Beogradski Sindikat - Oni Su - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Beogradski Sindikat - Oni Su

Oni Su
They Are
Ovo nimalo nije politički korektno
This isn't politically correct at all, baby
Ni levo ni desno, već pravo u meso
Neither left nor right, but straight into the flesh
Pesnajom u vugla da ostanu bez zuba
With a song in their face, so they lose their teeth
Da frfljaju u skupštini kad raspravlja se ustav
So they stammer in parliament when the constitution's discussed
Ovo je buna protiv dahija, ovo je kidanje bukagija
This is a rebellion against the dahijas, this is breaking the shackles
Ovde nemate kontrolu, to je masovna reakcija
You have no control here, this is a mass reaction
Brzo budi premijera, čujem zveckaju lisice
Quickly wake up the Prime Minister, I hear handcuffs rattling
Postroj mi sve ministre, ključeve od riznice
Line up all the ministers for me, the keys to the treasury
Ajmo, raport za narod, da čujem ko je krao
Come on, report to the people, let me hear who's been stealing
Sjeb'o nam živote, a nije odgovar'o
Ruined our lives, and wasn't held accountable
Sad ste se ušemili, pa nema revanšizma
Now you've gone quiet, so there's no retaliation
To je kodeks lopova, niko neće da prizna
That's the thieves' code, no one will confess
A ljudi slabo pamte, to je ovde glavni problem
And people have short memories, that's the main problem here
Ko te jebo godinama, jebaće te opet
Whoever fucked you for years, will fuck you again
Al' zapitaj se, dokle kakav si to čovek
But ask yourself, how long, what kind of man are you?
Ponizan i plašljiv, živiš bez slobode
Humble and fearful, you live without freedom
Dovoljne su mrvice da odrekneš se borbe
Crumbs are enough for you to renounce the fight
Jajare, funjare, zarazna bolest
Cowards, bastards, a contagious disease
Prodali bi kevu da u tome vide korist
You'd sell your mother if you saw profit in it
Plaćamo račune na kojim je vaš potpis
We pay the bills that bear your signature
Ne treba mi BIA da mi kaže da sam pošten
I don't need the BIA to tell me I'm honest
Niti radikali da li Srbin sam uopšte
Nor the Radicals to tell me if I'm even Serbian
Ne treba demagog da me s govornice zove, da borim se za bolje
I don't need a demagogue calling me from the podium to fight for better
Mi znamo što smo ovde
We know why we're here
Oni su sistem, instrukcija
They are the system, the instruction
Dogma, korupcija
Dogma, corruption
Teror institucija
Terror of institutions
Represija ubija
Repression kills
Mafija, murija
Mafia, police
Država hajdučija
State banditry
Kadija, sudija
Judge, jury
A mi smo revolucija
And we are the revolution
Oni su sistem, instrukcija
They are the system, the instruction
Dogma, korupcija
Dogma, corruption
Teror institucija
Terror of institutions
Represija ubija
Repression kills
Mafija, murija
Mafia, police
Država hajdučija
State banditry
A mi smo revolucija
And we are the revolution
To nije naša Srbija
This is not our Serbia
Zajebi dijalog, ne pregovaram s bagrom
Fuck dialogue, I don't negotiate with scum
Vi lažete ko stoka, eno štala vam je tamo
You lie like cattle, there's your stable over there
Stranački vojnici, bolje palite u zaklon
Party soldiers, you better run for cover
Zaključaćemo grad dok ne očistimo talog
We'll lock down the city until we clean out the dregs
I nek bude jasno svakom s poslaničkom platom
And let it be clear to everyone with a parliamentary salary
Ko nastavi po starom, platiće nam glavom
Whoever continues as before, will pay with their head
Patriote pred izbore stoput su nas izdale
Patriots before elections have betrayed us a hundred times
Slali nas u ratove za svoj lični interes
Sent us to wars for their own personal gain
Dok ikone su pevale, majke su naricale
While icons sang, mothers wailed
Na krvavim parama institucije su nicale
Institutions sprang up on bloody money
Realnost sve je skuplja, a gudra sve jeftinija
Reality is getting more expensive, and drugs are getting cheaper
Žuto kao štampa kojom upravlja policija
Yellow like the press controlled by the police
Crno-bela Srbija, nesloga je ubija
Black and white Serbia, discord is killing it
Na putu ka Evropi u govnima završila
On the road to Europe, it ended up in shit
Zar bombom da kažem da ta priča mi se smučila
Should I use a bomb to say I'm sick of that story?
Na sednice da upadam i taoce da uzimam
Should I barge into sessions and take hostages?
Zar vas istorija naša nije baš ništa naučila
Hasn't our history taught us anything?
Sami smo sebi poput najvećih dušmana
We are our own worst enemies
Ovo je otvorena poruka svim najgorim njuškama
This is an open message to all the worst mugs
Za sva vaša dela presudiće vam ulica
The street will judge you for all your deeds
Oni su sistem, instrukcija
They are the system, the instruction
Dogma, korupcija
Dogma, corruption
Teror institucija
Terror of institutions
Represija ubija
Repression kills
Mafija, murija
Mafia, police
Država hajdučija
State banditry
Kadija, sudija
Judge, jury
A mi smo revolucija
And we are the revolution
Oni su sistem, instrukcija
They are the system, the instruction
Dogma, korupcija
Dogma, corruption
Teror institucija
Terror of institutions
Represija ubija
Repression kills
Mafija, murija
Mafia, police
Država hajdučija
State banditry
A mi smo revolucija
And we are the revolution
To nije naša Srbija
This is not our Serbia
U amanet svima, da ne ponovi se nikad
As a legacy to everyone, so it never happens again
Generacije da pate za dobrobit režima
Generations suffering for the benefit of the regime
Zapamtite zauvek, svi zajedno k'o jedan
Remember forever, all together as one
Samo zdravi u glavi protiv sistema
Only the sane against the system
Oni su sistem, instrukcija
They are the system, the instruction
Dogma, korupcija
Dogma, corruption
Teror institucija
Terror of institutions
Represija ubija
Repression kills
Mafija, murija
Mafia, police
Država hajdučija
State banditry
A mi smo revolucija
And we are the revolution
To nije naša Srbija
This is not our Serbia
Oni su sistem, instrukcija
They are the system, the instruction
Dogma, korupcija
Dogma, corruption
Teror institucija
Terror of institutions
Represija ubija
Repression kills
Mafija, murija
Mafia, police
Država hajdučija
State banditry
A mi smo revolucija
And we are the revolution
To nije naša Srbija
This is not our Serbia

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