Balti feat. Farzit - Chouerreb - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Balti feat. Farzit - Chouerreb

Chouerreb (Disorder)
تشوف و تسمع حكايات تقول يا ربي يا لطيف
You see and hear stories that make you say, "Oh Lord, have mercy."
تشوف اهوال تشوف أحوال حزينة كيما لخريف
You see horrors, you see conditions as sad as autumn.
هاك تشوف علامات الساعة ليوم نشوفو فيها
Here you see the signs of the hour that we witness today.
مادام الام ليوم جابت اللي باش تحكم فيها
Since the mother today gave birth to the one who will rule over her.
تخرج للشارع تضيع كيف تشوف أحوال الناس
You go out to the street, you get lost when you see the state of people.
اللي حبلت في الحرام واللي مقطع مالاحباس
Those who got pregnant illegitimately and those who escaped from prison.
تشوف الزطال تشوف اللي ياكل في الارطال
You see the drug addicts, you see those who eat in pounds.
تشوف اللي طال بيه الوقت بديبلومو بطال
You see those who have been waiting for a long time with their diploma, unemployed.
تشوف احوال تشوف اللي مطيح السروال
You see situations, you see those who drop their pants.
تشوف رجال ولاو نسا و نسا ولاو رجال
You see men who have become women and women who have become men.
تشوف الصيد خانس و تشوف اللبة تصول و تجول
You see the honest man struggling and you see the scoundrel thriving.
تشوف اللي تربى كي الكنيش يحب يولي بيت-بوول
You see the one raised like a dog who wants to become a pit bull.
تشوف المأساة خويا طايح عالشيكات
You see the tragedy, brother, falling on checks.
مقطع مالبلاد يتم وراه زوز ولاد
Cut off from the country, leaving two children behind.
تشوف الفساد هداهم ربي للصلاة
You see the corrupt, may God guide them to prayer.
أما تحير كي تشوف اللي كان يصلي ولا مالفساد
But you are bewildered when you see those who used to pray become corrupt.
تشوف بنات تبيع في شرفها بارخص لسوام
You see girls selling their honor at the cheapest prices.
في نهر يطيح في الما اللي تربات عليه عوام
Falling into the river, the one who learned to swim in it.
تشوف اللي حب بنية يستخايلها مرا
You see the one who loved a girl, imagining her as his wife.
ربي يلطف بينا اش قاعدة تعمل من وراه
May God have mercy on us, what is she doing behind his back?
تشوف اللي حصل خذى مرا عمر دار
You see the one who got married and took a second wife.
ياخي جابت عليه الما مرتو جابتلو العار
Man, his wife brought him shame, she brought him dishonor.
تشوف لالكوليك قدام دبوزة لالكوول ذليل
You see the alcoholic in front of the bar, humiliated.
يحكي في حكاية طويلة يحكي مع نجوم الليل
Telling a long story, talking to the stars of the night.
تشوف بنات لابسين خمار و لابسين بوديات و دجين
You see girls wearing a veil and wearing bodysuits and jeans.
زعمة شنيا لووك جديد بين لموضة و الدين
I wonder what's the new look, between fashion and religion.
تشوف الام عندها بنات تلز فيهم للفساد
You see the mother who has daughters, pushing them towards depravity.
المفيد تجيب لفرنك مش مشكل اذا زنات
The important thing is to bring in money, it doesn't matter if they fornicate.
يزي ماريت اش مزالت العين تشوف
Oh Mary, what else will the eye see?
الدنيا فيها حكايات مليانة احزان و خوف
The world is full of stories filled with sorrow and fear.
نحكي على أهلي و ناسي
I talk about my family and my people.
و اللي في همومها تقاسي
And those who suffer in their worries.
طال عذابهم طال هذا حالهم بالمكشوف
Their suffering has gone on for too long, this is their situation, laid bare.
هاك ترا هاك تشوف بوليس يجري ورا سراق
Here you go, here you see a policeman running after thieves.
هاك تشوف طالب ماد يدو يلوج ع الأرزاق
Here you see a student with an outstretched hand looking for sustenance.
تشوف اللي ضارب يديه لحمو مغطي بالوشم
You see the one who hit his hands, his body covered in tattoos.
روحو بيه اكبيلساي في الطليان كان يشم
His soul is with the devil, in Italy he was sniffing.
تشوف الدم رخص تشوف الموس كي تغرس
You see the blood cheap, you see the knife being plunged.
تشوف المدغور يبس تشوف اللي دغرو تحبس
You see the unfortunate dry up, you see the one they lied about get arrested.
تشوف البراكاجات معاش يصيرو كان في الليل
You see the robberies no longer happen only at night.
ف أي وقت تتبراكا ف أي وقت الدم يسيل
At any time you get robbed, at any time the blood flows.
