Beltran3k - Me Da Igual - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Beltran3k - Me Da Igual

Me Da Igual
I Don't Care
Cuanto mas pendiente del negocio
The more aware of the business
Menos pendiente si sueno
Less pending if I sound
Y cuando suelto rap dicen que lo echaban de menos
And when I release rap they say they missed him
Soy de los pocos que se va al extremo
I'm one of the few who goes to the extreme
Pero cuando me meto al estudio
But when I get into the studio
La calle me pide veneno
The street is asking for poison
Ayer volvi a hablar con el diablo
I talked to the devil again yesterday
Porque cuando negociamos mi muerte valia menos
Because when we negotiated my death was worth less
Intento no hablar de los kilos mientras los movemos
I try not to talk about the pounds while we're moving them
Y aunque traten de copiar lo que yo digo brother no nos parecemos
And even if they try to copy what I say brother we don't look alike
En el trato yo colgue la forma no se especifica
In the deal I hung the form is not specified
Mi libertad casi se sacrifica
My freedom is almost sacrificed
Ser real las cosas me complica
Being real makes things difficult for me
Aca se josea y la musica se trafica
Here is josea and music is trafficked
En la sangre tengo lo que se necesita
In the blood I have what it takes
Y ustedes solo ven lo que les muestro en mi perfil
And you only see what I show you on my profile
Pero no saben de lo que sufri
But they don't know what I suffered from
Las veces que casi mori
The times I almost died
Los amigos que ya no estan aqui
The friends who are no longer here
Pero no lloro mi pasado yo no vivo ahí
But I don't mourn my past I don't live there
Estoy en el presente con la cuarenta en la mano
I'm in the present with the forty in my hand
Y mandando caliente
And sending hot
Cuando suelto barras la presion se siente
When I release bars the pressure feels
Saben que soy diferente
They know I'm different
Me miran a los ojos entro y les cambia el ambiente
They look at me in the eyes I come in and the atmosphere changes
La mayoria quiere la cabida sin dar una mano
The majority wants the place without giving a hand
Pa hacerlos sumar o para ir a meterse un par de gramos
To make them add up or to go get a couple of grams
Con la "k" siempre nos reimos y les pichamos
With the "k" we always laugh and poke them
Nos piden que les hagamos precio y se los regalamos
They ask us to make a price for them and we give them away
En nomodrama no estamos ni ahí
In nomodrama we are not even there
No se dan cuenta?
Don't they realize?
Que la mayoria solo lo aparenta
That most people only seem it
Dicen que mueven no se cuanto y esta vacia la cuenta
They say they move I don't know how much and the account is empty
Mal ahí los que con eso se representan
Wrong there those who are represented by that
Con cadenas de mentira es basico el desconfio
With chains of lies, distrust is basic
Y eso que por lo material no me mido
And that because of the material I don't measure myself
Se engañan a ellos mismos con el contenido
They are deceiving themselves with the content
Y me alejo de los fakes aunque hoy el genero nos merezca unidos
And I stay away from the fakes even if today the genre deserves us united
Yo ya naci en la pelicula
I was already born in the movie
No hay rutina actuada
There is no acted routine
Las pistolas son mias las prendas no son prestadas
The guns are mine the clothes are not borrowed
La letra no me la escriben
The lyrics are not written to me
Las pistas no son robadas
The tracks are not stolen
Los videos los paga la calle
Videos are paid by the street
No estamo en nada
I'm not in anything
Es que a mi me da igual
It's just that I don't care
Los adictos y su fila
The addicts and their row
Mientras haya dinero, aca la ley se esquiva
As long as there is money, here the law is dodged
Que el diablo nos proteja
May the devil protect us
Y que dios nos bendiga
And may God bless us
Esto es un estilo de vida un movimiento nigga
This is a lifestyle a nigga movement
Es que a mi me da igual
It's just that I don't care
Los adictos y su fila
The addicts and their row
Mientras haya dinero, aca la ley se esquiva
As long as there is money, here the law is dodged
Que el diablo nos proteja
May the devil protect us
Y que dios nos bendiga
And may God bless us
Esto es un estilo de vida un movimiento nigga
This is a lifestyle a nigga movement

Writer(s): Fabricio Ezequiel Beltran Ledesma

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