BAZOOKA - Berzerker - Spare Parts (2008 Bazooka REMIX) - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction BAZOOKA - Berzerker - Spare Parts (2008 Bazooka REMIX)

Berzerker - Spare Parts (2008 Bazooka REMIX)
Berzerker - Spare Parts (2008 Bazooka REMIX)
Strofă Codrin:
Verse Codrin:
Bună dimineaţa, noapte bună,
Good morning, good night,
beau, în p***a mea, încontinuu de-o lună,
'Cause I've been drinking, damn it, non-stop for a month,
Îs aşa de beat, neuronii mi-s aşa de grei,
I'm so drunk, my neurons are so heavy,
Intru-n taxiu şi-ntreb "Aveţi cumva ceva la 10 lei? "
I get in a taxi and ask "Do you have anything for 10 lei?"
Campion fiu spart, unde mi medalia?
Champion of being wasted, where's my medal?
Cazat, zona cearşafuri, fac mangă-n Mangalia,
Staying in bedsheets-ville, getting tanned in Mangalia,
Bani coloraţi într-o lume incoloră,
Colored money in a colorless world,
Am şi io portofelu plin, dar de-ăla cu fără,
I also have a full wallet, but the one with nothing in it,
Dicţia mi pe pulă dup-al patrulea pahar,
My diction's gone after the fourth glass,
Îi ok, le-am turnat pe mai târziu în buzunar,
It's okay, I poured them into my pocket later,
Stai calm că-ţi zic io cum nu mai bei,
Calm down, man, I'll tell you how to stop drinking,
Bei în p***a mea până nu mai poţi bei,
Drink, damn it, until you can't drink anymore,
Deci, hai bea cu noi, nu te teme nu mori,
So, come drink with us, don't worry, you won't die,
Uite, io de exemplu văd alb şi negru în culori
Look, for example, I see black and white in colors,
Am scris un pachet de ţâgări n-am avut hârtie,
I wrote on a pack of cigarettes because I didn't have paper,
Bănuiesc poţi ghici, nu m-am căcat de 4 zile.
I guess you can guess, I haven't s**t in 4 days.
Refren: Fie c-o fost mâine, alaltăieri sau marţi,
Chorus: Whether it was tomorrow, the day before yesterday or Tuesday,
Avem noi tot timpul onoarea fim sparţi,
We always have the honor of being wasted,
Conjugăm băutura ca nu derive,
We conjugate the drink so it doesn't drift,
Şi dacă nu-s ocazii, găsim noi motive.
And if there are no occasions, we'll find reasons.
Strofă ECHO:
Verse ECHO:
Am capul ca stânca, desfac berea cu tâmpla
My head's like a rock, I open beers with my temple,
Iau rapid BlackScreen când imi golesc sticla,
I get a quick blackout when I empty my bottle,
Totusi, sunt mandru, ridic voinic paharul,
Still, I'm proud, I raise my glass like a warrior,
Şi beau atâtea sticle câte buline n-are zarul,
And I drink as many bottles as the dice don't have dots,
Vrei stai lângă mine până te plictiseşti?
Do you want to stay by my side until you get bored?
Vrei bei cot la cot cu mine?
Do you want to drink side by side with me?
Nu o sa reuşeşti,
You won't succeed,
Şi hai spune-mi tu mie, o, bericică berişoară,
And tell me, oh, little beer, little berry,
Cine-i cel mai f****t alcoolic din ţară?
Who's the most f****d up alcoholic in the country?
Dau pe afară, mu mai pică înauntru,
I'm overflowing, it won't fit back in,
Şi când borăsc, nu-i amp***a, ci vreau cultiv pământul,
And when I puke, it's not for nothing, I want to cultivate the land,
Dimineaţa trezesc, tremur ca hulugu-n vânt
In the morning I wake up, I tremble like a scarecrow in the wind,
Şi tot caut prin cap dar nu mai văd urmă de gând,
And I keep searching in my head but I can't find a trace of thought,
Sunt un fel de spartan doar că-s spart man,
I'm kind of like a Spartan except I'm wasted, man,
M-am apucat de rap mi-a plăcut Bittman.
I started rapping because I liked Bittman.
Refren: Strofă Sesu:
Chorus: Verse Sesu:
Azi noapte am fost aşa de mort m-am trezit c-un popă lângă mine,
Last night I was so dead that I woke up with a priest next to me,
A fost o noapte albă colorată de sticle pline,
It was a white night colored by full bottles,
Tu dai din buci stai la bară o noapte întreagă,
You should work your ass off to stay at the bar all night,
Ştiu nu eşti sclavă dar te-aş face o dată roabă,
I know you're not a slave but I'd make you my slave once,
îndrept beat mort spre alcoolicii anonimi
I'm heading dead drunk towards Alcoholics Anonymous,
Plin de noroi şi zgâriat de spini,
Covered in mud and scratched by thorns,
Azi noapte a fost show, am supărat câţiva vecini,
Last night was a show, we pissed off some neighbors,
noi am fost artişti de când ne-au ieşit canini,
'Cause we've been artists since our canine teeth came out,
Sunt considerat nebun sunt înaintea vremii,
They consider me crazy because I'm ahead of my time,
Nu răspund la tratament întreabă doar tâmpenii,
I don't respond to treatment because they only ask stupid things,
M-am trezit pe beat cu Echo şi două javre-n pat,
I woke up drunk with Echo and two b*****s in bed,
Azi e vineri seara, de luni dimineaţă-s beat,
Today is Friday night, I've been drunk since Monday morning,
La noapte e scandal, se bea până în spital,
Tonight there's a scandal, we drink until we're in the hospital,
De nu te ţine ţine-te sau du-te către mal,
If you can't keep up, hold on tight or head for the shore,
Am devenit atom şi p***e îs electroni,
I've become an atom and b*****s are electrons,
Alcoolu-i pentru cei ce-şi permit piardă neuroni.
Alcohol is for those who can afford to lose neurons.

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