Baze - Afterhour - Live - traduction des paroles en anglais

Afterhour - Live - Bazetraduction en anglais

Afterhour - Live
Afterhour - Live
Voruss schlösech es paar type d gringe i
A few guys are locking up the shop
D strass isch überfüut mit übermüetige party kids
The street is crowded with exhilarated party kids
Niemmer wott hei, nei niemmer wott allei si
Nobody wants to go home, nobody wants to be alone
Glich rüefesi bitter enttüscht es taxi wose sicher hei bringt
Soon, bitterly disappointed, they'll call a taxi to take them safely home
Näbä im flüge witer pfüscht aus würdesi tanze
Next door in the doorway, fists are flying, they want to keep dancing
Unger männer erfüut vo hass aus gäbis nüt anders
Among men filled with hate, there's nothing else
Bis polizei um eggä chunnt, gstafflet drü streifewäge
Until the police come around the corner, three patrol cars lined up
Rennä use id nacht, wose verschlückt wine penner rästä
They run out into the night, where it swallows them like homeless people's leftovers
När isch rue nur sirene schreie vo witem
Now it's quiet, only sirens screaming from afar
Im club louft no musig auso geihtr widr ine
Music is still playing in the club, so they go back inside
Träppä zdürab, slalom verbi a aukliche
Stumbling down the stairs, slaloming past drunks
Fasch uf dfrässä schlat, am gländer no grad knapp haut findet
Almost falling on their faces, barely finding a grip on the railing
Dinne fahli gsichter apathischi blicke
Inside, pale faces, apathetic gazes
Tanze i farbige liechter zu ekstasische rythme
Dancing in colorful lights to ecstatic rhythms
- Aus wär aues party aues uf piue
- Everything's a party, everything's on pills
Auschönntisch mit paar takte dr tag useschiebe doch
Pushing the day away with a few bars, but
wartet voruss wine ängschtlechi muetter
It's waiting outside, like an anxious mother
Uf momänt wos ihre sohn ändlech zur vernunft chunnt
For the moment when her son finally comes to his senses
Nach dr after gitts ke afterhour
After the after there's no afterhour
Nume dr tag wo di erwarte findesch ke schlaf wöu di gedanke wach haute
Only the day that awaits you, you can't find sleep because your thoughts keep you awake
Nach dr after gitts ke afterhour
After the after there's no afterhour
Ertrinksch i dim bett zitternd u
You drown in your bed, trembling and
Allei, schwörsch ab morn wird aues anders
Alone, swearing that from tomorrow everything will be different
Auso no e drink, schmeisst s e, trifft auti bekannti
So another drink, throw it down, meet old acquaintances
Liirt über langvergangnigs wi doch zit schnäu vergange isch
Talking about the past, how time has flown by
Wi sech nix verändert hett hei no di gliche plän wi denn
How nothing has changed, they still have the same plans as back then
Hüt am gliche punkt aus hätisch es verfiggts jahrzänt verpennt
Today, at the same point as if they had slept through a damn decade
Doch plötzlech schiint aus unwichtig u bla
But suddenly everything seems unimportant and blue
D sunne schiint im usem arsch, pumpi schlat miter musig takt
The sun shines out of their asses, the pump beats with the music
Muess ga tanze, wottsech säuber nüm gspüre
They have to dance, want to feel clean again
Bis dwänd blüete ab däm dräck wosis härz usegspüet hett
Until the flowers bloom from the dirt that the heart has spit out
Chönnti d wäut umarme dr abe isch verdammtnomau jung
They could embrace the world, the evening is still damn young
Doch es flash isch e schlampe, zaus dopplet wemä abe chunt
But a flash is a slut, it charges double when evening comes
Naches paar stund, flöigeschiss vo sim läbä
After a few hours, they fly shit out of their lives
Schlat ouge uf isch zrügg, zrügg wovonersech so wit entfärnt hett
They open their eyes, they're back, back from where they had distanced themselves so far
Liebi lüt hie gitts nümme zhole nume bitz liebi i
There are no more good people here, only a little good in
Form vo piue usgnützt u bestohle
The form of pills, exploited and stolen
När d liechter a, party isch ize verbi
Now the lights go on, the party is over
Au fix u fertig u d'ratte verlöh sinkende schiff
Also fixed and finished, and the rats leave the sinking ship
Nach dr after gitts ke afterhour
After the after there's no afterhour
Nume dr tag wo di erwarte findesch ke schlaf wöu di gedanke wach haute
Only the day that awaits you, you can't find sleep because your thoughts keep you awake
Nach dr after gitts ke afterhour
After the after there's no afterhour
Ligsch i dim bett zitternd u allei, schwörsch ab morn wird aues anders
You lie in your bed, trembling and alone, swearing that from tomorrow everything will be different
Denn we am nami no nacht isch, d feuläde dungä
Because when it's still night in the morning, the stinking fumes
Eim aus klar wird, wahrheit vertreisch besser im dunkle wöu
Make it clear to you that the truth is better kept in the dark because
Ja we am nami no nacht isch, d feuläde dungä
Yes, when it's still night in the morning, the stinking fumes
Eim aus klar wird, wahrheit vertreisch besser im dunkle wöu
Make it clear to you that the truth is better kept in the dark because

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