Bajaga i Instruktori - Tisina - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Bajaga i Instruktori - Tisina

Mrak se skupio u kap
The fog has gathered into drops
Rano jutro kao slap
The morning breaks like a waterfall
Ulazi u sobu
And enters the room
Dal' si ikad pitala
Have you ever wondered
Tamne senke zidova
Where the dark shadows of the walls
Ujutro gde odu?
Go in the morning?
Oči su ti sklopljene
Your eyes are closed
Usne su ti umorne
Your lips are tired
Ne ljubi me njima
Don't kiss me with them
Nisu čvorci pevali
The starlings did not sing
Dok je iznad krovova
While above the roofs
Svirala tišina
Silence played
Hajde Bože, budi drug
Come on God, be a friend
Pa okreni jedan krug
And turn the planet
Unazad planetu
Noć je kratko trajala
The night was short
A nama je trebala
But we needed it
Najduža na svetu
To be the longest in the world
U mom oku samo hlad
In my eye only cold
U mom srcu samo stud
In my heart only sorrow
Inje i prašina
Frost and dust
Nisu čvorci pevali
The starlings did not sing
Dok je iznad krovova
While above the roofs
Svirala tišina
Silence played
U cik zore zviždi voz
At the crack of dawn a train whistles
Njime odlazim u Oz
I'm going to Oz on it
Neću da se vratim
I don't want to come back
Što god tebi napišem
Whatever I write to you
Pocepam i obrišem
I tear up and erase
Al ti moraš znati
But you must know
Nisi se probudila
You did not wake up
Zato nisi videla
That's why you did not see
Igrale su sene
The shadows danced
Nek te dobri duhovi
May good spirits
I kraljevski orlovi
And royal eagles
Čuvaju od mene
Protect you from me
Hajde Bože, budi drug
Come on God, be a friend
Pa okreni jedan krug
And turn the planet
Unazad planetu
Noć je kratko trajala
The night was short
A nama je trebala
But we needed it
Najduža na svetu
To be the longest in the world
U mom oku samo hlad
In my eye only cold
U mom srcu samo stud
In my heart only sorrow
Inje i prašina
Frost and dust
Nisu čvorci pevali
The starlings did not sing
Dok je iznad krovova
While above the roofs
Svirala tišina
Silence played

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