Beogradski Sindikat - Duga je ulica - (2021 Remaster) - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Beogradski Sindikat - Duga je ulica - (2021 Remaster)

Duga je ulica - (2021 Remaster)
Long is the Street - (2021 Remaster)
Duga je ulica, često se staje
Long is the street, often one stops
Šta je ono što me tera da idem dalje, nešto više
What is it that makes me go on, something more
Što se čita iako ne piše, što čoveku daje život
That is read although not written, that gives man life
I kad prestane da diše, razbija kliše
Even when he stops breathing, breaks the cliché
Straha od smrti
Of fear of death
Sve dobija smisao, zemlja nastavlja da se vrti
Everything makes sense, the earth continues to spin
I ako staneš, brate zapamti
And if you stop, brother, remember
Niko ne može da ugasi život što u tebi plamti
No one can extinguish the life that burns within you
Vatru koja gori
The fire that burns
Želju čoveka da se bori da nešto stvori
Man's desire to fight to create something
Iza sebe ostavi
To leave behind
Da se suprotstavi zlu koje vreba a sve što treba
To oppose the evil that lurks, and all it takes
Je odreći se potreba koje tu su da te kvare
Is to give up the needs that are there to spoil you
Novac i žene dođu i odu ali čuvaj drugare
Money and women come and go but keep your friends close
Pakao il' raj
Hell or paradise
Zato brate znaj duga je ulica al' izvestan je kraj
So brother, know the street is long, but the end is certain
Iz prašine i blata ulice Beograda
From the dust and mud of Belgrade's streets
Stižu slike rezervata pod kišom granata
Come images of reservations under the rain of grenades
Oružje na gotovs težak život od smrada
Weapons at the ready, hard life of stench
Detinjstvo noćna mora zakon ulice vlada
Childhood nightmare, the law of the street reigns
Odrastanje u duhu narodnih pesama
Growing up in the spirit of folk songs
K-k-kubure, sablje, preki sud, vešala
G-g-guns, sabers, swift justice, gallows
I šta se sada dešava na ovom trulom svetu
And what is happening now in this rotten world
Sve odlazi u kurac ništa nije u redu
Everything goes to shit, nothing is right
I jebeš sistem
And fuck the system
Jer je jebeni sistem kriv za sve koji nepravdu veliča, političare pse
Because the fucking system is to blame for all who glorify injustice, politician dogs
A politika je bila kurva, uvek biće takva
And politics was a whore, always will be
Stiže razglednica od Srbije sa letovanja iz pakla
A postcard arrives from Serbia, from a vacation in hell
A deca su ko deca svako traži nešto više
And children are like children, everyone wants something more
Svoje mesto pod suncem jer ovde teško se diše
Their place in the sun, because it's hard to breathe here
A gde ćeš više kada prepušten si sam sebi
And where will you go when you are left to yourself
Da žrtvuješ svoj život ne bi, ali možda pre bi
To sacrifice your life, you wouldn't, but maybe you would rather
Da razmisliš o svemu ulici, životu
Think about everything, the street, life
Možda tu ćeš naći sreću ako spreman si za borbu
Maybe there you will find happiness if you are ready to fight
Aaah, da se snađeš kako umeš i znaš
Aaah, to manage as you can and know
Sve od sebe da daš duga je ulica i to duga je baš
To give your all, the street is long, and it's really long
Budan da budeš za sve što ti život sprema
To be awake for everything that life has in store for you
Težak život u Beogradu bez ikakvih dilema
Hard life in Belgrade, without any dilemmas
Ali da mogo sam da biram znam da ovde bih se rodio
But if I could choose, I know I would be born here
I ratove s demonima bih neprekidno vodio
And I would constantly wage wars with demons
Kada bi ih dobio sve do jednog pobio
If I won them, killed every single one
Zahvalio bih bogu što mi je dušu oslobodio
I would thank God for freeing my soul
Duga je ulica kojom hodaš
Long is the street you walk
Pazi kuda skrećeš, nemoj lako da se prodaš
Be careful where you turn, don't sell yourself easily
Samo da znaš, svet je tvoj, svet je naš
Just so you know, the world is yours, the world is ours
Nemoj da posustaješ, moraš sve od sebe da daš
Don't give up, you have to give your all
Duga je ulica kojom hodaš
Long is the street you walk
Pazi kuda skrećeš, nemoj lako da se prodaš
Be careful where you turn, don't sell yourself easily
Samo da znaš, svet je tvoj, svet je naš
Just so you know, the world is yours, the world is ours
