U poslednje vreme, stalno te srecem, samog na klupi u parku, sedis, pricas sa flasom, pravis se da me ne vidis, ne znas sta bi mi rek'o, a ja te izbegavam i uvek predjem preko.
Lately, I keep running into you, alone on that park bench, sitting, talking to your bottle, pretending you don't see me, not knowing what to say. And I avoid you, always crossing the street.
Sad daleko i strano mi deluju oni dani, kad u kraju svi su znali kad bas ti prodjes ulicom, najnoviji prevoz sa nadrkanom muzikom i najboljom cupikom, a ti u elementu.
Those days seem so distant and strange now, when everyone in the neighborhood knew when you walked by, blasting the latest music with the best girl by your side, you were in your element.
Sa osmehom na licu, svi se grabe oko tebe, vrtis ture u kaficu, sijas punim sjajem.
With a smile on your face, everyone flocked around you, buying you rounds at the cafe, you were shining bright.
Znam, oduvek svi su te mrzeli, al' su ti se slihtali, a klinci te imitirali, tvoje fore skidali.
I know, everyone always hated you, but they still sucked up to you, and the kids imitated you, copied your every move.
I uvek su se tripovali da budu tvoji puleni, da budu vidjeni sa tobom, k'o psi bi bili srecni.
They always tripped over themselves to be your protégé, to be seen with you, they'd be happy as dogs.
A i ti si bio takav na pocetku karijere, pratio si starije i skupljao poene.
And you were like that too at the start of your career, following the older guys, earning your stripes.
Sitne kradje, prevare, brze tike su sevale, nisi nikog zareziv'o dok si svoje ime gradio.
Petty thefts, scams, quick deals were flying, you didn't screw anyone over while building your name.
Preko leseva si gazio u ostvarenju svoga cilja.
You walked over corpses to achieve your goals.
I najboljeg druga, ako tu je neka kinta, bi ostavio u blatu da za tvoje dugove ispasta, da mu odradis ribu, to ti nije bilo nista.
Even your best friend, if there was money involved, you'd leave him in the dirt to suffer for your debts, to take the fall for you, it meant nothing to you.
Nisi bio mnogo hrabar, al' brzo si se namaz'o, u pucnjavi na splavu, satro tu si se dokazao.
You weren't very brave, but you quickly got involved, in that shooting at the raft, that's where you proved yourself.
To se gradom brzo proculo, iako nisi ti pucao i od tada sve je pocelo munjevitom brzinom.
Word spread through the city fast, even though you didn't pull the trigger, and from then on everything started happening at lightning speed.
Od trenutka kad u prvu kombinaciju si upao, preko siptarske veze, brdo prese tad si kupov'o.
From the moment you got into your first deal, through that Albanian connection, you were buying mountains of stuff.
Krajcov'o pakete, jer si uvek bio alav, sve si hteo preko noci, bio si mnogo gladan.
Cutting corners on packages, because you were always greedy, you wanted everything overnight, you were starving.
Secam se, kol'ko si se radov'o kad su klinci izvalili eksere, valj'o si ih na stotine.
I remember how happy you were when the kids scored those pills, you were selling them by the hundreds.
Ubrzo si kupio i prvu kilu, razbio je na kvotere, a pare su se slivale u tvoje prepune dzepove.
Soon you bought your first kilo, broke it down into quarters, and the money was pouring into your overflowing pockets.
Postao si bahat, za sobom ostavlj'o si repove, gubio si drugove, a mnozio si grehove.
You became arrogant, leaving a trail of messes behind you, losing friends, and multiplying your sins.
Cetvrtaci su culi za tvoje velike poslove, pa je palo prvo hapsenje i pocelo je drukanje.
The higher-ups heard about your big deals, and then came the first arrest and the snitching began.
Tvoja veza za snabdevanje od pevanja pukla je i po celom gradu culo se...
Your supply chain cracked from the singing, and the whole city heard...
Ti mislis sve je tvoje,
You think everything is yours,
Sve preko noci moze,
Everything can happen overnight,
Al' shvatis da je kasno
But you realize it's too late
Tek kad glavom udaris u zid.
Only when you hit the wall headfirst.
Ti juris svoje snove,
You chase your dreams,
Al' to su nocne more,
But they're nightmares,
I kad se probudis,
And when you wake up,
Sad kako da se pomiris sa tim.
Now how do you come to terms with that.