تشوف بيبان المحاكم محلولة كي فم الجيعان
You see the doors of the courts open like the mouth of the hungry.
تشوف اللي خارج منها حزين أكثر مالفرحان
You see those who come out of it more sad than happy.
تشوف قدام الحبوسات نسا هازين قفف
You see women with baskets in front of the prisons.
تشوف الأم كي تاقف تحت الحيط شادة الصف
You see the mother standing under the wall, holding the line.
تشوف مرا نكرت في راجلها وقت اللي تحكم
You see a woman who denied her husband when she ruled.
من غير ما في بالو طلق خلا ولادو في اليتم
Without him knowing, she divorced him, leaving his children orphaned.
تشوف البو مطيش في الحبس ميعرفش ولادو فين
You see the father thrown in jail, not knowing where his children are.
الام كاذبة عليهم بوهم مات البرة عندو سنين
The mother lies to them, their father died abroad years ago.
تشوف اللي خارج مالربطية ماهو فاهم شي
You see the one who came out of prison, not understanding anything.
الحي و اللي مات وجوه جديدة في الحي
The living and the dead, new faces in the neighborhood.
تشوف اللي كمل حبسو اليوم تاب و حب يريض
You see the one who finished his sentence today, repented and wanted to heal.
اما نظرة الناس ليه ردتو انسان مريض
But people's view of him turned him back into a sick person.
تشوف اللي حرق أمو تستنى فيه قدام الدار
You see the one who burned his mother waiting for him in front of the house.
توا سبعة سنين لا تليفون لا جواب و لا خبار
Now seven years, no phone call, no answer, no news.
تشوف اللي خرج البرة جا مالغربة كيف ما مشى
You see the one who went abroad and came back the same way he left.
البرة شرب الوسكي ليوم شرب الكوول في دبوسة ما
Abroad he drank whiskey, today he drinks alcohol in a local bar.
يزي ماريت اش مزالت العين تشوف
Oh Mary, what else will the eye see?
الدنيا فيها حكايات مليانة احزان و خوف
The world is full of stories filled with sorrow and fear.
نحكي على أهلي و ناسي
I talk about my family and my people.
و اللي في همومها تقاسي
And those who suffer in their worries.
طال عذابهم طال هذا حالهم بالمكشوف
Their suffering has gone on for too long, this is their situation, laid bare.
تشوف حجاج خذاو الدين عود ورك لحية و قميص
You see pilgrims who have taken religion as a beard and a shirt.
مالبرة تشوفو ملايكة أما قلبو ملك ابليس
From afar you see them as angels, but their hearts belong to the devil.
تشوف الدين ولا فييس و الفييس ولا دين
You see religion become a facade and the facade become religion.
الاخرة دخلت في الشك و الدنيا دخلت في اليقين
The hereafter has entered into doubt and the world has entered into certainty.
تشوف كوبلوات نسا و تشوف كوبلوات رجال
You see couples of women and you see couples of men.
تزعز عرش الرحمن يا لطيف ملا حوال
The throne of the Merciful is shaken, oh Lord, what a state of affairs.
كيف ما تشوف اللواط تشوف البيدوفيل
Just as you see homosexuality, you see the pedophile.
تشوف بنت ال14 سنا سهارة بالليل
You see the 14-year-old girl staying up late at night.
تشوف مهبول يحكي في حكاية لعندها أول لا اخر
You see a madman telling a story with no beginning or end.
مرتو فصعت بيه هربت مع راجل اخر
His wife got fed up with him and ran away with another man.
تشوف الشرف رخص الشرف ولا بيعة و شرية
You see honor cheap, honor has become a sale and purchase.
تشوف الشرف رخص برشا بنات ولاو بالكرية
You see honor cheap, many girls have become prostitutes.
تشوف و تسمع حكايات تقول يا ربي يا لطيف
You see and hear stories that make you say, "Oh Lord, have mercy."
تشوف اهوال تشوف احوال حزينة كيما الخربف
You see horrors, you see conditions as sad as autumn.
هاك تشوف علامات الساعة ليوم نشوفو فيها
Here you see the signs of the hour that we witness today.
الشمس قريب تشرق مالبلاصة اللي تغرب فيها
The sun will soon rise from the place where it sets.
يزي ماريت اش مزالت العين تشوف
Oh Mary, what else will the eye see?
الدنيا فيها حكايات مليانة احزان و خوف
The world is full of stories filled with sorrow and fear.
نحكي على أهلي و ناسي
I talk about my family and my people.
و اللي في همومها تقاسي
And those who suffer in their worries.
طال عذابهم طال هذا حالهم بالمكشوف
Their suffering has gone on for too long, this is their situation, laid bare.

Balti feat. Farzit - Chouerreb
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