Nemoj da posustaješ, moraš sve od sebe da daš
Don't give up, you have to give your all
U početku sam bio sasvim bled na trenutke
At first I was quite pale, at times
Vidljiv događaj u životu koji zaboravlja se lako
A visible event in life that is easily forgotten
Ali urezan u ponašanje ja te proganjam od tada
But etched into behavior, I've been haunting you since then
A da nisi ni svestan da je tako
And you're not even aware of it
Kako prolaze godine sve konkretniji oblik
As the years go by, a more concrete form
I prisutniji udeo u životu tvom dobijam
And a more present share in your life I gain
I uz tvoje mi misli odane još uvek nejake odbrane
And with your thoughts loyal to me, still weak defenses
Koje neiskusno postavljaš bez napora probijam
Which you inexpertly set up, I break through effortlessly
Usput si vidim sakupio unutrašnje moći trunku
Along the way, I see you've gathered a bit of inner strength
Uverio da tajne postoje moj lik sagledao sav
Convinced that secrets exist, you've seen my whole form
Odbio po koji udarac koji sam pokušao da ti zadam
Repelled a few blows I tried to inflict on you
Ali tvojom svešću ja i dalje suvereno vladam
But I still reign supreme over your consciousness
Godine ratovanja na meni ostavljaju trag
Years of warfare leave their mark on me
A tvoj mač i oklop posle svakog okršaja sve oštriji postaju
And your sword and armor become sharper after each clash
Dok jednog dana nisam ostao bez glave
Until one day I was left headless
A posle mene samo svesnost i tišina ostaju
And after me, only awareness and silence remain
Vratih se još jednom još jedan udarac da ti zadam
I returned once more to strike you one more blow
Poslednji i kobni i uzeh vreme da me ojača
The last and fatal one, and I took the time to strengthen myself
Obličje smrti sada moja je maska
The face of death is now my mask
Bez sumnje u ishod čekam na kraju puta čas tvoga dolaska
Without a doubt in the outcome, I wait at the end of the road for the hour of your arrival
I usput moja senka padaće na tebe
And along the way my shadow will fall upon you
Oslabićeš mislio sam izvesnost iscrpeće te
You will weaken, I thought, certainty will exhaust you
Ali kada te udarih po ramenu i videh da me gledaš kao brata
But when I tapped you on the shoulder and saw you looking at me like a brother
I videh tvoj grandiozan poslednji ples
And saw your grand final dance
Prepun moći ostao sam bez daha
Full of power, I was left breathless
Tvoje izabrano mesto blago zadrhta
Your chosen place trembled slightly
I uz umirućeg sunca zrak
And with the dying ray of the sun
Tvoj poslednji pokret beše moćan i jak
Your last movement was powerful and strong
I ja te usmerih ka jugu
And I directed you south
Gde u predelima nepreglednosti izgubi ti se trag
Where in the vast landscapes your trace was lost
Duga je ulica kojom hodaš
Long is the street you walk
Pazi kuda skrećeš, nemoj lako da se prodaš
Be careful where you turn, don't sell yourself easily
Samo da znaš, svet je tvoj, svet je naš
Just so you know, the world is yours, the world is ours
Nemoj da posustaješ, moraš sve od sebe da daš
Don't give up, you have to give your all
Duga je ulica kojom hodaš
Long is the street you walk
Pazi kuda skrećeš, nemoj lako da se prodaš
Be careful where you turn, don't sell yourself easily
Samo da znaš, svet je tvoj, svet je naš
Just so you know, the world is yours, the world is ours
Nemoj da posustaješ, moraš sve od sebe da daš
Don't give up, you have to give your all
Lice njegovo to je k'o od drveta kore
His face is like tree bark
Mlado a mnoge bore duhom prve zore
Young but many wrinkles, spirit of the first dawn
I čudom on je gonjen da na put dalek ode
And by a miracle he is driven to go on a long journey
Beše suviše mlad za taj put dalek tad
He was too young for that long journey then
A opet za put ko da je stvoren
And yet as if created for the journey
I prvo je nejake mišice hranio od ljubavi kišnice
And first he nourished his weak muscles with love's rainwater
A zatim je za krhko telo
And then for the fragile body
Osnovno jelo bilo svako delo smelo
The basic meal was every bold deed
Tad treniralo se dobro i dobro se jelo
Then we trained well and ate well
Sve do doba zrelog kad osnovna hrana postadoše
Until the mature age when the basic food became
Visoka uma stanja i vrhovna znanja
High states of mind and supreme knowledge
I usled duge obuke postadoh obučen u belo odelo veštine upravljanja
