Benom - Yomg'ir - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Benom - Yomg'ir

Mazmunsiz bu kunlar, maqsadsiz orzular,
These days without meaning, these dreams without aim,
Yuragimni ezar, sendan qolgan dog′lar.
My heart aches, the pain left behind from you still the same.
Negadir sen mendan, ojiz bu sevgimdan,
How can you be so indifferent to me, to this feeble love of mine,
Ketgansan sababsiz.
Leaving me without reason or rhyme.
Yog'gan bu yomg′irlar dardlarim yangilar,
This rain that falls renews my sorrow,
Sababi ular tinmay bir seni eslatar.
Because it reminds me of you without fail.
Sen mendan ketgan kun,
The day you left me,
Hayolimda kezar eslab yana.
Your memory haunts me, and I relive the pain once again.
Yog'adi yomg'ir dardlarimni bilgandek,
Rain falls as if it understands my pain,
Yog′adi yomg′ir sendan ayrilganimga.
Rain falls as I mourn our love in vain.
U ham guvohdir, balki sen ham hozir,
It too is a witness, and perhaps even now,
Meni eslayabsan, yig'layabsan...
You remember me, and your tears flow.
Yog′ar yomg'ir go′yo orzularimiz to'kilar,
Rain falls as if our dreams are falling,
Birma bir sen ketgan kunda ham esla.
One by one, like the day you left, never to return.
Yog′ardi yomg'ir seni menga balki.
Rain falls, perhaps to bring you back to me.
Meni senga eslatar tinmay yomg'ir,
Always the rain reminds me of you,
Yog′ar yomg′ir...
Rain falls...
Javobsiz savollar, tinmay takrorlanar,
Unanswered questions, repeating without end,
Nega bu sevgimiz sarobga aylanar.
Why did our love turn into an illusion, I cannot comprehend.
Hatto osmon yig'lar ahvolimga qarab,
Even the heavens weep at my plight,
Biz nega uchrashdik va ayrildik ne sabab?
Why did we meet and then have to say goodnight?
Bizlarni shu yomg′ir uchrashtirgan ahir!
It was this very rain that brought us together!
Endi uni bizga darddosh qilar taqdir.
Now fate has made it a symbol of our pain.
Ketma-ket savollar, javobsiz javoblar,
A cascade of questions, answers nowhere to be found,
Yuragimni tilaklar yog'gan bu yomg′irlar.
My heart's desire yearns in this torrential downpour.

Benom - The Best
The Best
date de sortie

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