Banton - Arratao - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Banton - Arratao

Dragged Down
De nuevo me va a parar mi hermanillo
My brother's gonna stop me again
Solo xq lo ven a cachete lleno a uno mamen entonces
Just because they see me with chubby cheeks, suck it then
Donde quiera q me ven me rekisan
Wherever they see me, they search me
Ande a pie, en honda o en nissan
Whether I'm on foot, in a Honda or a Nissan
No se xq no matizan
I don't know why they don't get it
Al terminar apariencia
Appearances can be deceiving
Como q mucho se traumatizan
It's like they're traumatized by it
Sale muy caro vestir arratao
It's expensive to dress "arratao" (dragged down)
Save cuantas veces a mi me han parao
You know how many times they've stopped me
Carro con ruines y polarizado
Car with rims and tinted windows
Por eso muchas veces yo he cañiado
That's why I've been pissed off many times
Sale muy caro vestir arratao
It's expensive to dress "arratao" (dragged down)
Los polizias me tienen de gachao
The cops have me under surveillance
Me llevan de medio lao
They take me to the side
Segun ellos visto arratao visto arratao
According to them, I'm dressed "arratao" (dragged down)
Se q mi forma de vestir nos delata q
I know the way I dress gives us away that
Somos arrataos y somos chata
We are "arratao" (dragged down) and we are "chata" (low-class)
Me gustaria saber como es q viste una rata
I would like to know how a rat dresses
No se parece nada si de miki se trata
It doesn't look anything like me if we're talking about Mickey
Nadie percata q esta ropa es cara
Nobody realizes that these clothes are expensive
Y cuesta plata no es barata
And they cost money, they're not cheap
No metan la pata en el de saco y corbata
Don't make the mistake with the guy in the suit and tie
Roba y mata
He steals and kills
Sale muy caro vestir arratao
It's expensive to dress "arratao" (dragged down)
Save cuantas veces a mi me han parao
You know how many times they've stopped me
Carro con ruines y polarizado
Car with rims and tinted windows
Por eso muchas veces yo he cañiado
That's why I've been pissed off many times
Sale muy caro vestir arratao
It's expensive to dress "arratao" (dragged down)
Los polizias me tienen de gachao
The cops have me under surveillance
Me llevan de medio lao
They take me to the side
Segun ellos visto arratao visto arratao
According to them, I'm dressed "arratao" (dragged down)
No sean innorantes
Don't be ignorant
Focking pedantes
Fucking pedantic
Deje los chamacos trankilos
Leave the kids alone
Q hechen pa lante
Let them move forward
(Esto no es ser maliante)
(This is not being a thug)
Pues desile, presion pa q se atraganten
Well, tell them, pressure so they choke
Es inquietante criticar mi estilo cultura mi porte y mi implante
It's disturbing to criticize my style, culture, my bearing, and my implant
Lo q es corriente pa ustedes para muchos es elegante
What is ordinary for you, for many is elegant
Yo lo he visto por frente mi chante
I've seen it firsthand, my chant
Un dato curioso he interesante
A curious and interesting fact
No voy a pretender ser nadie mas
I'm not going to pretend to be anyone else
Es mas vestir sierta forma no te hace importante
Moreover, dressing a certain way doesn't make you important
Sale muy caro vestir arratao
It's expensive to dress "arratao" (dragged down)
Save cuantas veces a mi me han parao
You know how many times they've stopped me
Carro con ruines y polarizado
Car with rims and tinted windows
Por eso muchas veces yo he cañiado
That's why I've been pissed off many times
Nunca juzgues un libro por su portada
Never judge a book by its cover
Sino lo habres y lees el contenido de ese libro
Unless you open it and read the contents of that book
(Mi amigo)
(My friend)
Tu no sabras nada
You won't know anything
Tener un tatuaje no significa q soy un mara
Having a tattoo doesn't mean I'm a gang member
No soy un gangster por tener mi cara cortada
I'm not a gangster because I have a scar on my face
Tu y tu pensamiento separa una cosa con la otra no se compara
You and your thoughts separate one thing from the other, they don't compare
Porque lo mensiona porque lo preciona
Why do they mention it, why do they pressure it
Este sistema no funciona
This system doesn't work
Incluso estoy confuso por el abuso hacia otra persona
I'm even confused by the abuse towards another person
Porque lo mensiona porque lo preciona
Why do they mention it, why do they pressure it
Este sistema no funciona
This system doesn't work
Estoy arto y no comparto lo q piensa siertas personas
I'm fed up and I don't share what certain people think
Sale muy caro vestir arratao
It's expensive to dress "arratao" (dragged down)
Save cuantas veces a mi me han parao
You know how many times they've stopped me
Carro con ruines y polarizado
Car with rims and tinted windows
Por eso muchas veces yo he cañiado
That's why I've been pissed off many times
Sale muy caro vestir arratao
It's expensive to dress "arratao" (dragged down)
Los polizias me tienen de gachao
The cops have me under surveillance
Me llevan de medio lao
They take me to the side
Segun ellos visto arratao visto arratao
According to them, I'm dressed "arratao" (dragged down)
Donde quiera q me ven me rekisan
Wherever they see me, they search me
Ande a pie, en honda o en nissan
Whether I'm on foot, in a Honda or a Nissan
No se xq no matizan
I don't know why they don't get it
Al terminar apariencia
Appearances can be deceiving
Como q mucho se traumatizan
It's like they're traumatized by it
Sale muy caro vestir arratao
It's expensive to dress "arratao" (dragged down)
Save cuantas veces a mi me han parao
You know how many times they've stopped me
Carro con ruines y polarizado
Car with rims and tinted windows
Por eso muchas veces yo he cañiado
That's why I've been pissed off many times

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