Beogradski Sindikat - Povratak - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Beogradski Sindikat - Povratak

The Return
Đafe Hamurabi
Đafe Hamurabi (Djafe Hammurabi)
Sindikat, najveći majstori
Syndicate, the greatest masters
Dugo ste nas u zaborav gurali
For a long time you tried to push us into oblivion, baby
Al' sad smo se ponovo vratili
But now we've returned, stronger than ever
Sindikat je jedini, najbolji majstori
The Syndicate is the only one, the best masters
Veliki neimari ove hip-hop scene
The great builders of this hip-hop scene
Mi nismo bacali rime, mi smo dizali temelj
We didn't just throw rhymes, we built the foundation
I šta je bilo smradovi
And what happened, you scumbags?
Ušinuli su vam se vratovi
Your necks stiffened
Dok nas gledate na bini kako kidamo k'o terminatori
While you watch us on stage tearing it up like Terminators
Pacovi pakosni, Ustaški plagijtori
Vicious rats, Ustaše plagiarists
Sindikat vam kuca na vrata da vas zauvek zatvori
Syndicate is knocking on your door to shut you down forever, darling
I sad kažeš nemoj matori, zar nismo bili gotivni
And now you say don't, old man, weren't we cool?
Seti se samo pre par 'dina koliko smo vam pomogli
Just remember a few days ago how much we helped you
Ma terajte se otrovi, crknite u ljubomori
Get lost, you poisons, die of envy
Dole na kolena jer dolaze Bogovi
Down on your knees because the Gods are coming
Da vas sahrane k'o popovi, da vam se ne znaju grobovi
To bury you like priests, so your graves are unknown
Da nemate ni roda ni poroda, kad vas uništimo lopovi
So you have no kin or offspring, when we destroy you thieves
Stiže Đafe Korleone, iz Dorćolske B zone
Đafe Corleone is coming, from the Dorćol B Zone
Ra ta ta ta ta ta, čašice se lome some
Ra ta ta ta ta ta, the glasses are breaking, sweetheart
Divi pljujem ogromne strofe, preko matrica od prote
I spit huge verses, over Prota's beats
Jer kad mačke nema dugo, miševi kolo vode
Because when the cat's away for too long, the mice will play
Ruke gore, svi na pod, glave u fioke
Hands up, everyone on the floor, heads in the drawers
Dok istresem ove rime kao pola kile koke
While I shake out these rhymes like half a kilo of coke
I nemoj niko da je mrdnuo, da ne zaglabate đoke
And nobody move, don't you dare mess around
Sindikat tu je opet, jači nego foke
Syndicate is here again, stronger than seals
Sindikat tu je opet, vraća se na posed, ruke gore!
Syndicate is here again, returning to the estate, hands up!
Mikrofon u ruci, ludaci na bini
Microphone in hand, madmen on stage
Sindikat se vratio, nema više izvini
Syndicate is back, no more apologies
Kraljevi metafore, sve dok nas ne zatvore
Kings of metaphor, as long as they don't lock us up
Zauvek svi zajedno, kidaćemo najbolje
Forever together, we will tear it up the best
Mikrofon u ruci, ludaci na bini
Microphone in hand, madmen on stage
Sindikat se vratio, nema više izvini
Syndicate is back, no more apologies
Kraljevi metafore, sve dok nas ne zatvore
Kings of metaphor, as long as they don't lock us up
Ajmo sada paljba, kidaćemo najbolje
Let's go now, fire, we'll tear it up the best
Vidi, vidi, debelo ljut sam k'o Bigi
Look, look, I'm seriously angry like Biggie
Na sceni stanje mučno, zato okret pod ručnom
The situation on the scene is sickening, so I'm pulling the handbrake
Kada sindikalni pokret na ulici je opet
When the union movement is on the street again
Mikrofon je otet, stručno, kada bučno upadam ja
The microphone is snatched, expertly, when I burst in loudly
Fontana gerilac, sa drugara par, glavni krivac
Fontana guerrilla, with a couple of friends, the main culprit
Čije rime su repetirane 'gije
Whose rhymes are repeated lines
Za primer hapse MC-je
They arrest MCs for example
Jer dugo nije, bilo me na livadi zato
Because I haven't been in the meadow for a long time, so
Pos'o ću da pri'vatim, korov treba kidati
I'm going to privatize the job, the weeds need to be pulled out
A onda obrok ću da pripremim k'o glavno jelo
And then I'll prepare a meal like a main course
Poješću te celoga za prilog
I'll eat you whole as a side dish
Zasladiću se stilom, jer krađe dosta je bilo
I'll sweeten up with style, because enough is enough with the stealing
A pazi sada ovo i za staro i za novo
And now pay attention to this, both for the old and for the new
Što se tiče škole, tivaj me za dole
As for school, tie me down
I pazi šta ću reći, mi smo prvi i drugi i treći
And watch what I'm going to say, we are the first, the second and the third
Proći ćeš k'o Knezovi u seči
You'll go through like the Princes in the slaughter
