your, your, your, your, fuckin’!
見せて 見せて もっと 見せて 見せて ちゃんと
Show me, show me, more, show me, show me properly
見せて 魅せてみて A B C D イイやづ
Show me, show me your charm, A B C D, good girl
だってガマン ちょっとガマン やっぱガマンできない
Because I can't hold it in, I can't hold it in a little, I still can't hold it in
したいしたい思春期です おとこのこだもん...
I want to do it, I want to do it, it's puberty, I'm a boy...
I don't have eye drops, so I'll use soy sauce!
(What the hell is this!?)
Sa Sa Sa
三学年の美人で大人で博識 やさしいあるふぁ
The beautiful, mature, knowledgeable, and kind Alpha of the third year
「クキワカメェ... クキワカメガタリナイ... クキワカメェ...」
“Kukukukukukukukukukuku... I need more wakame... wakame... wakame...”
弁当 財布 鞄の中 至るところにワカメがびっしり
Lunch box, wallet, inside the bag, wakame is crammed everywhere
見ちゃったが最後 「あげねぇからな!」 みんなのアイドル茎わか姉
Once you see it, it's the end, "I won't give you any!" Everyone's idol, Stem Wakame-nee
今夜のおかずはサンマ? (ノンノン) 豚肉の生姜焼き? (ノンノン)
Tonight's dinner is saury? (No no) Ginger pork? (No no)
Q.くぷたんに描く一直線 A.顔にドーン!(うぁ)と腹にオラぁ!(おえぇ...!)
Q. Draw a straight line to Kuptan A. Boom on the face! (Whoa) and Oraa on the stomach! (Ugh...!)
πr2(パイアールジジョウ)して出した 公式と青春と煩悩
πr2 (Pai R squared) and the resulting formula, youth, and worldly desires
とめらんない本能 俺の XXX shit! shit! Say Good Bye
Unstoppable instincts, my XXX shit! shit! Say Good Bye
“Alpha-kyun~, say pizza 10 times~?”
“Huh? You say it.”
「え... な、なんで怒ってんだよ... ピザピザピザピザピザピザピザ...」
“Eh... wh, why are you angry...? Pizza pizza pizza pizza pizza pizza pizza pizza...”
“What's your name?”
“Ugly Thorn Bastard suuu!!”
Shi shi shi
Shi shi shi
清水飛ばします 量産型清水
I'll send Shimizu flying, mass-produced Shimizu
The only man who can compete with Tanaka
無駄 無駄 無駄 無駄ァ! 田中を舐めるな!
Useless, useless, useless, useless! Don't underestimate Tanaka!
清水! 田中ァ! 倒せ! 倒せ!
Shimizu! Tanaka! Defeat him! Defeat him!
超えて 超えて もっと 超えて 超えて ちゃんと
Go beyond, go beyond, even more, go beyond, properly
超えて 声あげて A B C D イイやづ
Go beyond, raise your voice, A B C D, good girl
だって聞いて ちょっと聞いて やっぱ危険 BPM
Because listen, listen a little, it's still a dangerous BPM
したいしたい年頃です おとこのこの...
I want to do it, I want to do it, it's that age, I'm a boy...
ちょっとだけ ねぇ ちょっとだけ見せて ちょっとだけ ほら
Just a little, hey, just a little show, just a little, come on
「えっ、ちょっとだけでいいの?いやいやいやそんな事言わずにさぁ... ほら、こことかこことかこことかさぁ!ねえねえ」
“Eh, just a little is okay? No no no, don't say that... Look, here and here and here! Hey hey”
“Then get naked.”
逆立ち!(えっ) バク転!バク転!(えっえっ) 逆立ち!(えっ) 土下座! (えっ)
Handstand! (Huh) Backflip! Backflip! (Huh huh) Handstand! (Huh) Prostrate yourself! (Huh)
“Teacher...! I can't do it no matter what...! It's my limit...!”
“No! Look! At that sky!”
「あぁ...、青くて... 壮大で...!」
“Ah..., blue and... vast...!”
Tetetetetetetetetetete (Hm?)
Tetetetetetetetetetete (Hmm? Sweat)
Tetetete (Eh eh)
Tetetete! (Eh eh, tetetetetetetetete...) “Huh? (laughs)”
“Ahn?! (angry)”
Pi pi pi
Pi pi pi
ピースで飛ばします Re: Say →一心自制心
I'll send it with peace, Re: Say One heart, self-control
ノってくてっテクの波 したいたい盛り
Ride the wave of technology, I want to do it so much
なんか なんか なんか なんか ドキっとしちゃう
Somehow, somehow, somehow, somehow, it makes my heart race
君の 君の 君の 君の ふぁっきん!
Your, your, your, your, fuckin’!
見せて 見せて もっと 見せて 見せて ちゃんと
Show me, show me, more, show me, show me properly
見せて 魅せてみて ABCD イイやづ
Show me, show me your charm, A B C D, good girl
だってガマン ちょっとガマン やっぱガマンできない
Because I can't hold it in, I can't hold it in a little, I still can't hold it in
したいしたい思春期です おとこのこだもん!
I want to do it, I want to do it, it's puberty, I'm a boy!
D O U T E I クプラ!
D O U T E I Kupla!
I'm not beautiful...
どうしたの... くぷらたんらしくないよ... っ!
What's wrong... That's not like you, Kupla-tan...!
美しくないんだァ... っ!泣
I'm not beautiful... sob
Calm down...! Have confidence...!
Then why don't I have a girlfriend...!
それは... っ美しすぎて誰も近寄れないんだよ... っ!
That's... because you're too beautiful, no one can approach you...!
Then does Alpha-kyun think I'm beautiful...?
Ah, um...
She doesn't think so?!


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