Beogradski Sindikat - Divljina - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Beogradski Sindikat - Divljina

Znam da ovde je sranje, al meni je do jaja,
I know things are shitty here, but I don't give a damn,
Jer bruka i sramota kol'ko imam para,
Because it's a shame and disgrace how much money I have,
Imam zlatni rover, i s ajkulom pulover,
I have a golden Rover, and a sweater with a shark,
Dok moj licni shofer zivo helikopter,
While my personal chauffeur is a living helicopter,
Imam i zenu i decu, a i par cica-maca,
I have a wife and kids, and a couple of side chicks,
Pa moram da se stekujem zbog silnih paparaca,
So I have to hide because of all the paparazzi,
Na kraju mog placa je bazen sa penom,
At the end of my yard is a pool with foam,
Okruzen golf i teniskim terenom,
Surrounded by a golf course and a tennis court,
Na zidovima freske, ornamenti, arabeske,
Frescoes on the walls, ornaments, arabesques,
Mesingane kvake i pozlacene cesme,
Brass handles and gilded faucets,
Namestaj iz skupstine i tadz mahala,
Furniture from the parliament and Taj Mahal,
Jedem samo ostrige jer kavijar me smara, pijem casicu kristala kada suvo mi je grlo,
I only eat oysters because caviar bores me, I drink a crystal glass when my throat is dry,
Sa prozora gledam dvoje kada penju se na drvo,
From the window, I watch two people climbing a tree,
Zivot k'o na slici, al ne placam poreze,
Life like in a picture, but I don't pay taxes,
Moj zivotni moto je "ima se, moze se",
My life motto is "have it, can do it",
Pare su u Shvici, neka ih mnoze se,
The money is in Switzerland, let it multiply,
Leto na Ibici, ribice loze se,
Summer in Ibiza, the fish are getting hooked,
U gliseru vozim se, dok starleta skija,
I ride in a speedboat, while the starlet skis,
Shampanjac je u ledu, i 'ladan je ko zmija,
Champagne is on ice, and it's cold as a snake,
To mnogo mi prija jer covek sam od stila,
It feels so good because I'm a man of style,
Na meni vise zlata, no sto imam kila,
I have more gold on me than I weigh,
Burazeru zivot na najvisoj nozi,
Bro, life is at the highest level,
Pa cuku vremena biram sta ce danas da se vozi,
So I choose what I'm gonna drive today,
Dok obrcu se repa, ti samo budi lepa,
While the money rolls, you just be beautiful,
Ne vidi se dno mog dubokog dzepa,
You can't see the bottom of my deep pocket,
Drzim lance hotela i cetiri kazina,
I own hotel chains and four casinos,
Rafineriju nafte, i podrume vina,
An oil refinery and wine cellars,
I nikome ne odgovaram jer teska sam "divljina",
And I answer to no one because I'm a heavy "wildness",
Svoje pare perem uz pomoc strucnog tima,
I launder my money with the help of a professional team,
Advokata iz londona, tokia i rima,
Lawyers from London, Tokyo and Rome,
Slazem kamatu na kamaru, ko Jezda i Dafina,
I stack interest on piles, like Scrooge McDuck and Dafina,
Ne pogadjaju mene fruktoacije berze, na sve cetri strane sveta imam nevidjene veze,
The stock market fluctuations don't affect me, I have unseen connections in all four corners of the world,
Znam i zidare, i templare, dabome,
I know both masons and templars, of course,
Tu je malteski red i sudija Falkone,
There's the Maltese Order and Judge Falcone,
I kod svetske policije sto imam beneficije,
And the benefits I have with the world police,
Koje koristim u biznisu da zaobidjem restrikcije,
Which I use in business to bypass restrictions,
Imam multi-kompanije, prosto ne znam sta mi je,
I have multi-companies, I simply don't know what's wrong with me,
Plus milion malih firmi, al to su boranije,
Plus a million small firms, but those are just small potatoes,