Pa ćeš brzo put preći od stojeci do ležeći
So you'll quickly go from standing to lying down
Jer doberman si ti, al' mi smo pitovi
Because you're a Doberman, but we are Pitbulls
Ajkula u moru si, mi ubice kitovi
You're a shark in the sea, we are killer whales
A ovo je trebalo da bude moja rima prva
And this was supposed to be my first rhyme
Nek mi kurac duva, svako repuje k'o Hrvat
Let everyone blow me, everyone raps like a Croat
Trenir'o k'o De Niro, taksista sam ludak
Trained like De Niro, I'm a crazy taxi driver
Da odvali mi prvak, s rimom koju čuvam ja
For the champion to blow me away, with a rhyme that I keep
Ali bla bla, za 102.2
But blah blah, for 102.2
Sindikalni razbojnik i baraba
Union robber and scoundrel
I u Supermenov znak mi nabudžili smo B
And we pimped the B into the Superman sign
Pa Sindikat ima snagu nadljudsku
So the Syndicate has superhuman strength
Što si pomislio sad, zadrži za sebe
What you thought just now, keep it to yourself
Jer si kreten, lažni reper
Because you're an idiot, a fake rapper
Zato skloni se od mene
So get away from me
Jer ovo je BS, mikrofon je Mesija
Because this is BS, the microphone is the Messiah
Za zavežite pičketine
So tie up, bitches
Mikrofon u ruci, ludaci na bini
Microphone in hand, madmen on stage
Sindikat se vratio, nema više izvini
Syndicate is back, no more apologies
Kraljevi metafore, sve dok nas ne zatvore
Kings of metaphor, as long as they don't lock us up
Zauvek svi zajedno, kidaćemo najbolje
Forever together, we will tear it up the best
Mikrofon u ruci, ludaci na bini
Microphone in hand, madmen on stage
Sindikat se vratio, nema više izvini
Syndicate is back, no more apologies
Kraljevi metafore, sve dok nas ne zatvore
Kings of metaphor, as long as they don't lock us up
Ajmo sada paljba, kidaćemo najbolje
Let's go now, fire, we'll tear it up the best
Reperi, manekeni glume gangsteraj
Rappers, models playing gangster
Od scene napraviše kupleraj
They turned the scene into a brothel
Prazne priče, šminka, fenseraj
Empty stories, makeup, posing
I Shef Sale više nema strpljenja
And Shef Sale has no more patience
Dosta smo se pravili fini
We've pretended to be nice long enough
Ajde pičketino zini
Come on bitch, open wide
Progutaj moje uvrede, a onda reci izvini
Swallow my insults, and then say you're sorry
Jer idu mi na kurac svi reperi tebi slični
Because I'm sick of all rappers like you
Svi reperi paraziti, što tripuju da su krimi
All parasite rappers who think they're criminals
Scene Mili Vanili, šatro odani firmi
Milli Vanilli scenes, supposedly loyal to the firm
A prodali bi dušu, za svoje mesto na bini
And they would sell their souls for their place on stage
Nažalost ne ide tako
Unfortunately, it doesn't work that way
Narod je prozreo vaš blef
The people have seen through your bluff
Brukate domaći rep, al' osvetiće ga Shef
You're embarrassing domestic rap, but Shef will avenge it
Kao oštrica Božije pravde, spuštam se na Zemlju
Like the blade of God's justice, I descend to Earth
Narodu da vratim veru, da reanimiram scenu
To restore faith to the people, to resuscitate the scene
Gnev sindikata na delu, pretnja svakom manekenu
The wrath of the syndicate at work, a threat to every model
I dok ne istrebim gamad, neću promeniti temu
And until I exterminate the vermin, I won't change the subject
Ma neću ni da trošim reči na jajare, funjare
I won't even waste words on ball-less wonders, whores
I na sve one cave što iza leđa su se šunjale
And on all those pussies who sneaked behind our backs
Na sve koji bunjare, samo nešto tu da ućare
On all those who just want to profit
A namazani, premazani šminkom kao cupike
And all dolled up with makeup like dolls
Slušam likove fejkuju, gledam likove foliraju
I listen to guys faking, I watch guys pretending
K'o da se bave pantomimom, pa im pos'o da imitiraju
As if they're doing pantomime, and their job is to imitate
I tužno je to što vidim, al' i smešno samim tim
And it's sad what I see, but it's also funny at the same time
Pa plačem od smeha k'o da gledam crtani film
So I'm crying with laughter like I'm watching a cartoon
Znam jedno je kad trezan si, drugo je kad se napiješ
I know one thing is when you're sober, another is when you're drunk
A to što odavde si, jebi ga, ne mo'š to da sakriješ
And the fact that you're from here, damn it, you can't hide that
Živimo, gde živimo usred zakuvanog sranja
We live where we live, in the middle of a fucked up mess
Al' u pitanju je BG, ajmo malo poštovanja
But it's BG in question, let's have some respect
Ovde prate me trubači, ne iz geta neki čame