And after long training I became dressed in a white suit of management skills
I od tad mene korak ima već danima od davnina
And since then my step has been for days, since ancient times
To rekao sam svima i ko da me tera da grabim na put
I told everyone that, and as if something is pushing me to hurry on my way
A usput u uspeh ja gubio sam veru
And along the way, I lost faith in success
Al' nisam odstupio od smera jer ja i volja neslućena
But I didn't deviate from the direction because me and an unimaginable will
Doživesmo dobra nesuđena i prođosmo kroz mnoga iskušenja
We experienced undeserved good and went through many trials
Uz pomoć strpljenja i velikoga htenja
With the help of patience and great desire
I nema odstupanja i nema povlačenja
And there is no deviation and no retreat
A poseban značaj da dam pravim vrlinama
And to give special significance to true virtues
I svakom ko ih gaji starim istinama
And to everyone who cultivates them, old truths
Svakom ko ih zna i šta ima smisla
To everyone who knows them and what makes sense
Ja da to priznam više od srca i obraza čista
For me to admit that, more than a pure heart and face
Blistavog oka i uspravnog hoda
Bright eyes and upright gait
Kao blagoslov od Boga i zato na kraju ove ulice
Like a blessing from God and therefore at the end of this street
Ja gledaću u lice bez straha crnoga kosača
I will look into the face of the black reaper without fear
I volja mi svakodnevno jača dok ka njemu ja koračam
And my will grows stronger every day as I walk towards him
A do tad sve ovo komad po komad
And until then, all of this, piece by piece
Dobiće značaj i videću k'o celinu ovaj moj put
Will gain significance and I will see this path of mine as a whole
Plodan i bogat ko svu veličinu života moga
Fertile and rich, like all the greatness of my life
Moj je život pun problema, na ulici od malena
My life is full of problems, on the street since childhood
Poštovan kod klinaca i drugara kojih nema
Respected by kids and friends who are no more
Pratim ulicu što krivuda, ja je pratim ona me cima
I follow the street that meanders, I follow it, it pulls me
Kao sunđer upijam sudbine, trenutke delim sa svima
Like a sponge I absorb destinies, I share moments with everyone
I zovu me lutaluice psi da pođem s' njima
And the stray dogs call me to go with them
Znam u svakom zlom čoveku dobrote malo ima
I know there is a little bit of goodness in every bad man
Drugovima iz kraja želim da poručim samo jedno
I want to tell my friends from the neighborhood only one thing
Suze za geto trinest brate večno
Tears for ghetto thirteen, brother, forever
Idemo sad svi zajedno, mi moramo svi da uspemo
Let's go all together now, we all have to succeed
Možemo i sutra da umremo al' nikada glavu da spustimo
We can die tomorrow, but never lower our heads
Niz bujicu da se pustimo da nas bespomoćne nosi
To let ourselves go down the torrent, to be carried helplessly
Ni Rim čak nije bio sagrađen preko noći
Even Rome wasn't built in a day
Ne treba goreti u želji, s vremenom sve će doći
No need to burn with desire, everything will come with time
Kad ulici bliži se kraj sunce zaslepljuje oči
When the street nears its end, the sun blinds the eyes
Duga je ulica kojom hodaš
Long is the street you walk
Pazi kuda skrećeš, nemoj lako da se prodaš
Be careful where you turn, don't sell yourself easily
Samo da znaš, svet je tvoj, svet je naš
Just so you know, the world is yours, the world is ours
Nemoj da posustaješ, moraš sve od sebe da daš
Don't give up, you have to give your all
Duga je ulica kojom hodaš
Long is the street you walk
Pazi kuda skrećeš, nemoj lako da se prodaš
Be careful where you turn, don't sell yourself easily
Samo da znaš, svet je tvoj, svet je naš
Just so you know, the world is yours, the world is ours
Nemoj da posustaješ, moraš sve od sebe da daš
Don't give up, you have to give your all
Duga je ulica kojom hodaš
Long is the street you walk
Pazi kuda skrećeš, nemoj lako da se prodaš
Be careful where you turn, don't sell yourself easily
Samo da znaš, svet je tvoj, svet je naš
Just so you know, the world is yours, the world is ours
Moraš sve od sebe da daš
You have to give your all
Duga je ulica
Long is the street

Writer(s): Bosko Cirkovic, Ognjen Jankovic, Marko Djuric, Fedja Dimovic, Blazo Vujovic, Darko Marjanovic

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