Beogradski Sindikat - BS!BS! - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Beogradski Sindikat - BS!BS!

Taman smo mislili da odemo u penziju,
We just thought we'd retire,
žene, deca, poslovi, borba za egzistenciju,
wives, kids, jobs, the struggle for existence,
Očekivali smenu, da neko nastavi na temu,
We expected a change, for someone to continue the theme,
Da neko nešto kaže, malo pljune po sistemu.
For someone to say something, spit on the system a little.
A klinci pre završe šemu nego stih na refrenu,
But the kids finish the scheme before the verse on the chorus,
Zato bedak sve u svemu, kanal kuda god da krenu.
So it's all miserable, a channel wherever they go.
Na šta spala je Srbija, narod mrvice dobija,
What has Serbia come to, the people get crumbs,
Ovo je nacija mumija, BS jedina utopija.
This is a nation of mummies, BS is the only utopia.
To je ono što ubija nakon svih ovih godina,
That's what kills after all these years,
Da ponovo treba ja da mikrofon pokidam.
That I need to tear up the microphone again.
Gledam pusta je bina, majk skidam sa klina,
I look at the empty stage, take the mic off the hook,
Sa sveske briše se prašina, pada sindikalna rima.
Dust is wiped off the notebook, the syndical rhyme falls.
Iskustvo kao mator, energija k'o klinac,
Experience like an old man, energy like a kid,
Nasumična paljba da se jebe mater svima.
Random fire, fuck everyone's mother.
Znaš ti kol'ko se ja cimam da ove reči snimam?
Do you know how much I struggle to record these words?
Kol'ko godina imam? Plus sa vremenom kriminal.
How old am I? Plus crime over time.
A vas ni Vojska spasa ne bi spasila,
And even the Salvation Army wouldn't save you,
Mi predali vam baklju, ona se ugasila,
We handed you the torch, it went out,
Mi pokazali vam put, sa njega ste zalutali,
We showed you the way, you strayed from it,
Mi vas izveli na pučinu, vi o stene se olupali.
We took you out to sea, you crashed against the rocks.
Mi ovo radimo iz ljubavi, vi bulje da bi prodali,
We do this out of love, you stare to sell,
Naš ideal je sloboda, a vi ste samo robovi.
Our ideal is freedom, and you are just slaves.
Sad ste se skenjali, zbog kinte ste se sjebali,
Now you're scared, you fucked yourselves for money,
Glave u pesku, na startu ste se predali.
Heads in the sand, you gave up at the start.
Vi čekate pastira k'o ovce iz stada,
You wait for the shepherd like sheep from the flock,
A slepac vas vodi na put do Eldorada,
And the blind man leads you on the way to Eldorado,
A mi smo samo vrebali strpljivo do sada,
And we've just been patiently waiting until now,
Da znak Sindikata zasija iznad grada!
For the Syndicate sign to shine above the city!
Znaš ko smo mi, mi smo BS armija,
You know who we are, we are the BS army,
Počelo k'o rima, pa je preraslo u pokret,
It started as a rhyme, then it grew into a movement,
Sad je filozofija!
Now it's a philosophy!
Da, ajmo svi, ajmo svi k'o nekada,
Yeah, let's all go, let's all go like we used to,
Jači nego ikad, svi će pamtiti Sindikat,
Stronger than ever, everyone will remember the Syndicate,
Digli se iz pepela!
Risen from the ashes!
Mi smo sindikalna bratija, ekipa koja sabija,
We are the union brotherhood, the crew that crushes,
Moćni kao armija, jači od svih partija!
Powerful as an army, stronger than all parties!
Pozdrav za Gadafija i za Uga Čaveza,
Greetings to Gaddafi and Hugo Chavez,
Mi sanjamo o takvima da oslobode nas kaveza.
We dream of such people to free us from the cage.
I za brata Asada, jačeg od svih napada,
And for brother Assad, stronger than all attacks,
život rađa se na istoku, smrt dolazi sa zapada.
Life is born in the east, death comes from the west.
I Rusi iz Donjecka i Huti iz Jemena,
And the Russians from Donetsk and the Houthis from Yemen,
Naša borba je iskrena, mi smo deo istog plemena.
Our struggle is sincere, we are part of the same tribe.
Dobro znate ko smo - revolucija to smo,
You know who we are - we are the revolution,
Ekipa sa Principom i sa celom Mladom Bosnom!
The crew with Princip and the entire Young Bosnia!
Pre ćete nas ubiti nego parama kupiti,
You'd rather kill us than buy us with money,
Ekipu k'o Sindikat više niko neće skupiti.
No one will ever gather a crew like the Syndicate.
I kad dođe kriza mi se ne sklanjamo iza,
And when the crisis comes, we don't hide behind,
Ne ko Soroš i Siriza, mi nismo ta ekipa.
Not like Soros and Syriza, we're not that crew.
Mi smo sindikalna klika, slobodni k'o Island,
We are the union clique, free as Iceland,
Nama vođa nije bitan, ideal uvek iznad.
The leader is not important to us, the ideal is always above.
Ovaj sistem je pizda, vlada onaj ko izda,
This system is a bitch, the one who betrays rules,
Ako život je predaja, ja neću to da priznam.
If life is surrender, I will not admit it.
Neću život na vodi, mi smo Beograd na slobodi,
I don't want life on the water, we are Belgrade in freedom,
Sindikalna armija - zauvek u borbi!
The union army - forever in the fight!
Znaš ko smo mi, mi smo BS armija,
You know who we are, we are the BS army,
Počelo k'o rima, pa je preraslo u pokret,
It started as a rhyme, then it grew into a movement,
Sad je filozofija!
Now it's a philosophy!
Da, ajmo svi, ajmo svi k'o nekada,
Yeah, let's all go, let's all go like we used to,
Jači nego ikad, svi će pamtiti Sindikat,
Stronger than ever, everyone will remember the Syndicate,
Digli se iz pepela!
Risen from the ashes!

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