Pubovi su te unajmili da valjas njihovu robu, dok ti cinkaris druge oni na jedno oko zazmure.
The pubs hired you to sell their stuff, while you snitched on others they turned a blind eye.
Ne znajuci za to, mnogi su ti se poveravali, da bi sutra, zbog toga, u,, 29-om" zavrsavali.
Without knowing it, many confided in you, only to end up in "29" because of it the next day.
Sa lisicama na rukama i kesama na glavi, u najgorim mukama, koliko samo ljudi i dalje zbog tebe lezi.
With handcuffs on their wrists and bags over their heads, in the worst torment, how many people are still suffering because of you.
To je bilo zlatno vreme za gnjidu poput tebe, jer si se fur'o pun sebe, bez obzira na druge.
That was a golden age for a scumbag like you, because you were full of yourself, regardless of others.
Imao si mocne partnere, bkoji bi se pobrinuli da kroz dzunglu na asfaltu uvek prokrce ti put.
You had powerful partners who would make sure you always had a clear path through the asphalt jungle.
Postao si pravi mali tajkun, glavni privrednik u kraju, imao si stosta, al' ti nije bilo dosta.
You became a real little tycoon, the main businessman in the neighborhood, you had a lot, but it wasn't enough for you.
Tada si jos uvek mogao bez kazne da prodjes, jer u ovoj divljoj zemljii gori prevaranti od tebe su se izvukli, a da nisu platili, ni na mostu ni na cupriji.
Back then you could still get away without punishment, because in this wild land, even bigger crooks than you got away without paying, neither on the bridge nor at the tollbooth.
Tada si se zajebao, tvoji mali izleti nisu se svideli muriji.
That's when you screwed up, your little escapades didn't sit well with the cops.
Postao si rizican, jer profit naglo se smanjio, vise nisu imali dobar uvidu to sta si radio, sta i kome si valjao, kome i za sta si davao.
You became a liability, because the profit suddenly dropped, they no longer had a good insight into what you were doing, what and to whom you were selling, to whom and for what you were giving.
Sve vise i vise si trosio, sve manje i manje si vracao, sve dok se jednog dana nisi nasao u sumi, vezan za drvo, s' ekipom koja te muci, prebijen na mrtvo.
You were spending more and more, returning less and less, until one day you found yourself in the woods, tied to a tree, with a crew torturing you, beaten half to death.
Tvoje izmrcvareno telo na sto mesta je puklo, unutrasnje krvarenje, svi su mislili da si umro.
Your mangled body was broken in a hundred places, internal bleeding, everyone thought you were dead.
A i bolje bi ti bilo, bovako ne znas sta te ceka, za razliku od nekad vise nemas svoja ledja.
And it would have been better for you, because now you don't know what awaits you, unlike before, you no longer have your back covered.
Vise nema tvojih snova, para, poslova i kola, vise nema tvojih prica, klinci imaju novog idola.
There are no more dreams, money, deals, and cars, no more of your stories, the kids have a new idol.
Ti si otpisan za sve, mrtav covek koji hoda, ti si poslednji talog, svuda nosis svoju propast.
You're written off by everyone, a dead man walking, you're the bottom of the barrel, carrying your downfall everywhere.
Svi se sklanjaju od tebe, k'o od kuge i kolere, svi pamte kakav gad si bio, niko te ne jebe.
Everyone avoids you like the plague and cholera, everyone remembers what a jerk you were, nobody cares about you.
Ti si dokaz pohlepe, kao najnize pobude, koja ako te obuzme ne moze nigde da te odvede.
You are proof of greed, as the lowest of impulses, which if it consumes you, can lead you nowhere.
Samo jos jedan pijanac iz parka, sa omcom oko vrata, prolazan k'o kisa jednog usamljenog oblaka.
Just another drunk from the park, with a noose around his neck, fleeting like the rain of a lonely cloud.
Jedna zvezda, koja je samo na trenutak zasjala, pa je pala.
A star that shone only for a moment, and then fell.
Ti mislis sve je tvoje,
You think everything is yours,
Sve preko noci moze,
Everything can happen overnight,
Al' shvatis da je kasno
But you realize it's too late
Tek kad glavom udaris u zid.
Only when you hit the wall headfirst.
Ti juris svoje snove,
You chase your dreams,
Al' to su nocne more,
But they're nightmares,
I kad se probudis,
And when you wake up,
Sad kako da se pomiris sa tim.
Now how do you come to terms with that.
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