Trumpeters follow me here, not some chumps from the ghetto
Ali ne ličim na repera već na ortaka iz kafane
But I don't look like a rapper, but like a buddy from a tavern
Jer dotak'o sam dno života, birajući stranputice
Because I hit rock bottom, choosing the wrong paths
Zato gruvam rime k'o iz jebene haubice
That's why I'm blasting rhymes like from a fucking howitzer
Evo ja ću biti sudija, a moja ekipa porota
Here, I'll be the judge, and my crew will be the jury
I Sodoma i Gomora, ako obuzme te pohlepa
And Sodom and Gomorrah, if greed takes over you
Čujem cave prozivaju eto novog povoda
I hear pussies calling out, here's a new reason
Da rokam kao šmajser, na mikrofonu Vojvoda
To rock like a Schmeisser, Vojvoda on the microphone
Mikrofon u ruci, ludaci na bini
Microphone in hand, madmen on stage
Sindikat se vratio, nema više izvini
Syndicate is back, no more apologies
Kraljevi metafore, sve dok nas ne zatvore
Kings of metaphor, as long as they don't lock us up
Zauvek svi zajedno, kidaćemo najbolje
Forever together, we will tear it up the best
Mikrofon u ruci, ludaci na bini
Microphone in hand, madmen on stage
Sindikat se vratio, nema više izvini
Syndicate is back, no more apologies
Kraljevi metafore, sve dok nas ne zatvore
Kings of metaphor, as long as they don't lock us up
Ajmo sada paljba, kidaćemo najbolje
Let's go now, fire, we'll tear it up the best
Koren sveg zla, novac te zarazio osnovac
The root of all evil, money infected you, elementary school kid
Ti si usijana glava, a ja na takve lovac
You're a hothead, and I'm a hunter for those kinds
Noću dok spavaš mirno, sanjaš da si zvezda
At night while you sleep peacefully, you dream of being a star
A ja star, mega star, u obe ruke spreman
And I'm an old, mega star, ready in both hands
Nogom lomim vrata, k'o MOSAD radim prepad
I kick down doors, I raid like MOSAD
Nisi siguran nigde, nikad ne znaš šta te čeka
You're not safe anywhere, you never know what awaits you
Dok se voziš gradom, mrštiš, s' krovova te vrebam
While you're driving through the city, frowning, I'm lurking from the rooftops
Gepard M1 kroz metal 12,7
Gepard M1 through metal 12.7
Kriješ BG naglasak da se provučeš k'o Hrvat
You're hiding your BG accent to slip through like a Croat
U masi 2000 Agram kosi sve k'o pljusak
In a crowd of 2000, Agram mows everything down like a downpour
Da me smekšaš, tuđe fore vadiš iz šteka
To soften me up, you pull out other people's tricks from the stash
Pomodan si neka, sad iz spektra, smeju se k'o deca
You're trendy, now from the spectrum, they laugh like children
Na duel bi da izađeš, kažeš pravi k'o nekad
You want to go to a duel, you say real like back in the day
U jednoj ruci mikrofon, u drugoj buldog čeka
Microphone in one hand, bulldog waiting in the other
Nemaš gde da pobegneš, moj vektor SS7-7
You have nowhere to run, my vector SS7-7
Scenu držim k'o bedem, grebem, neosvojiv za tebe
I hold the scene like a rampart, I scratch, unconquerable for you
Zapljuskuješ glupostima, bez potrebe talasaš
You're splashing with nonsense, making waves unnecessarily
Oduvaće te FAMAS 7-4 kalaš
FAMAS 7-4 Kalash will blow you away
Pali gajbi, pusti kraljeve da vladaju
Go home, let the kings rule
SBS-a rime parabelum, MC-jevi stradaju
SBS rhymes parabellum, MCs are perishing
Mikrofon u ruci, ludaci na bini
Microphone in hand, madmen on stage
Sindikat se vratio, nema više izvini
Syndicate is back, no more apologies
Kraljevi metafore, sve dok nas ne zatvore
Kings of metaphor, as long as they don't lock us up
Zauvek svi zajedno, kidaćemo najbolje
Forever together, we will tear it up the best
Mikrofon u ruci, ludaci na bini
Microphone in hand, madmen on stage
Sindikat se vratio, nema više izvini
Syndicate is back, no more apologies
Kraljevi metafore, sve dok nas ne zatvore
Kings of metaphor, as long as they don't lock us up
Ajmo sada paljba, kidaćemo najbolje
Let's go now, fire, we'll tear it up the best
Mikrofon u ruci, ludaci na bini
Microphone in hand, madmen on stage
Sindikat se vratio, nema više izvini
Syndicate is back, no more apologies
Kraljevi metafore, sve dok nas ne zatvore
Kings of metaphor, as long as they don't lock us up
Zauvek svi zajedno, kidaćemo najbolje
Forever together, we will tear it up the best
Mikrofon u ruci, ludaci na bini
Microphone in hand, madmen on stage
Sindikat se vratio, nema više izvini
Syndicate is back, no more apologies
Kraljevi metafore, sve dok nas ne zatvore
Kings of metaphor, as long as they don't lock us up
Ajmo sada paljba, kidaćemo najbolje
Let's go now, fire, we'll tear it up the best

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