Beogradski Sindikat - Osveta - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Beogradski Sindikat - Osveta

Ovo je veoma stara prica. U to doba rime behu sasvim drugacije od onih sto postoje danas.
This is a very old story. In those times, rhymes were quite different from those that exist today.
Slike raja, a u stvari slike kraja.
Images of paradise, but in reality, images of the end.
Rosom umiven, obasjan suncem sto se radja,
Washed by dew, illuminated by the rising sun,
Pesma slapova sto sa kamenjem se svadja,
The song of waterfalls that quarrel with the stones,
I prija mi vetar sto se probija kroz cestar,
And the wind that breaks through the forest pleases me,
Sobom poneo je misli da danima sam vezan.
It has carried with it the thoughts that I have been bound for days.
Da ovo nije sunce zore rane, vec je moje patnje plamen,
That this is not the sun of the early dawn, but the flame of my suffering,
Slapovi su korbac, razapet na tocak,
The waterfalls are a whip, crucified on a wheel,
Telo mi je kamen, rosa krv iz rane,
My body is stone, dew is blood from a wound,
I zemlja bi se opila mukom moje brace.
And the earth would be drunk with the torment of my brothers.
U zivotu ishod cesto zavisi od jedne odluke, jedne bitke, jednog vodje.
In life, the outcome often depends on one decision, one battle, one leader.
Ceo zivot za jedan dan, za pocinak ne znam,
My whole life for one day, I don't know rest,
Nezadrzivo sutra, ja neminovno smrtan.
Unstoppable tomorrow, I am inevitably mortal.
Savladiv trenutak, strah u meni sputan,
Overcoming the moment, the fear in me is restrained,
Moj poznanik stari vec nebrojeno puta.
My old acquaintance is already countless times.
Ne odlazi k'o uvek vec satorom luta,
He doesn't leave as always but wanders through the tent,
Snagu nocas skupljam iako osecaj je slutnja.
I gather strength tonight even though the feeling is a premonition.
Sutra, sve oci bice uprte u mene,
Tomorrow, all eyes will be on me,
Jer prvi napad bice kako ja krenem.
Because the first attack will be how I move.
A sve posle toga pamtice vreme,
And everything after that will remember time,
A da li ce pamtiti i moje pokolenje?
But will my generation also remember?
Dok mislima lutam po kampu posmatram lampu sto gori,
As I wander through the camp in my thoughts, I watch the lamp burning,
I pitam se da l' ratnike moje ista misao mori,
And I wonder if the same thought torments my warriors,
Jer potreban je svaki punim srcem da se bori,
Because everyone needs to fight with a full heart,
Da veruje u sebe i u onog sto ih stvori,
To believe in themselves and in the one who created them,
Koliko ja verujem u njih i koliko ih volim,
How much I believe in them and how much I love them,
I moja desna ruka sto ih sa mnom uvek vodi...
And my right hand that always leads them with me...
U sobi senke,
Shadows in the room,
Prepad, stisak snazan, prvog rusim, drugog bacam, omca oko vrata.
Ambush, a strong grip, I knock down the first one, throw the second one, a noose around my neck.
Sapet sav sam, sad sam ostajem bez daha,
Bound, I'm out of breath,
Ostajem bez snage, svladan na kolena padam.
I'm running out of strength, I fall to my knees, overcome.
Zadnjim trzajem oruzje na podu hvatam za balcak.
With my last jerk, I grab the weapon on the floor by the hilt.
Napadaca nogom prignjecena saka,
The attacker's hand is crushed by my foot,
Na ostrici maca ubice zivotinjska grimasa,
On the blade of the sword, the bestial grimace of a killer,
Mog komandanta, mog iz borbe brata,
My commander, my brother from battle,
Vodje moje garde, a sada mog dzelata!
The leader of my guard, and now my executioner!
Nakon sto je mucki uhvacen i bacen na gubiliste, u trenucima pred smrt, nasem junaku pred ocima prolaze slike zivota.
After being treacherously captured and thrown into the abyss, in the moments before death, images of life pass before our hero's eyes.
Majcin pogled i osmeh, ocev uzvik za podstrek,
Mother's gaze and smile, father's shout for encouragement,
Sa mnogo volje, tesko u vezbi, nedorastao za koplje.
With a lot of will, hard in training, unfit for a spear.
