Baze - Ruhetag - Live - traduction des paroles en anglais

Ruhetag - Live - Bazetraduction en anglais

Ruhetag - Live
Day of Rest - Live
När sunnti im jäner
When Sunday dawns
Sunnti wi mängä lug wi hüt no bluet a wänd chläbt
Sunday like many others calm, like blood still clinging to the walls
Egau vo afang är steit uf luegt usem fänschter
Same as always he gets up, looks out the window
Ufe schnee wo vorus unger dr sunne verändet
At the snow that will soon transform under the sun
So wi är, a denä täg wosne vo inne uffrisst
Just like him, on these days where it eats him from within
Nach denä nächt, mit viu zviu gift, viu zviu strit
After those nights, with too much poison, too much conflict
Viu zviu nume so ta aus wäri doch
Too much of simply pretending
Da isch nüt aus lääri, lüt wosnid wärt si
Because there's nothing left, people not worth it
Är hettsch abgfunde drmit, steit oft am abgrund
He should have accepted it, often stands at the edge
Glich, gitts o paar stunde vou glück
Still, there are a few hours of happiness
U di sis wärt ehrlech s chönnt beschissner loufe
And you're worth it honestly, it could be worse
Är het ä job ab u zue e frou, ja es chönnt beschissner loufe
He has a job, sometimes a woman, yeah, it could be worse
Äbä sunnti, unger duschi, 2 alka selzer
Well, Sunday, under the shower, 2 Alka Seltzers
Luti musig ihm geihts uf ei schlag besser
Loud music, he instantly feels better
Iz muess öppis i mage, rafftsech uf - nimmt di
Something needs to go in his stomach, pulls himself together takes those
Paar schritt zur tanki
Few steps to the kitchen
U dusse trifftr paar lüt, louftsech übere wäg
And outside he meets a few people, their paths cross
Ab u zue wird grüesst füehrt sinnlosi gspräch
Sometimes they greet, have meaningless conversations
När geiht jede si wäg jedä isch nur frei i
Then everyone goes their own way, each one is only free within
Sine vier eigete wänd
Their own four walls
Iz nume no hei scheisse schiebts pizza i ofe
Now just home, shit, shove the pizza in the oven
Spieut no es game, zieht amne verblibne ofe
Smoke another joint, pulls on a remaining cigarette
Wix zumne miise porno mit sore miise blonde
Switches to a crappy porno with some skinny blonde
Wo so luut quitscht aus wärsi vo inne här grostet
Who squeals so loud it's like she's coughing from the inside
När lige schlimmigi tropfe igwicklet i schissi
Just disgusting drops, wrapped in shitty
Papier vor im ufem bode, im gring inne pochets
Paper in front of him on the floor, his stomach clenches
Inmitte vo bigine hose shirts stinkegi socke
Amidst dirty pants, shirts, stinky socks
Wird ihm bewusst wi ner versifft i däm loch in
He realizes how filthy he is in this hole
Auso irrtr wi wiud dür di wohnig
Goes crazy, wandering through the apartment like a wild animal
Fat afa putze ufdr suechi nachere innere ordnig
Starts cleaning, searching for some inner order
Chleider wäsche o wes nid erloubt isch am ruetag
Laundry too, which is forbidden on Sundays
Dr nachbar tobt aus hätter sini gschissni muetter umbracht
The neighbour rages, as if he had killed his damn mother
U wixer schreit immer no ume
And that jerk keeps yelling
Är zeigt ihm dr finger ey figg dini muetter
He gives him the finger, yeah, screw your mother
Dräit geiht widr ufe, schliesst sini tür zue, fänschter uf
Turns around, goes back inside, closes his door, opens the window
Und är steit idr sunne, s isch sunnti
And he stands in the sun, it's Sunday
Mann isch hartnäckig wixer, är het angeri problem
Man, that jerk is persistent, he has other problems
Aus sich nach waschplän richte, doch hört nid uf
Than following laundry schedules, but he doesn't stop
Schlat mit de pfüscht fasch sini türi
Almost breaks his door with his fists
Probiert no ruig z blibe doch langsam wirdr wüetig
Tries to stay calm but slowly gets furious
Iz gnue heu dunge i däm block vou polizischte
Now, listen here, there are enough cops in this building
U wenersech nid sofort verpissi, verhouerim dfritte
And if you don't get lost right now, I'll break your face
So stösi oug in oug, chöpf rot wi radisli, au luege
So they stand eye to eye, heads red like radishes, also looking
Ir hoffnig chöpf roue wöu ja süsch nüt passiert hie
Into the courtyard, hoping someone will intervene because nothing usually happens here
Scho ---- packtne wixer ar gurgle
Damn ---- that jerk grabs him by the throat
Houtim mitere scheiss pfanne ufe gring, bis de mau z bluet fliesst
Hits him with a damn pan on the head until blood flows
Ab denn isch fiumriss um in ume kreise d stärnä
From then on, it's a blur, stars circle around him
U duss hetts afa rägnä - scheiss sunnti
And then it started to rain - damn Sunday
Doch s wär nid sunnti, nid sunnti im jäner
But it wouldn't be Sunday, not that Sunday
Ei sunnti im läbä, eine wo so bluetig ändet
One Sunday in life, one that ends so bloody

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