N-aveti nevoie de nimic cand vorbiti sa moara gigel
You don't need anything when you talk smack
Si cand gesticulati parca dirijati avioanele pe cer
And when you gesture, you look like you're directing airplanes in the sky
Iainte sa-ncercati sa va mai afitmati
Before you try to assert yourselves again
Incercati sa incetati sa ma umblati ca niste
Try to stop walking around like
Carnati cred ca creieru-mi da eroare nu stiu cine ma crede
Sausages, I think my brain is malfunctioning, I don't know who believes me
Dar cand umblu pe strda nu mai stiu care-s baieti si fete
But when I walk down the street, I don't know who's a boy and who's a girl anymore
N-aveti treaba cu viata
You have no business with life
Nici viata cu voi or inceput fetele sa se-nbrace si baietii sa umble goi
Neither does life with you, the girls have started to dress like guys and the guys are walking around naked
Cand nu-mi mai vin hainele pula mea le-arunc
When my clothes don't fit me anymore, I throw them the hell away
Mata nu ti-ai mai schimbat hainele de cand erai prunc
You haven't changed your clothes since you were a baby
Un mocasin rosu si-unu verde zambesti trist
One red moccasin and one green, you smile sadly
Vad ca vrei sa ne dovedesti cat esti de daltonist
I see you want to prove to us how colorblind you are
Daca-ti gasi ceva sa va mai umple golu'
If you found something to fill your emptiness
Pariu pe viata mea c-ar a faliment molu'
I bet my life the mall would go bankrupt
. Decat voi mai bine reci in sicriu tarfele astea ordinare de pare ca nu stiu
. Better off dead in a coffin, these cheap whores who seem not to know
Ca le-ngroapa lumea-n pule cu tot cu fanfara
That people bury them in dicks with the whole fanfare
Oare cat de rapid va dau foc la peruci cu tigara.
I wonder how quickly I can set your wigs on fire with my cigarette.
Decat voi mai bine reci in sicriu tarfele astea ordinare de pare ca nu stiu
Better off dead in a coffin, these cheap whores who seem not to know
Ca le-ngroapa lumea-n pule cu tot cu fanfara
That people bury them in dicks with the whole fanfare
Oare cat de rapid va dau foc la peruci cu tigara.
I wonder how quickly I can set your wigs on fire with my cigarette.
Baietas te strang pantalonii de-ti crapa dantura
Boy, your pants are so tight your teeth are cracking
Pariez ca tu-n timpu' liber spargi pietre cu gura
I bet you break stones with your mouth in your free time
Noi ne-am saturat de tine asta-i toata smecheria
We're sick of you, that's the whole trick
Si-ochelarii tai s-or saturat sa le privesti lentila
And your glasses are tired of you looking at their lenses
Arunc cu zarele dar catre ochii tai
I roll the dice but towards your eyes
Ca sa vezi ca-i o lume plina de oameni rai
So you can see that it's a world full of evil people
Daca tu te invarti spre haine mai rau decat domo o sa te trag mai incoace o sa te-mping mai incolo te lasam in pace te faci singur de cacat ai un blat zdravan pe creier de la atata umblat nu poti sa umbli normal pai de ce drecu te miri s-or rupt toate oasele in tine de la buca-asa subtiri am un singur leac pentru cei ca tine si ti-o spun se numeste cianura si crede-ma face minuni stramosii tai or murit pe capete sa-ti apere tara sa te poti naste tu-n mana fitos cu plasa de la zara.decat voi mai bine reci in sicriu tarfele astea ordinare de pare ca nu stiu ca le-ngroapa lumea-n pule cu tot cu fanfara oare cat de rapid va dau foc la peruci cu tigara.decat voi mai bine reci in sicriu tarfele astea ordinare de pare ca nu stiu ca le-ngroapa lumea-n pule cu tot cu fanfara oare cat de rapid va dau foc la peruci cu tigara.
If you spin around for clothes worse than a Roomba, I'll pull you closer, I'll push you further, we'll leave you alone, you'll make yourself shit, you have a thick layer of shit on your brain from walking around so much, you can't walk normally, why the hell are you surprised, all the bones in you have broken from such thin legs, I have only one cure for people like you and I'll tell you it's called cyanide and believe me it does wonders your ancestors died on their heads to defend your country so that you could be born in your hand, a fag with a Zara bag. Better off dead in a coffin, these cheap whores who seem not to know that people bury them in dicks with the whole fanfare I wonder how quickly I can set your wigs on fire with my cigarette. Better off dead in a coffin, these cheap whores who seem not to know that people bury them in dicks with the whole fanfare I wonder how quickly I can set your wigs on fire with my cigarette.
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