Son solo celos los que tu sientes, te van envolviendo, piensas diferente.
It's just jealousy that you feel, which is surrounding you, you're thinking differently.
5 sentidos se desvanecen y el amor que existe desaparece.
5 senses disappear and the love that exists disappears.
Cuanto lo siento si te he faltado, me da tristeza, vivo amargado.
I'm so sorry if I have failed you, it makes me sad, I live bitterly.
Dime DIOS mio si amar es pecado, si dentro de tu corazón me tienes prisionero a mi.
Tell me oh God, if loving is a sin, if within your heart you have imprisoned me.
Tu me maltratas solo por capricho, no ando con nadie solo estoy contigo, mi corazón es solamente tuyo y te respeto por Dios te lo juro.
You mistreat me just on a whim, I'm not with anyone, I'm only with you, my heart is only yours and I respect you by God I swear it.
Di de que forma dices te he fallado, tienes el corazón envenenado, cada vez que reclamas, cada vez que te enfadas no te acuerdas de nada y dices no me importa nada.
Tell me how you say I've failed you, your heart is poisoned, every time you complain, every time you get angry, you don't remember anything and you say I don't care at all.
(Estoy que no me importa nada, sigues atada a tus caprichos, ya me canse prefiero ser tu amigo que vivir contigo.) X2
(I don't care anymore, you keep clinging to your whims, I'm tired, I'd rather be your friend than live with you.) X2
Es real... tu sabes... incomparable... the real band... oíste.
It's real... you know... incomparable... the real band... you listen.
Sin tener razón de causa me has hundido en el dolor, da pena que tu capricho sea más fuerte que el amor.
Without any reason you have plunged me into pain, it's a shame that your whim is stronger than love.
No creas que tu torpeza voy a seguir aceptando, mejor me alejo de ti, asi no sufres por mi, aunque yo te siga amando.
Don't believe that your clumsiness I'm going to continue accepting, I'd better get away from you, that way you won't suffer for me, even though I still love you.
(Estoy que no me importa nada, sigues atada a tus caprichos, ya me canse prefiero ser tu amigo que vivir contigo.) X3
(I don't care anymore, you keep clinging to your whims, I'm tired, I'd rather be your friend than live with you.) X3
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