Benom guruhi - Eslamading - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Benom guruhi - Eslamading

Tunlar qorong'u xonam yoritadi oy
The moon lights up my dark room like a torch
Go'yo dardlarim tushunganday hoyna-hoy
As if it understands my pain, it sighs gently
Meni ovutadi, tunlarim o'tadi
It comforts me, and my nights pass by
Kunlarim seni bir bor qaytishing istar
My days long for your return, my love
Seni so'gindim, degan so'zlaring qo'msab
Missing you, longing for your words to soothe me
Qalbim og'rinadi, shunday kun o'tadi
My heart aches, and the days pass by like this
Sog'inganingda meni osmonga qara
When you miss me, look up at the sky
Qanchalar sog'inganimni undan so'ra
Ask it how much I miss you
Sen bir bor eslaysanmi meni hech?
Will you ever remember me?
Sening orzularingda afsus men emas
In your dreams, it's not me, alas
Men sevgan ko'zlaringda sevgi ko'rinmas
In your loving eyes, I see no love
Men hamon yasharman seni deb
And yet, I still live, believing you love me
Telbalarcha sevdim shunchaki
I have loved you so devotedly
Sendan ham shuni kutdim balki
Expecting the same from you, perhaps
Seni deb o'zimni unutib
I forgot myself in my love for you
Zahirangda qoldimmi yoki?
Or am I just an outsider to you?
Ayrilamizmi shunday?
Must we part like this?
Farqi yo'qmi senga, ayt?
Does it not matter to you, tell me?
Bir bor eslamading
You have not remembered me once
Talab-talabin yuragingni yoki sezmading
Have you not felt the longing in your heart?
Telbalarcha sevdim shunchaki
I have loved you so devotedly
Sendan ham shuni kutdim balki
Expecting the same from you, perhaps
Seni deb o'zimni unutib
I forgot myself in my love for you
Zahirangda qoldimmi yoki?
Or am I just an outsider to you?
Nahot shunday ayrilamiz?
Must we really part like this?
Oson yengilaveramiz?
Has it become so easy to let go?
Sevgimiz anglamay
Without understanding our love
Talab-talabin yuragimiz aslo o'ylamay
Without giving a thought to the yearning in our hearts?
Qadam-qadam tobora yuragimda dard
With each step, the pain in my heart grows stronger
Negadir xayollarim bo'ysunmay, faqat
Why do my thoughts refuse to obey, my love?
Seni sog'inadi, senga talpinadi
They miss you, they yearn for you
O'tar kunlarim, lekin halovatim yo'q
My days pass by, but I find no solace
Yo'llari berk ko'chada qolganday biroq
Like a wanderer lost on a road that has no end
Qalbim og'rinadi, dard meni qiynaydi
My heart aches, and the pain torments me
Sog'inganingda yana osmonga qara
When you miss me again, look up at the sky
Yashayman har kuni undan seni so'rab
I live each day asking it about you
Sog'indim, yetar, qiynama meni
I miss you, enough, stop torturing me
Sendan olisligimga yurak chidolmas
My heart cannot bear to be away from you
Sensiz kunlarimga hech ham ko'na olmas
I cannot grow accustomed to these days without you
Sevaman, yetar sinama meni
I love you, enough, don't test me
Vaqtida tushunmadik, sevgi bo'ldi dard
We failed to understand in time, and love turned to pain
Ikkimiz qiynaydimi endi to abad?
Will we both suffer now for eternity?
Nahot oson so'nib ketar bu sevgimiz
Perhaps our love will fade away easily
O'ngga-chapga bo'linar bu yo'llarimiz
And our paths will diverge, to the right and to the left
Bir-birimiz uchun yaralganmiz axir
We were made for each other, after all
Sensiz o'tgan kunlarim qara, qanchalar og'ir
See how heavy my days are without you, my love
Qo'msayman birma-bir, sevasanku axir
I cherish the memories, our love
Kutarman go'yo qaytarsan hozir
I wait, as if you will return to me now
Telbalarcha sevdim shunchaki
I have loved you so devotedly
Sendan ham shuni kutdim balki
Expecting the same from you, perhaps
Seni deb o'zimni unutdim
I forgot myself in my love for you
Zahirangda qoldimmi yoki?
Or am I just an outsider to you?
Ayrilamizmi shunday?
Must we part like this?
Farqi yo'qmi senga, ayt?
Does it not matter to you, tell me?
Bir bor eslamading
You have not remembered me once
Talab-talabin yuragingni yoki sezmading
Have you not felt the longing in your heart?
Telbalarcha sevdim shunchaki
I have loved you so devotedly
Sendan ham shuni kutdim balki
Expecting the same from you, perhaps
Seni deb o'zimni unutib
I forgot myself in my love for you
Zahirangda qoldimmi yoki?
Or am I just an outsider to you?
Nahot shunday ayrilamiz
Must we really part like this?
Oson yengilaveramiz?
Has it become so easy to let go?
Sevgimiz anglamay
Without understanding our love
Talab-talabin yuragimiz aslo o'ylamay
Without giving a thought to the yearning in our hearts?
Tunlar qorong'u xonam yoritadi oy...
The moon lights up my dark room like a torch...

Writer(s): benom guruhi

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