Sa monasima ucim prva slova,
With the monks I learn the first letters,
Zbog kazne suze uzdrzavam od bola.
I hold back tears of pain because of punishment.
Prva borba, miris krvi drugova iz stroja.
The first fight, the smell of blood of comrades from the ranks.
Miris njene kose, poljubac u senci topola.
The scent of her hair, a kiss in the shadow of poplars.
Lepa kao andjeo penje se na oltar,
Beautiful as an angel, she climbs to the altar,
Svatovi u radosti, ja srecan sto je moja.
The wedding guests in joy, I am happy that she is mine.
Otac u mukama mi umire na rukama.
My father dies in agony in my arms.
Proslavljam u suzama propast mojih dusmana,
I celebrate in tears the downfall of my enemies,
Rame uz rame, ja i vodja moje garde,
Shoulder to shoulder, me and the leader of my guard,
Nepaznjom usred obruca, odlucno spasavamo glave.
Carelessly in the middle of the encirclement, we resolutely save our heads.
Rodjenje svoga sina vinom pozdravljam do zore.
I greet the birth of my son with wine until dawn.
Divlji vepar u trku jednim zamahom oboren.
A wild boar in a run, felled with one swing.
Kruna sjajna u rukama patrijarha,
A shiny crown in the hands of the patriarch,
Stegovi na vetru, narod pozdravlja kralja.
Flags in the wind, the people greet the king.
Osecanja sve su dalja,
Feelings are all further away,
Samo tuga, ostaje da prati me svuda do kraja puta.
Only sadness, remains to follow me everywhere until the end of the road.
Za prelaz preko reke falice mi dukat,
I will miss a ducat for crossing the river,
I za pocinak nije spremna kuca,
And the house is not ready for rest,
Zato nastavljam da lutam.
So I continue to wander.
Vecno zarobljena, dusa naseg junaka ostaje da proganja izdajnika.
Eternally trapped, the soul of our hero remains to haunt the traitor.
Svoje telo sa visine gledam besan,
I look at my body from above, angry,
Vrane sto mi kidaju rane teram,
I chase away the crows that tear my wounds,
Al' da ih sklonim ne uspevam.
But I can't manage to remove them.
Za odmor vise ne znam, besan,
I don't know rest anymore, angry,
Neminovne sudbine svestan, spokoja zeljan, treba mi mir.
Aware of the inevitable fate, longing for peace, I need peace.
Podig'o sam duhove iz leseva drugova,
I raised spirits from the corpses of comrades,
A birao sam najgore, zedne vode osvete,
And I chose the worst, thirsty for the water of revenge,
Proklete na lutanje dok usud svoj ne ostvare,
Cursed to wander until they fulfill their destiny,
Ja i moje utvare tvoje pohodimo kosmare.
Me and my ghosts haunt your nightmares.
Nekad znam i da krenem sam da te proganjam,
Sometimes I even start chasing you myself,
K'o zmaj menjam oblicja, iza tebe sam.
Like a dragon I change shapes, I'm behind you.
Moj dah ti ledi krv u zilama,
My breath freezes the blood in your veins,
Brine te sudbina tvojih sinova,
You worry about the fate of your sons,
Bezis od krvavih prizora.
You run away from bloody scenes.
I smeh odjekuje k'o greh izmedju dvorskih zidova,
And laughter echoes like sin between the palace walls,
Dok od krikova da pobegnes ne mozes,
While you can't escape the screams,
Stojis prikovan.
You stand riveted.
K'o u temelj zazidan, k'o ziv zakopan,
As if built into the foundation, as if buried alive,
Gubis dah, dok nokte lomis grebuci svoj sarkofag.
You lose your breath as you break your nails scratching your sarcophagus.
Pustam te da pobegnes, samo ostavim ti oziljak,
I let you escape, I just leave you a scar,
Da te podseti na sastanak sutra pred pocinak.
To remind you of our meeting tomorrow before bedtime.
Jer tvoji strahovi moji su macevi,
Because your fears are my swords,
Ni najjaci oklop ne moze da zastiti od savesti.
Not even the strongest armor can protect from conscience.
Jutra docekuj na kuli budan,
Meet the mornings awake on the tower,
Al' budi svestan da kad tad pasces u san,
But be aware that sooner or later you will fall asleep,
Da te opet docekam.
So I can welcome you again.

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