Benzooloo - Atribut - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Benzooloo - Atribut

Ingatkan susah record,
Remember how hard it was to record
Waktu PKP,
During MCO,
Rupanya ada studio buka,
Turns out there was a studio open
Cuma P & C,
Just P & C,
Tengah tunggu Ps5
Waiting for Ps5
Kau pula Ps3,
You're still on Ps3,
Lakar ayat seni visual,
Drawing verses of visual art,
Bukan kelas PSV,
Not PSV class,
Idea di dalam telaga,
Ideas in the well,
Teka lah tatkala,
Guess what, girl,
Maaf kurang hadir diri,
Sorry for my absence,
Siaran tergendala,
Broadcasts interrupted,
Tapi itu sementara,
But it's temporary,
Bukan untuk selamanya,
Not forever,
Apa khabar pendengarku
How are you, my listeners
Yang ada di Surabaya,
In Surabaya,
Emangnya lo semua asyikkkk
You guys are all having fun
Ayoh kita mabar sekali
Let's play together once
Untuk sampai Mythic,
To reach Mythic,
Aku minat berlinguistik
I'm interested in linguistics
Bukan kuasa mistik,
Not mystic powers,
Kau masih on that level,
You're still on that level,
Cuba cari apa mistake,
Try to find the mistake,
Lepas tu?
After that?
Baru kita buat mixtape,
We'll make a mixtape,
Dengan familia,
With the family,
Bila kena cabar,
When challenged,
Rasa funny gila,
Feels crazy funny,
Mana boleh kau bandingkan
You can't compare
Semut dan godzilla,
An ant and Godzilla,
Ulang balik sejarah
Repeat history
Penaklukan atilla,
Attila's conquest,
Kejap, tunggu,
Wait a minute,
Tarik nafas,
Take a breath,
Kalau asma terkeluar,
If asthma comes out,
Rap pun terjejas,
The rap will be affected,
Balik base untuk heal,
Back to base to heal,
Jangan nafsu kejar kill,
Don't be greedy for kills,
Kongsi duit dengan kawan,
Share money with friends,
Item roam bayar bil,
Roam items pay the bills,
Perangai macam main ML,
It's like playing ML,
Akan jumpa gaya bocah
You'll meet bratty style
Yang banyak pe el,
With a lot of PL,
Jangan noob pasti steady,
Don't be a noob, be steady,
Ready buang ulti
Ready to throw ulti
Always on time
Always on time
Macam Ja Rule dan Ashanti
Like Ja Rule and Ashanti
Susah percaya,
Hard to believe,
Ini pasti troll ni,
This must be a troll,
Flex kunci Audi,
Flexing Audi keys,
Tapi naik troli,
But riding the trolley,
Apa ada di IG,
What's on IG,
Tidak semua betul,
Not all true,
Dalam gambar nampak gangster,
Looks gangster in pictures,
Real life lurus bendul,
Real life straight up fool,
Jangan pula perasan,
Don't get cocky,
Jadi pelakon wayang
Being a drama queen
Kalau muka macam hantu
If you have a scary face
Minta kena sembahyang,
Ask for prayers,
Orang lari bila nampak,
People run when they see you,
Lebih seram dari Ju-On,
Scarier than Ju-On,
Pengalaman yang pahit,
Bitter experience,
Lama juga untuk move on,
Takes a long time to move on,
Kau cakap kau lit,
You say you're lit,
Boleh bakar kasi hangus,
Can burn to ashes,
Aku dengar tidak rentung,
I hear it's not charred,
Bukan speaker tidak bagus,
Not that the speakers are bad,
Itu harus,
That's a must,
Baru nampak kualiti,
Only then you see the quality,
Jangan bazir dengan benda
Don't waste it on things
Tiada utiliti,
With no utility,
Step it up,
Step it up,
Macam pijak pedal race car,
Like stepping on a race car pedal,
Jangan berpusing di bulatan,
Don't spin around in circles,
Ini bukan Nascar,
This ain't Nascar,
Sengat seperti bumblebee,
Sting like a bumblebee,
Makan kau macam nektar,
Eat you like nectar,
Kunyah ludah semula,
Chew and spit it out again,
Untuk aku punya next baris,
For my next line,
Tanpa guna tesaurus,
Without using a thesaurus,
Penyampaian masih cantik
The delivery is still beautiful
Aurora borealis,
Aurora borealis,
Bersinar di langit,
Shining in the sky,
Berkilau kehijauan,
Sparkling green,
Aura masih kuat
The aura is still strong
Walau lama berjauhan,
Even after a long time apart,
Terlalu bahaya,
Too dangerous,
Sampai buat cluster baru,
Until it creates a new cluster,
KKM pun bingung,
KKM is confused,
Pegang kepala sambil garu,
Holding their head while scratching,
Virus dari speaker,
Virus from the speakers,
Jangkit budak hipster,
Infecting hipster kids,
Misai pelik-pelik
Weird mustache
Nasib baik bukan Hitler,
Luckily not Hitler,
Tukar topik
Change the topic
Thanos petik finger atau slide kiri kanan,
Thanos snaps his fingers or swipes left and right,
Macam kau guna Tinder,
Like you using Tinder,
Makin tua
Getting old
Makin susah kawal temper,
Getting harder to control my temper,
Kalau kau ada penawar,
If you have a cure,
Aku ada rolling paper
I have rolling paper

Writer(s): Benzooloo, Yosh Musicmy

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