Bajaga i Instruktori - Ruski voz - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Bajaga i Instruktori - Ruski voz

Ruski voz
Russian Train
Voz, pospani voz za Harkov, Gomelj, Lenjingrad
Train, a sleepy train for Kharkov, Gomel, Leningrad
Znam kako je noćas dalek Beograd
I know tonight Belgrade is very far away
Neće moči nikada olovka i hartija
A pen and paper will never soak through
Ni svi ruski poštari ne mogu ti odneti
And all the Russian postmen cannot deliver to you
Pismo koje pišem ja, marka s likom Lenjina
The letter that I'm writing, with a stamp with Lenin's face
I u pismu jedina tuga što me razara
And in the letter, the only sorrow that tears me apart
Nije votka rakija
It's not vodka, it's not brandy
Mada noćas udara
Though it's flowing tonight
Tuga mi je velika
My sorrow is great
Velika k'o Rusija
As vast as Russia
Ja ne mogu poslati
I cannot send
Ljubav jer se ne šalje
Love because it cannot be sent
Nit' sam mogo' poneti
Nor could I take with me
Sobom tvoje poljupce
Your kisses
Voz, u vozu izgužvana lica putnika
Train, in the train the crumpled faces of passengers
Ti si tamo negdje iza onih planina
You are somewhere there, behind those mountains
Dal' si možda zaspala il' si budna kao ja
Have you perhaps fallen asleep, or are you awake like me
Dal' te muče nemiri il' te nista ne muči
Are you tormented by worries, or does nothing torment you
Kada budeš čitala pismo koje pišem ja
When you read the letter that I'm writing
Tajna biče skrivena iza ovih redova
A secret will be hidden behind these lines
Nije votka rakija
It's not vodka, it's not brandy
Mada noćas udara
Though it's flowing tonight
Tuga mi je velika
My sorrow is great
Velika k'o Rusija
As vast as Russia
Ja ne mogu poslati
I cannot send
Ljubav jer se ne šalje
Love because it cannot be sent
Nit' sam mogo' poneti
Nor could I take with me
Sobom tvoje poljupce
Your kisses


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