Benal - Jeg Har Brug For Fin Vin Og Du Har Brug For At Være Sødere - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Benal - Jeg Har Brug For Fin Vin Og Du Har Brug For At Være Sødere

Jeg Har Brug For Fin Vin Og Du Har Brug For At Være Sødere
I Need Fine Wine And You Need To Be Sweeter
Det vaaaaar...
It waaaaas...
Jeg synes hun var ret flot
I thought she was quite beautiful
Flot siiii'n egen måde
Beautiful in her own way
Jeg tror ik' hun vidst hvor flot hun var
I don't think she knew how beautiful she was
Hun var lidt usikker
She was a little insecure
Meget usikker
Very insecure
Men det var jeg også
But so was I
det gør vel ik' meget
So I guess it doesn't matter
Hun har vundet alt
She has won everything
Det for sent at buh
It's too late to boo
Nye venner, nye drømme
New friends, new dreams
Mindst én om ugen
At least one a week
Måske de står og savler, måske' det cool
Maybe they're drooling, maybe it's cool
Kærlighed blænder, ka' du se det nu?
Love is blinding, can you see it now?
Ilddåb, angsten er i luften som en vild gås
Baptism by fire, fear is in the air like a wild goose
De taler kun om dumme ting, psst psst lille bro
They only talk about stupid things, psst psst little bro
Små tegn, jeg ikk' en skid før jeg dig
Small signs, I didn't see a damn thing before I saw you
Ta' min hånd og lad os vejen
Take my hand and let's walk the path
Men du tænker at vent' lidt, bedre for dig, hvem bitch
But you're thinking of waiting a bit, better for you, who bitch
Jeg gider ikk' at tøve mer' livet er en tændstik
I don't want to hesitate anymore, life is a matchstick
De skåler for en kærlighed i byen, stadig helt tom
They toast to a love in the city, still completely empty
Som en flad til en blind den havde jeg ikk' set komme
Like a slap to a blind man, I didn't see it coming
Baby du har stress på, løber, stadig fastlåst
Baby you're stressed, running, still stuck
Prøver at dukk' mig, søde ven, pas
Trying to dodge me, sweet friend, be careful
Vi står her med verdens bedste joke, stadig nul smil
We're standing here with the world's best joke, still no smile
Du har mig hvor du vil, selvom du smutter er jeg kun din
You have me where you want me, even if you slip away, I'm only yours
Der' stadig ikk' meget
There's still not that much
Jeg tænkt' dig
I thought about you
Jeg tænkt' dig mens jeg sov
I thought about you while I slept
Jeg håber du smiler til mig stadigvæk i morgen
I hope you still smile at me tomorrow
Ta' det af, hva' der me' dig, hva' der galt
Take it off, what's with you, what's wrong
Du bestemmer
You decide
Varm top, varm bund det' normalt for en kender
Warm top, warm bottom, it's normal for a connoisseur
What's up
Ikk' meget mer'
Not much more
Du talt' om at til du gik
You talked about leaving until you left
Jeg' stille og roligt blevet venner med dit hånlige blik
I've slowly become friends with your mocking look
Men jeg kan se der' noget mer' det' det smukkeste syn
But I can see there's something more, it's the most beautiful sight
Mit hjerte springer ti slag når jeg ka' duft' din parfume
My heart skips ten beats when I can smell your perfume
De laver film toilettet men det' stadig' bare lort
They make movies in the toilet but it's still just shit
Hver morgen ind i spejlet ligsom, hvad har du gjort
Every morning into the mirror, like, what have you done
Et helt liv i regnvejr, kun sommeren jeg ser
A whole life in the rain, only the summer I see
Og det' vej, du' velkomm'n når det sker
And it's on its way, you're welcome when it happens
Men du er sikkert taget ny jagt, ha' det godt, sygt sagt.
But you're probably on a new hunt, have a good time, sick said.
Var næsten ved at ydersiden af din skyklap
I almost died on the outside of your skylight
Der' sikkert ikk' meget når du si'r, der' ikk' meget, og du sagde det
There's probably not that much when you say, there's not that much, and you said it
Når man kan se det hele og folk sidder og græder tagene
When you can see everything and people are sitting and crying on the roofs
Du fik det bedste af mig, jeg fik det bedste af alt
You got the best of me, I got the best of everything
Vi fejrede medgang og modgang men festen var falsk
We celebrated good times and bad times but the party was fake
Go' karma det ville klæ' mig men jeg griner når du flæber
Good karma it would suit me but I laugh when you cry
Mens jeg drømmer om luften omkring dine læber
While I dream of the air around your lips
Der' stadig ikk' meget
There's still not that much
Jeg tænkt' dig
I thought about you
Jeg tænkt' dig mens jeg sov
I thought about you while I slept
Jeg håber du smiler til mig stadigvæk i morgen
I hope you still smile at me tomorrow
Ta' det af, hva' der me' dig, hva' der galt?
Take it off, what's with you, what's wrong?
Du bestemmer.
You decide.
Varm top, varm bund, det' normalt for en kender
Warm top, warm bottom, it's normal for a connoisseur
What's up
Ikk' meget mer'
Not much more

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