Bari Jungle Brothers feat. Clementino - Lungomare - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Bari Jungle Brothers feat. Clementino - Lungomare

Lungomare (English: Seaside Promenade)
Fore 'o lungomare son
I'm here on the seaside promenade
Musica ca tras pe cantà
Music playing, singing along
A sud 'o sole t'asciutte nfront
The southern sun dries your face
Int a nu second, è assurd frà
In a second, it's absurd, bro
Fore 'o lungomare son
I'm here on the seaside promenade
Quand stev tant'anne
Just like I was so many years ago
A sud 'o sole t'asciutte nfront
The southern sun dries your face
Int a nu second, è assurd frà
In a second, it's absurd, bro
Vedi negli occhi di un ragazzo del sud
You see in the eyes of a southern boy
La differenza che può fare di più
The difference that can make the most
Ma caput con tabù poi fa tu
But the head with taboos, then you do it
Tutto il marcio ti attacca sul corpo
All the rot sticks to your body
Come i tattoo
Like tattoos
E qui ti chiedi bro se un dio c'è, si?
And here you wonder, bro, if there's a God, right?
Ma non lo trovi nelle diocesi
But you don't find him in the dioceses
Nascosto nel sole dietro una panchina
Hidden there in the sun behind a bench
Da lungomare a Bari fino a quello a Mergellina
From the promenade in Bari to the one in Mergellina
Sop o lungomar a quand s so canshiut
On the promenade when I got tired
Se so nnammorat, se ne so ashnut
I fell in love, I got burned
Pinz a c fin avevà fa c stev angor
I thought I had to do what I was still there for
Ma u cor mi ste dà, la capa me ste
But my heart is telling me, my head is telling me
Tu si l'orgogl, u cor, d stà città
You are the pride, the heart, of this city
Nder a lanz, zi Marì, ù Chiringhit cmbà
Down there on the pier, Aunt Mari, Chiringuito full
Jie bell assà che la finanz ste semb
It's beautiful that the finance is always there
Ma c fa uaddor indand addo ua d'acchià?
But what does the smell do going where you have to go?
Fore 'o lungomare son
I'm here on the seaside promenade
Musica ca tras pe cantà
Music playing, singing along
A sud 'o sole t'asciutte nfront
The southern sun dries your face
Int a nu second, è assurd frà
In a second, it's absurd, bro
Fore 'o lungomare son
I'm here on the seaside promenade
Quand stev tant'anne
Just like I was so many years ago
A sud 'o sole t'asciutte nfront
The southern sun dries your face
Int a nu second, è assurd frà
In a second, it's absurd, bro
Fazz du pass sop o lungomar
I take a couple of steps on the promenade
Nu par d'incastr cu sol che skatt
A couple of shots with the sun that snaps
Nu costum da bagn, nzim a tutt a la band
A swimsuit, with the whole band
U macid, sop o bit ind a l'impiant
The sound system, over the beat in the system
Ij non teng rimpiant
I have no regrets
Sta città ma vist picinun e po ma vist grann
This city saw me as a child and then as a grown-up
Lontan do tresh oppur mezz
Far from three or half past three
Fràt ind alla jiungl kess è robba fresk
Brother, in the jungle, this is fresh stuff
U ritornell e l'intermezz
The chorus and the interlude
Tipo che sto bene passeggiando col cheyenne
Like I'm doing well walking with the Cheyenne
Non con il fighetto
Not with the snob
Col ciuffetto dentro il Porche Cayenne
With the little tuft inside the Porsche Cayenne
Sop o lungomar, man man, s rspir u sal
On the promenade, hand in hand, breathing in the salt
U che voghj a te apriss a me
You know that I want you next to me
Sai che so, che sto bene sul lungomare
You know that I'm doing well on the promenade
Dove il mare ci collega a New York
Where the sea connects us to New York
Tutto il mondo è paese, o no?
The whole world is a country, right?
Un saluto dal mio lungomare, uaglio, one love!
Greetings from my promenade, boy, one love!
Fore 'o lungomare son
I'm here on the seaside promenade
Musica ca tras pe cantà
Music playing, singing along
A sud 'o sole t'asciutte nfront
The southern sun dries your face
Int a nu second, è assurd frà
In a second, it's absurd, bro
Fore 'o lungomare son
I'm here on the seaside promenade
Quand stev tant'anne
Just like I was so many years ago
A sud 'o sole t'asciutte nfront
The southern sun dries your face
Int a nu second, è assurd frà
In a second, it's absurd, bro
Mar'nar for o lungomar sol e sale
Sailor for the promenade, sun and salt
Stess mar, mezza terr, Napul e Baar
Same sea, half land, Naples and Bari
A sud du munn, t'assuk u dubj
South of the world, I dry the doubts
C'akkunz u sud, non acckmughj mài
Whoever reaches the south, never drowns
La ver'tà jie nu vas arrbat o buio
The truth is a vase stolen from the darkness
Uazzur che t'abrush l'ecckj atturn
Blue that brushes your eyes around
C'aspett u turn, c spak u munn
I wait my turn, the world explodes
C'allek u dend, c pighj u numr
The tree grows tall, I take the number
E oggi me ne vado via
And today I'm going away
Girando con la gente mia
Turning with my people
Il cuore è un albero forte
The heart is a strong tree
Radici grosse e contorte
Roots thick and twisted
Fore 'o lungomare son
I'm here on the seaside promenade
Musica ca tras pe cantà
Music playing, singing along
A sud 'o sole t'asciutte nfront
The southern sun dries your face
Int a nu second, è assurd frà
In a second, it's absurd, bro
Fore 'o lungomare son
I'm here on the seaside promenade
Quand stev tant'anne
Just like I was so many years ago
A sud 'o sole t'asciutte nfront
The southern sun dries your face
Int a nu second, è assurd frà
In a second, it's absurd, bro


Bari Jungle Brothers feat. Clementino - Lungomare
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