Bajaga i Instruktori - Grad - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Bajaga i Instruktori - Grad

Ovo je strašno velik grad i zato nema razloga da budeš sam u njemu
This is a terribly large city, and so there's no reason for you to be alone in it.
Ovo je strašno velik grad i zato nema razloga da budeš sam u svemu
This is a terribly large city, and so there's no reason for you to be alone in all of this.
Te noći stigao sam kasno, napolju padala je kiša
That night I arrived late, outside it was raining.
Kao igla sam se provukô kroz mrak
Like a needle I slipped through the darkness.
I čim sam otključao vrata, na nebu sevnula je munja
And as soon as I unlocked the door, lightning flashed in the sky.
Pomislih: "Bože, da li je to dobar znak?"
I thought: "God, is this a good sign?"
Dole su svetleli neoni kao šareni baloni
Down below, the neons were shining like colorful balloons.
Mokre ulice su pevale
The wet streets were singing.
A ja sam sâm u ovom gradu i polako gubim nadu
And I'm alone in this city, and slowly losing hope
Da će stvari da se promene
That things will change.
Ovo je grad u kome nema razloga da noćas budeš sam u njemu
This is a city where there's no reason for you to be alone in it tonight.
Ovo je grad u kome nema razloga da noćas budeš sam u svemu
This is a city where there's no reason for you to be alone in all of this tonight.
Ovo je strašno velik grad i zato nema razloga da budeš sam u njemu
This is a terribly large city, and so there's no reason for you to be alone in it.
Ovo je strašno velik grad i zato nema razloga da budeš sam u svemu
This is a terribly large city, and so there's no reason for you to be alone in all of this.
Ovo je strašno velik grad i zato nema razloga da budeš sam u njemu
This is a terribly large city, and so there's no reason for you to be alone in it.
Ovo je strašno velik grad i zato nema razloga da budeš sam u svemu
This is a terribly large city, and so there's no reason for you to be alone in all of this.
Tad je zazvonio telefon, a ja ne volim telefon
Then the telephone rang, and I don't like the telephone.
Jer više ne verujem nikome
Because I don't trust anyone anymore.
Ma nek se prekine tišina, makar zvonila mašina
Let the silence be broken, even if it's a machine ringing.
Namestih glas i rekoh: "Slušam te"
I adjusted my voice and said: "I'm listening."
A sa druge strane žice i, brate, da mi vidiš lice
And on the other side of the line, darling, if you could see my face.
To nije priča, to je muzika
It's not a story, it's music.
Uopšte ne znam šta mi priča, al' znam da ne čuh takvog glasa
I don't know what she's telling me at all, but I know I've never heard a voice like that.
To nije glas, već pesma anđela
It's not a voice, but an angel's song.
Ovo je grad u kome nema razloga da noćas budeš sam u njemu
This is a city where there's no reason for you to be alone in it tonight.
Ovo je grad u kome nema razloga da noćas budeš sam u svemu
This is a city where there's no reason for you to be alone in all of this tonight.
Ovo je strašno velik grad i zato nema razloga da budeš sam u njemu
This is a terribly large city, and so there's no reason for you to be alone in it.
Ovo je strašno velik grad i zato nema razloga da budeš sam u svemu
This is a terribly large city, and so there's no reason for you to be alone in all of this.
Pomislih, to me neko laže, mangupi snimili su traku
I thought, someone's lying to me, some guys recorded a tape.
I sad se smeju tom u mraku
And now they're laughing about it in the dark.
Pitam je: "Da li lažeš?", kaže: "Lažem", ja ne znam šta ću da joj kažem
I ask her: "Are you lying?", she says: "I am", I don't know what to say to her.
Možda ipak i ne folira
Maybe she's not faking after all.
Te noći stigao sam kasno, napolju padala je kiša
That night I arrived late, outside it was raining.
Kao igla sam se provukô kroz mrak
Like a needle I slipped through the darkness.
I čim sam otključao vrata, na nebu sevnula je munja
And as soon as I unlocked the door, lightning flashed in the sky.
Pomislih: "Bože, da li je to dobar znak?"
I thought: "God, is this a good sign?"
Dole su svetleli neoni kao šareni baloni
Down below, the neons were shining like colorful balloons.
Mokre ulice su pevale
The wet streets were singing.
A ja sam sâm u ovom gradu i polako gubim nadu
And I'm alone in this city, and slowly losing hope
Da će stvari da se promene
That things will change.
Ovo je grad u kome nema razloga da noćas budeš sam u njemu
This is a city where there's no reason for you to be alone in it tonight.
Ovo je grad u kome nema razloga da noćas budeš sam u svemu
This is a city where there's no reason for you to be alone in all of this tonight.
Ovo je strašno velik grad i zato nema razloga da budeš sam u njemu
This is a terribly large city, and so there's no reason for you to be alone in it.
Ovo je strašno velik grad i zato nema razloga da budeš sam u svemu
This is a terribly large city, and so there's no reason for you to be alone in all of this.
Ovo je grad u kome nema razloga da noćas budeš sam u njemu
This is a city where there's no reason for you to be alone in it tonight.
Ovo je grad
This is a city.

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