Porque yo le sujero, porque eso en este pais sigue siendo grito y plata...
Because I suggest, because in this country that's still shouting and money...
Perdonen orejitas de cristal vuelvo a traer crudesa
Forgive me, crystal ears, I bring back rawness
Sin cuidado me tiene si este tema a ti no te inereza
I don't care if this topic doesn't interest you
Se que ni cosquillas le va a ser el picao a rudeza
I know that the sting of roughness won't even tickle you
Que prefieren mil veces un disco de pito y cerveza
You'd rather have a record of dick and beer
Pero veamos que pasaria si esto fuera un caso cercano
But let's see what would happen if this were a close case
Donde el afectado es tu hermano, que por una negligencia tenga que vivir postrado, en un hospital sin conocer su pieza ni su barrio
Where the affected is your brother, who due to negligence has to live bedridden, in a hospital without knowing his room or his neighborhood
De seguro le reclamarias al gobierno pá que te de los implementos pá sacarlo de ese infierno, dime si no teni la sangre hirbiendo, cuando vez que en vez de ayudar a los enfermos reajustan su sueldo.
Surely you would claim the government to give you the tools to get him out of that hell, tell me if your blood wouldn't be boiling, when you see that instead of helping the sick they readjust their salary.
No es una mierda que tu hermano viva ahi, mientras en el senado con el culo aplastado se rie de ti
Isn't it shit that your brother lives there, while in the senate with their ass flattened they laugh at you
Esta pasando tanta mierda que no huele tu nariz, porque tu mente esta atrapa otra noche en el REALITYYY!
There's so much shit going on that your nose doesn't smell, because your mind is trapped another night in REALITYYY!
Hijos de la grandisima puta que los pario, prefieren comprar armas pá una guerra que nunca se dio
Sons of the great bitch that gave birth to them, they prefer to buy weapons for a war that never happened
Mientras que en hospitales niños viven encerrados, porque nuesto querido chile
While in hospitals children live locked up, because our dear Chile
Despues no quieren que el pueblo reclame, hijos de puta mamen y mamen, merecen desmanes
Then they don't want the people to complain, sons of bitches suck and suck, they deserve riots
Lo mio no es el rap politico, me aburre la politica.
Mine is not political rap, I'm bored by politics.
Yo hablo por quien sufre, lo defienfo con mi lirica.
I speak for those who suffer, I defend them with my lyrics.
A quien le puedo reclamar? A caso al doctor?
Who can I complain to? To the doctor?
A la enfermera?
To the nurse?
Al paramedico?
To the paramedic?
Al guardia? Al Tutor?
To the guard? To the Tutor?
Los asessinos de la infancia no son quienes esta a tu cuidado, si no las Ratas de Mierda por las cuales haz votado
The murderers of childhood are not those who are in your care, but the Rats of Shit you voted for
Tenemos una presidenta que es Doctora, que no sabe de recetas pero si bien da la hora
We have a president who is a Doctor, who doesn't know about prescriptions but gives the time well
Ellos saben que es un presi que la ayuda te hace falta, pero te ignoran y prefieren que te ayude FARKAS
They know that a presi who helps you is needed, but they ignore you and prefer FARKAS to help you
Wua ua ua ua ua ...
Wua ua ua ua ua ...
A mi ninguno de ustedes me hace un favor, malditos gupos genisida sin corazon ni pudor.
None of you do me a favor, damn genocidal groups without heart or shame.
De seguro caigo preso si yo increpo a un senador
I'm sure I'll go to jail if I challenge a senator
Mientras me seco en la carcel, maldice tu conductor, donde estaaaaa?
While I dry in jail, your driver curses, where is heeee?
" ... Y que van a responder estos hijos de puta hermano si son una mafia culia ... Nunca van a responder naaa, eso esta claro yaaa ..."
" ... And what are these sons of bitches going to answer, brother, if they are a fucking mafia ... They will never answer anything, that's clear now ..."
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