Bazooka feat. DJ Cool Caddish - Băieţii de la Trei Dimineaţa - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Bazooka feat. DJ Cool Caddish - Băieţii de la Trei Dimineaţa

Băieţii de la Trei Dimineaţa
The Boys from 3 AM
Echo: Cand mai vii cu rapu
Echo: When you come with the rap again
Adu-ti te rog si capu
Please bring your head too
N-arunca samanta aiurea la fel cum a facut tactu
Don't throw your seed around like your dad did
Imi puneti lama la gat
You're putting a blade to my throat
Stai sa inteleg umoru
Let me understand the humor
Daca voi sunteti dusi cu pluta
If you guys are gone with the raft
Eu-s cu vaporu
I'm with the steamer
Imi spunea ca nu mai merge
She told me it wasn't working anymore
I-am zis, ai grija ce zici
I said, be careful what you say
Mi-am trecut briciu prin ea, vezi ca totul merge brici?
I ran my dick through her, see how everything works smoothly?
Is futut rau de cap, da in halu-n care
I'm fucked up bad, but in a way that
Daca ridici mana la mine o sa cred ca mi se pare
If you raise your hand to me I'll think I'm imagining it
Ai un blocaj artistic, imi retrag criteriile
You have an artistic block, I withdraw my criteria
O sa-ti bag cutitu-n cap sa-ti curga ideile
I'll stick a knife in your head to make your ideas flow
O sa plang lovit de ghete
I will cry, struck by boots
O sa plec fara regrete
I will leave without regrets
O sa ma gasiti foarte mort de supradoza de spaghete
You will find me very dead from a spaghetti overdose
Am vrut sa fiu romantic cand te-am legat de şine
I wanted to be romantic when I tied you to the tracks
In loc de "te iubesc" ti-am spus "uite trenul cum vine"
Instead of "I love you" I told you "look at the train coming"
Vorba lu Jesus, da si vei primi inzecit
Jesus said, give and you will receive tenfold
Dar l-au aprobat dezbracat s-apoi l-au rastignit
But they approved him naked and then crucified him
In caz ca ti-e frig poti sa bei pan-o sa arzi
In case you're cold you can drink until you burn
Si nu lasa pe maine ce poti sa bei azi
And don't leave for tomorrow what you can drink today
Ti-am futut somnu si ti-am futut viata
I fucked up your sleep and I fucked up your life
Scuze suntem noi baietii de la 3 dimineata
Sorry, we are the boys from 3 AM
In caz ca ti-e frig poti sa bei pan-o sa arzi
In case you're cold you can drink until you burn
Si nu lasa pe maine ce poti sa bei azi
And don't leave for tomorrow what you can drink today
Ti-am futut somnu si ti-am futut viata
I fucked up your sleep and I fucked up your life
Scuze suntem noi baietii de la 3 dimineata
Sorry, we are the boys from 3 AM
Şi vine Codrinu: Ma trezesc confuz si cand imi vad propria fata
And Codrinu comes: I wake up confused and when I see my own face
Imi zic, Codrine in tara asta n-o sa fie dimineata
I say to myself, Codrine, in this country there will be no morning
Am lacrimi in ochi, vai ce faza si ce fapta
I have tears in my eyes, oh what a phase and what a deed
Fericirea-i chiar dupa colt si strada-i dreapta
Happiness is just around the corner and the street is straight
Daca am carti bune si t-o schimbi in ghinda cu orori
If I have good cards and you change it into an acorn with horrors
Vin cu duba in curtea si o sa-ti parchez pe flori
I'll come with the van in your yard and I'll park on your flowers
Grija la colturi si la drumuri drepte frate
Be careful at corners and straight roads brother
Ca te-ntrece umbra daca lumina bate din spate
Because the shadow will outrun you if the light hits from behind
Nu il cer dar o sa-mi rog articulat dumnezeul
I don't ask for it but I will pray to my articulate God
Sa-nvat sa merg la femei fara sa gresesc wc-ul
To learn to go to women without mistaking the toilet
Si cand ii faina viata tot ii naspa ce sa-i ceri
And when life is cool, it's still bad, what can you ask for
Am luat doi iepuri dintr-o lovitura da vanam cerbi
I took two rabbits with one shot, but we were hunting deer
Nu-s copil copac, da creieru-mi da fructe
I'm not a tree child, but my brain gives fruit
Arhitectii sa faca case la femei, nu curte
Architects should build houses for women, not courtyards
In bataia vantului te aperi de bataia pulii
In the wind you defend yourself from the beating of the dick
M-am terminat la tine-n gura supernova-n ceru gurii
I finished in your mouth, supernova in the sky of your mouth
In caz ca ti-e frig poti sa bei pan-o sa arzi
In case you're cold you can drink until you burn
Si nu lasa pe maine ce poti sa bei azi
And don't leave for tomorrow what you can drink today
Ti-am futut somnu si ti-am futut viata
I fucked up your sleep and I fucked up your life
Scuze suntem noi baietii de la 3 dimineata
Sorry, we are the boys from 3 AM
In caz ca ti-e frig poti sa bei pan-o sa arzi
In case you're cold you can drink until you burn
Si nu lasa pe maine ce poti sa bei azi
And don't leave for tomorrow what you can drink today
Ti-am futut somnu si ti-am futut viata Scuze suntem noi baietii de la 3 dimineata
I fucked up your sleep and I fucked up your life Sorry, we are the boys from 3 AM
Sesu: Mi-a fost o zi proasta, m-a trezit brutal politia
Sesu: I had a bad day, the police woke me up brutally
M-o luat pe sus din pat ca sa faca perchezitia
They picked me up from bed to do the search
Dupa 3 bastoane-n cap, mi s-a cam luat curentu
After 3 sticks to the head, I kind of lost power
Si baietii si-au dat seama c-au gresit apartamentu
And the boys realized they had the wrong apartment
Era 3 beau de la ora 3 luna trecuta
It was 3, we were drinking since 3 last month
O pizda-mi suge pula, hai ma careva s-o futa
A bitch is sucking my dick, come on, someone fuck her
Deseori stau si ma gandesc in timp ce cant
I often sit and think while I sing
Cum ar fi sa lesin la jumatate de cuvant
What it would be like to faint in mid-word
Gandesc in timp ce beau, de mic mi-am disperat parintii
I think while I drink, since I was little I despaired my parents
Ca deja am facut cearcane la ochii mintii
Because I already have dark circles under my mind's eyes
Fiecare cu parerea lui, eu am parerea mea
Each with his own opinion, I have my own opinion
Toti cred in vise, eu cred c-as mai bea ceva
Everyone believes in dreams, I believe I would drink something else
Inec intr-un pahar planuri de viitor
I drown plans for the future in a glass
Ca aici pe Terra eu sunt doar vizitator
Because here on Earth I am only a visitor
Imi pregatesc discursu, ne vedem la vorbitor
I'm preparing my speech, see you at the speaker
Dar inca nu m-am hotarat pe cine o sa omor
But I haven't decided who I'm going to kill yet

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