BAZOOKA - Punctul G - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction BAZOOKA - Punctul G

Punctul G
The G-Spot
Bai tripat pe trotineta nu stiu ce tot vrei sa crezi
You're trippin' on that scooter, I don't know what you're trying to believe
Da' din punctu meu de vedere nu te prea vezi
But from my point of view, you're barely visible, you see
Cu tot ce reprezinti tu eu ma aflu-n antiteza
With everything you represent, I stand in antithesis
Ca nu ma sparg in figuri ca universu la geneza
Cause I don't shatter into pieces like the universe at genesis
Vin fatis, vin hatis sa te pis direct in fata
I come openly, I come hidden, to piss right in your face
Submarin de otel te-am adus la suprafata
A steel submarine, I brought you to the surface
Esti superior cu adevarat doar in cumpana pe cric
You're truly superior only when you're hanging on a jack
Zici de mine ca-s calic da' tu esti mai rozcaric
You say I'm calico, but you're even more of a pink freak
Sunt asa de rece precum o boala foarte nasoala
I'm as cold as a really nasty disease
Ca nu ma poti localiza nici cu viziune termala
You can't even locate me with thermal vision, please
Impiedicatu' dracu' inamicu' balustrada
The damn enemy tripped on the railing, a clumsy fool
Cand iau eu o curba se indoaie autostrada
When I take a curve, the highway bends, that's the rule
Si vin din nou nu credeti ca ati scapat
And I'm back again, don't think you've escaped
Normal ca luamt tepe daca traim printre spini
It's normal to get pricked if we live among thorns, that's fate
Degeaba taiem noi coroane daca raman radacini
It's pointless to cut down crowns if the roots remain
Deci puteti vorbi pe la spate da' aparati botu
So you can talk behind my back, but protect your snout
Ca ma intorc mult mai usor sa va fut una cu cotu
Cause I'll come back even easier to fuck you up with my elbow, no doubt
Atac cum vreau nu cum si de ce
I attack how I want, not how and why
Pizdelor, atentie ca lovesc la punctul G
Bitches, watch out, I hit the G-spot, that's my cry
Dau dauna totala K.O. simtit la os
I cause total damage, a K.O. felt to the bone
Eu am ce fute ma intelegi de aia sunt asa pizdos
I have what to fuck, you understand, that's why I'm so badass, I'm known
Daca te luam cu trupa nu-ti verificam parfumu'
If I take you with the crew, we won't check your perfume
Stai chill nu te fute preparam un 3 in 1
Stay chill, we won't fuck you, we're preparing a 3-in-1 boom
Te impiedici de mine nu arunca pe mine vina
You stumble over me, don't put the blame on me
Ca nu pic ca toti prosti am luat bacul din prima
Cause I don't fail like all fools, I passed my exams first try, you see
Bani iti dau aproape totul dar nu iti dau aproapele
I give you money, almost everything, but I won't give you my neighbor
Eu iti impart bucatile nu-ti impart bucatele
I share my pieces with you, not my dishes, that's my flavor
Cand vad oameni la costum, sincer, imi vine rau
When I see people in suits, honestly, I feel sick
Studiez la Universtitate, Piata Muncii din metrou
I study at the University, the Labor Market on the subway, that's the trick
Studiez la Universtitate, Piata Muncii din metrou
I study at the University, the Labor Market on the subway, that's the trick
Va dati de gol mai rau ca Sifanel(?)
You guys give yourselves away worse than Sifanel(?)
Nu am cum sa ma tem de un atac ca cu picior de lemn
I can't fear an attack with a wooden leg, that's swell
Daca tot imi spui ca ai sange ia si circula
If you keep telling me you have blood, then let it circulate
Ca atunci cand o sa pun eu punct, iti da cu virgula
Because when I put a period, you'll get a comma, it's your fate
Allahu Akbar pica bomba in bazaar
Allahu Akbar, the bomb falls in the bazaar
Bazooka iar pe beat trupa ta tot pe trotuar
Bazooka again on the beat, your crew still on the sidewalk, afar
Iti curata urechile desi stilul e murdar
I clean your ears even though the style is dirty
Te tinem la stramtoare ca am ce pa altar
We keep you tight, because we have what to put on the altar, surely
Pe tine te bate beat-ul de aia tot pici de pe el
The beat beats you, that's why you keep falling off it
Ma uit in oglinda nici cu reflexia nu sunt la fel
I look in the mirror, I'm not even the same as my reflection, I admit
Microfonul e greu de rime parca e de fier
The microphone is heavy, the rhymes seem to be made of iron, it's lit
Un vin din senin parca pica din cer
A sudden wine, as if falling from the sky, a hit
M-am trezit pe un camp de beeze, parasute date dracu'
I woke up on a field of bitches, parachutes gone to hell
Care vor sa suga pula ca sa li se umfle capu'
Who want to suck dick so their heads can swell
...? sa potu sa te tai
...? I can cut you
Sunt ala care vrea sa iti dea exact atunci cand ai
I'm the one who wants to give you exactly when you have
Ma testeaza viata si chiulesc la test
Life tests me and I skip the test
Ca durerea-n pula e cel mai bun dar ceresc
Because pain in the dick is the best heavenly gift, I confess
M-am pierdut cu firea piesa suna nefiresc
I lost my mind, the song sounds unnatural
Sunt asa de beat ca am uitat sa ametesc
I'm so drunk I forgot to get dizzy, that's factual
Cad de pe beat cum cat de pe langa
I fall from drunkenness, how close from beside
Curba e dreapta directia e stramba
The curve is straight, the direction is crooked, I can't hide
Fotu e scurta viata e lunga
The pussy is short, life is long
Nu o sa ne ajunga
It won't be enough for us, that's the song

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