Drzim pola Zambije, i dobar deo Spanije,
I own half of Zambia and a good part of Spain,
I sa Hesus Hilom pravim papazjanije,
And I'm doing shenanigans with Jesús Gil,
Rudnik dijamanata, i nalazista platine,
Diamond mine and platinum deposits,
Perverzije u dvorcu dok ga kubanke ne zadime,
Perversions in the castle while the Cuban girls smoke it up,
Na putu oko sveta reputacija prati me,
On my trip around the world, reputation follows me,
Trulo dekadentan, jebi ga shvati me,
Rotten decadent, fuck it, understand me,
Ja, Bil Gates i sultan od Brinea,
Me, Bill Gates and the Sultan of Brunei,
Menju nama trojicom ja najveca sam dilea,
Among the three of us, I'm the biggest dealer,
Imam sest satelita i petnaest raketa,
I have six satellites and fifteen rockets,
Ako neko mi smeta ode pola sveta,
If someone bothers me, half the world is gone,
Dok obrcu se repa, ti samo budi lepa,
While the money rolls, you just be beautiful,
Ne vidi se dno mog dubokog dzepa,
You can't see the bottom of my deep pocket,
Stigli smo na reviju u prvi red smo seli,
We arrived at the fashion show and sat in the front row,
Bacam kosku Armaniju, dok mashem Donateli,
I throw a bone to Armani, while waving to Donatella,
Ja se raskalasno ponasam dok delim beli prasak,
I behave outrageously as I share the white powder,
Dobacujem Naomi... djido vamo na casak,
I shout to Naomi... come here for a moment,
Podji samnom na prasak, na ostrvo Lezbos,
Come with me to Lesbos island for some fun,
Da nam svira Santana, i na uvce peva Eros,
Let Santana play for us, and Eros sing in the evening,
Onaj tamo s maskom, to je Majkl Dzekson,
That guy over there with the mask, that's Michael Jackson,
Ona opsednuta sexom, to je Toni Brekston,
The one obsessed with sex, that's Toni Braxton,
Vidim dosla je sa deckom, al je spremna da ga vara,
I see she came with her boyfriend, but she's ready to cheat,
Ajde palimo odavde ima gadno da me smara,
Let's get out of here, she's gonna annoy me badly,
Atmosfera kamerna u zamku vise prija,
The chamber atmosphere in the castle is more pleasant,
Dok siroko carlija, svira Pako Delusija,
While Paco de Lucía plays widely,
Stani evo je Mia, jel ono sa njom Alija
Wait, here's Mia, is that Alija with her?
Il' ona mala droplja iz TLC-ja
Or that little hottie from TLC
Vidi Pavarotija ala se ugojio, idi kuci debeli al' si se oznio,
Look at Pavarotti, how fat he's gotten, go home fatso, you're sweating,
A ja sam se smorio, ajmo negde na party,
And I'm wasted, let's go to a party somewhere,
Samo pokazi na karti, Sahara il' Antartik,
Just point on the map, Sahara or Antarctica,
Go u Dzakarti, sa Shumaherom na karting,
Naked in Jakarta, go-karting with Schumacher,
Nema ogranicenja, moze mi se slati,
There are no limits, I can send it,
Moj privatni dzet, samo jedan od pet,
My private jet, just one of five,
Ili dva'est pet, zaboravih vec,
Or twenty-five, I forgot already,
Spreman je za let, ka savakoj destinaciji, kad si s najvecim igracima nema kraja zajebanciji,
It's ready for take-off, to any destination, when you're with the biggest players, the fun never ends,
Kazu Zemlja je do jaja, ne znaju, seru,
They say Earth is awesome, they don't know, they're full of shit,
Sedi u shatl, palimo na veneru,
Get in the shuttle, we're going to Venus,
Pluton ili Uran nije vazna planeta,
Pluto or Uranus, it doesn't matter which planet,
Moja briga su repa ti samo budi lepaaa...
My concern is the money, you just be beautiful...
Dok obrcu se repa, ti samo budi lepa,
While the money rolls, you just be beautiful,
Ne vidi se dno mog dubokog dzepa
You can't see the bottom of my deep pocket

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