Beogradski Sindikat - Mi Smo Ta Ekipa - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Beogradski Sindikat - Mi Smo Ta Ekipa

Mi Smo Ta Ekipa
We Are That Crew
BS, ekipa na sve spremna
BS, the crew ready for anything
Ceo život sam u treningu, da srušio bih prepreku
My whole life I've been training, I'd break down any barrier
Da gušio bih nevolju, na duši moju veliku
I'd suffocate trouble, on my great soul, my dear
Pa sam se cimao, u najgorem vremenu
So I struggled, in the worst of times
Hodao po trnju, ne po crvenom tepihu
Walked on thorns, not on a red carpet, my love
I kad nije bio blistav život, imalo je smisla
And when life wasn't glamorous, it still had meaning
Krivo nije bilo nikad, zbog odricanja trista
It was never wrong, for three hundred sacrifices, darling
I kao pit griz'o, suočen sa krizom
And like a pit bull, I bit, facing the crisis
Mogao sam 10, a 150 diz'o
I could lift 10, but I lifted 150, sweetheart
Nisam osetio poraz, neki kažu da je gorak
I didn't feel defeat, some say it's bitter
Neki kažu da je borba, samo predigra za propast
Some say the fight is just a prelude to ruin, my dear
Kad je teško kažu dosta, u stvari to je klopka
When it's hard they say enough, actually it's a trap
Ali imam serum protiv toga, formula je volja
But I have the serum against it, the formula is willpower, darling
Sunce koje prži, k'o da kaže da izdržim
The sun that scorches, as if saying to endure
Vetar muzika za uši, ritam kiša koja pljušti
The wind is music to my ears, the rhythm of the pouring rain, my love
Po Beogradskom asfaltu, gde legende nastaju
On the Belgrade asphalt, where legends are born
Da cvetaju k'o tikve, dok u najbolje ne stasaju
To bloom like gourds, until they grow into the best
Kroz pukotine nikle, u svakom gradskom naselju
Sprouted through the cracks, in every city neighborhood
Do zvezda su se digle, ali pamte sve odakle su
They rose to the stars, but remember where they came from, darling
Sija Sunce kao zlato
The sun shines like gold
Svi u napad samo hrabro
Everyone to attack, just be brave
Znaj da u Beogradu
Know that in Belgrade
Danas je dan za pobedu
Today is the day for victory
Sija Sunce kao zlato
The sun shines like gold
Svi u napad samo hrabro
Everyone to attack, just be brave
Znaj da u Beogradu
Know that in Belgrade
Danas je dan za pobedu
Today is the day for victory
Mi smo ta ekipa, što se kapira u pokretu
We are that crew, that's understood on the move
Bratija po kodeksu, matira u potezu
Brothers by code, checkmates in one move
Mi smo ta ekipa sa stanjem u posedu
We are that crew, with the situation in possession
Dogovor u pogledu, dovoljan za odluku
Agreement in sight, enough for a decision
Kad nas emocije nose i kad brige nas lome
When emotions carry us and worries break us
To je poenta ekipe, svi nas znaju po tome
That's the point of the crew, everyone knows us for it
Svi da pamte šampione, koji pale milione
Everyone to remember the champions, who ignite millions
Koji ostavljaju srce, dok u borbi ne izgore
Who leave their hearts, until they burn out in battle
Jer tako samo mi odrasli, vaspitani spartanski
Because that's how only we grown-ups, raised Spartan-like
Detinjstvo nismo imali, da postali bi najbolji
We didn't have a childhood, otherwise we would have become the best
Da ostali bi besmrtni, mi smo se povezali
We would have remained immortal, we connected
Sebe smo se odrekli, tako smo se spremali
We gave up on ourselves, that's how we prepared
Ajmo ruke sada gore, jer je narod ovaj stvoren
Let's raise our hands now, because these people are created
Da do zore bodri one, što za moje boje gore
To cheer until dawn those who burn for my colors
Jer mi smo došli dovde, da ostvarimo snove
Because we came here to make dreams come true
Da zapalimo more, sve vas dignemo na noge
To set the sea on fire, to get you all on your feet
Naša misao, ideja, nek' zasija kao baklja
Our thought, our idea, let it shine like a torch
Svi zajedno sa nama, jer odavde nema nazad
All together with us, because there's no turning back from here
Sija Sunce kao zlato
The sun shines like gold
Svi u napad samo hrabro
Everyone to attack, just be brave
Znaj da u Beogradu
Know that in Belgrade
Danas je dan za pobedu
Today is the day for victory
Sija Sunce kao zlato
The sun shines like gold
Svi u napad samo hrabro
Everyone to attack, just be brave
Znaj da u Beogradu
Know that in Belgrade
Danas je dan za pobedu
Today is the day for victory
BG, 011
BG, 011
Danas je dan za pobedu
Today is the day for victory
Ruke gore, naša zemlja, ajmo svi
Hands up, our land, let's go everyone
Danas je dan za pobedu
Today is the day for victory
Sija Sunce kao zlato
The sun shines like gold
Svi u napad samo hrabro
Everyone to attack, just be brave
Znaj da u Beogradu
Know that in Belgrade
Danas je dan za pobedu
Today is the day for victory
Sija Sunce kao zlato
The sun shines like gold
Svi u napad samo hrabro
Everyone to attack, just be brave
Znaj da u Beogradu
Know that in Belgrade
Danas je dan za pobedu
Today is the day for victory
BG, 011
BG, 011

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