Baltii - Law Le3ebti Ya Zahr - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction en anglais Baltii - Law Le3ebti Ya Zahr

Law Le3ebti Ya Zahr
Law Le3ebti Ya Zahr
اه لو لعبت يا زهر وتبدلت الاحوال
Oh if you played, oh fate, and the conditions changed
وركبت اول موجة في سكة الاموال
And I rode the first wave on the road to money
لا اروح لاول واحد احتاجتله في سؤال
I wouldn't go to the first person I needed to ask a question
كسر بخاطري ساعتها
It would break my heart then
وذوقني ضيقة الحال
And make me taste the harshness of my situation
الدنيا تدور وان شاء الله تتبدل الاحوال
The world turns, and God willing, the conditions will change
والايام تدور و ياما تذلت رجال
And the days turn, and how many men have been humiliated
وينعموا لفلوس لخلات رجال يتذل
And money makes men live in luxury, while others are humiliated
نبات جيعان في كرشي وما نكلش مالزبل
I grow hungry in my stomach and I don't eat garbage
راجل وانا حي و راجل لين نموت
I am a man while I am alive, and a man until I die
كيف مقال فوزي بن قمرة هالدنيا بخوت
As Fawzi bin Qumra said, this world is treacherous
وحدي وشاد روت وطامع كان في الله
Alone and carrying my soul, and hoping only in God
كيف ماقلنا ونزيدو نقولو حالا مالا
How can we say it and keep saying it now that it's too late
وماديك مهانة وحقرة واهانة
And that it's humiliation, degradation, and insult
سيد ماديك تمل واللمبة متيك ذبانة
Sir, when you are full, the lamp is not lit
وراسي منزل كان لربي مولانا
And my home was given to me by my Lord, our Master
يادنيا وعلاش الذل اخرت لبنادم جبانة
Oh world, why do you leave humiliation for the last cowardly man
قالوا شنيا عشانا قللهم اللي حضر
They said, "What about us?" I told them that those who were present
تربينا في خير ومنباتو للشر
Were raised in goodness, and those who are evil are cursed
وكان حلت معايا نفرح امي في القبر
And if it happened to me, my mother in the grave would be happy
ونعرف اللي ماتفرحش بالخبر
And we would know who doesn't rejoice in the news
اه لو لعبت يا زهر وتبدلت الاحوال
Oh if you played, oh fate, and the conditions changed
وركبت اول موجة في سكة الاموال
And I rode the first wave on the road to money
لا اروح لاول واحد احتاجتله في سؤال
I wouldn't go to the first person I needed to ask a question
كسر بخاطري ساعتها وذوقني ضيقة الحال
It would break my heart then and make me taste the harshness of my situation
اعمل معاه الصح انا واسنده لو مال
I would do good for him and support him if he had no money
واقف جنبه في المحن واكون طويل البال
I would stand by him in his trials and be patient
كي كسبوا الفلوس يسخيلونا رخاص
When they make money, they treat us like we're worthless
و ماكذبش اللي قال الكارطة تعطي للغفاص
And it's true what they say, that luck is for the lucky
دنيا تلعب عالبلاس مرا عندو و مرا عندي
The world plays with fools, sometimes it's with him, sometimes it's with me
راجل وما نولي لحاص وعايش في الدنيا جندي
I am a man and I will not give up, I live in the world as a soldier
واللي يدين رزينة على دق الباب
And the one who has a good reputation will be asked for help
يا دنيا يزينا ماعرضونا كلاب
Oh world, may you not make us like dogs
واللي هازو على ظهري يعلم بيه كان العالي
And the one who carries me on his back, only the Most High knows about him
ونحب نغني لزهري طال غيابك يا غزلي
And we like to sing for Zahri, your absence has been long, oh my love
ومانوليش واطي اذا عطاني العاطي
And I will not bow down if the giver gives me
انا كلب مراتي مراتي مراتي
I am a dog for my wife, my wife, my wife
غزرولي لصباطي وانا غزرتلهم الفوق
They cursed me with shoes, and I cursed them with the heavens
والشمبو فيكي تبق بق وضاقت الخلوق
And if you use shampoo, you will become a fly and your temper will run out
وفي فقري مخنوق وبرسف الزكيرتي
And in my poverty I am suffocating and my shirt is torn
ولقيت خنثى في عشيري ولكيت الرجلة في عشيرتي
And I found a hermaphrodite in my family, and I found the manliness in my family
ورجال تجيب فلوس والفلوس ماتجيب رجال
And men bring money, and money does not bring men
اه لو عبت يازهر وتبدلت احوال
Oh if you played, oh fate, and the conditions changed
بس خلاص انا نفسي اتسدت
But enough, my soul is closed
يوم ما عرفت تفرق بين الصاحب والغريب
The day I learned to tell the difference between a friend and a stranger
بعد ما ايدي للواطي اتمدت
After my hand reached out to the low
وما عرفت تفرق بين عدوك والحبيب
And I learned to tell the difference between your enemy and your lover
كنت اعمل خدي مداس بحب الخير لكل الناس
I used to make my cheek a doormat, loving all people
بقيت ع التراب بنداس ناس تخوني وناس تبيعني
I remained trampled in the dust, people betray me and people sell me
لو لعبت يازهر واتبدلت الاحوال
If you played, oh fate, and the conditions changed
وركبت اول موجة في سكة الاموال
And I rode the first wave on the road to money
لاروح لاول واحد احتاجتله في سؤال
I wouldn't go to the first person I needed to ask a question
كسر بخاطري ساعتها وذوقني ضيقة الحال
It would break my heart then and make me taste the harshness of my situation

Baltii - Law Le3ebti Ya Zahr
Law Le3ebti Ya Zahr
date de sortie

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