Barbara Moleko - Jeg Åben - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Barbara Moleko - Jeg Åben

Jeg Åben
I'm Open
Hey, jeg åben der er intet der binder mig
Hey, I'm open, there is nothing that binds me
Du var dråben der fik strømmen til at flyde i mig
You were the drop that got the current to flow in me
Du får mig til at føle mig tryg føle mig fri
You make me feel safe, feel free
Og nu du er her synes jeg egentlig du sku' bli'
And now you are here, I really think you should stay
Vi to ku' følges ad af den samme sti
We could follow the same path together
Jeg vil gøre alt for at gøre dig lykkelig
I will do anything to make you happy
Alle mine ord vil jeg dele med dig
I will share all my words with you
Jeg vil give dig tid til at spilde tid mig uh uh
I will give you time to waste time on me oh oh
Alle mine kys vil jeg kysse dig
I will kiss you with all my kisses
Du kan slå dig løs bare du holder fast i mig
You can go wild, as long as you hold me tight
Yeah yeah
Yeah yeah
Hey jeg tror jeg kan li' dig som du er
Hey I think I can like you the way you are
Jeg falder for dig fordi jeg ik' ka' la' vær'
I fall for you because I can't resist
Jeg ved at intet er trygt alt kan ske
I know nothing is safe, anything can happen
Men når jeg tænker fremad
But when I think about the future
Er det kun dig jeg ka' se
All I can see is you
Hvis ik' vi kan følges ad, af den samme sti
If we can't follow the same path together
du din egen vej men husk at kig forbi
You can go your own way, but remember to drop by
Alle mine ord vil jeg dele med dig
I will share all my words with you
Jeg vil give dig tid til at spilde tid mig uh uh
I will give you time to waste time on me oh oh
Alle mine kys vil jeg kysse dig
I will kiss you with all my kisses
Du kan slå dig løs bare du holder fast i mig
You can go wild, as long as you hold me tight
Yeah yeah
Yeah yeah
Uh uh uh uh
Oh oh oh oh
Du rykker mine grænser
You push my boundaries
Og fylder mig med kærlighed
And you fill me with love
Og du når helt helt ind der er intet du er bange
And you reach all the way in, there is nothing you are afraid of
For du stopper al min tankespind
Because you stop all my spinning thoughts
Yeah yeah yeah yeah
Yeah yeah yeah yeah
Alle mine ord vil jeg dele med dig
I will share all my words with you
Jeg vil give dig tid til at spilde tid mig uh uh
I will give you time to waste time on me oh oh
Alle mine kys vil jeg kysse dig
I will kiss you with all my kisses
Du kan slå dig løs bare du holder fast i mig
You can go wild, as long as you hold me tight
Yeah yeah
Yeah yeah
Alle mine ord (Alle mine ord)
All my words (All my words)
Alle mine kys (Alle mine kys)
All my kisses (All my kisses)
Alle mine ord (Alle mine ord)
All my words (All my words)
Alle mine kys (Kys)
All my kisses (Kisses)
Alle mine ord (Alle mine ord)
All my words (All my words)
Alle mine kys (Alle mine kys)
All my kisses (All my kisses)
Alle mine ord (Alle mine ord)
All my words (All my words)
Alle mine kys (Alle mine kys,
All my kisses (All my kisses,
Vil jeg kysse dig)
I will kiss on you)

Writer(s): Barbara Moleko, Peter Kvaran, Esben Thornhal, John Winther, Rasmus Berg

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