Beogradski Sindikat
- (Svi zajedno, 2005)
- SBS Vojnici mirno!
Belgrade Syndicate
- (All Together, 2005)
- SBS Soldiers stand at ease!
Svi na svoja mesta hitno!
Everyone to their positions immediately!
Dajte brze 'vamo puske, 'ajmo brze s dinamitom!
Give us the rifles quickly, let's go with the dynamite!
Operacija "Ciklon", ne oprastaj zivot nikom, jebes zenevske konvencije, vise nista nije bitno.
Operation "Cyclone", spare no life, fuck the Geneva Conventions, nothing matters anymore.
Vojnik ili civil
- odavno presli smo tu liniju za vlast iz okrugle sobe sto sedi k'o u ziriju za dvostruke apsine medijske masine sve se pretvara u prah i pepeo zbog njihove tastine Pozdrav zastavi: Sindikat!
Soldier or civilian
- we crossed that line long ago for the authorities in the round room who sit like a jury for double apsinthe media machines everything turns to dust and ashes because of their vanity Salute the flag: Syndicate!
Da cujem himnu naseg voda Zemlji zavestacu zivot samo ponosno da hodam Zato, brzo pov sad kopam, trazim polozaj zgodan da izvrsimo proboj kroz obruc cim se promoli zora Kaplare!
Let me hear the anthem of our leader I will pledge my life to the land just to walk proudly So, I quickly dig a trench now, I look for a convenient position to break through the encirclement as soon as dawn breaks Corporal!
Da gospodine!
Yes sir!
Pripremi trupe za smotru i do polozaja vodi me Pali svetlecu raketu u trenutku kad se pojave da pokazemo pickama sta smo radili sve god Jos od 99 fazon specijalci SBS, sive beretke trn u oku, nezaustavljivi, bezali kroz resetke poternice BIA, prevare klevete U vrsti svi u potiljak, samo podignuta sablja pozdrav zastavi na poligonu ispred staba zbog nas su bezbednjaci procesljali pola grada zato u glavnom nema ni dejstva, ni sabotaza pre mraka Al zato nije uspela ni jedna njihova zamka zato je kao kula od karata pala svaka barikada ko beogradski fantom, ko nekad bader-majnhof krv ulaz, krv izlaz, nema mesta za talog zato tipraju nas uhode, tripuju sumnjiva posla zato smo nocna mora murije ko pobuna u tvorza ko kamion u punom naletu, ko lancani sudar kao pad sistema virus, kao drzavni udar i dok sive brigade miniraju i pale sve drzavne centrale javnost ne zna nista ko za imobilijare A svaki dan je nova borba izmedju zla i dobra izmedju casti i roba, nova krvava epoha.
Prepare the troops for inspection and lead me to the position Light a flare at the moment they appear let's show the pricks what we've been doing all these years Since '99, the SBS special forces style, gray berets a thorn in the eye, unstoppable, escaped through bars BIA warrants, deceptions, slander In line, everyone at the back of the head, only a raised saber salute to the flag on the training ground in front of the headquarters because of us, security officers searched half the city that's why there's no action or sabotage in the capital before dark But that's why none of their traps worked that's why every barricade fell like a house of cards like a Belgrade phantom, like the Bader-Meinhof gang blood in, blood out, no place for dregs that's why they're tripping on us, tripping on suspicious deals that's why we're the cops' nightmare like a prison riot like a truck in full swing, like a chain collision like a system crash virus, like a coup and while the gray brigades are mining and burning all state power plants the public knows nothing, like about real estate And every day is a new battle between good and evil between honor and goods, a new bloody era.
Iza svakog coska klopka, svuda minska polja, al mi jaci smo od toga, stiti nas kevlar i volja.
There's a trap around every corner, minefields everywhere, but we're stronger than that, kevlar and willpower protect us.
A volja ko zolja jaka nepokolebiva moja, misli precizne i britke ko nisan mog pistolja.
And my will is strong like a zolja, unshakeable, my thoughts are precise and sharp like the sight of my pistol.
Vidis me, pa me ne vidis, osetis me kasno...
You see me, then you don't, you feel me too late...
Sive beretke Sindikat
- znaj mi umiremo casno.
Syndicate gray berets
- know that we die with honor.
Za pusku, za druga, za obraz sto se cuva, sve to grmljavina urla iz mog topa kad se gruva.
For the rifle, for the friend, for the honor that is kept, all that thunder roars from my cannon when it booms.
Ne plasi se draga, ovaj vod je nocas budan, sto do poslednjeg gura, ko u pobuni Bura.
Don't be afraid, darling, this squad is awake tonight, pushing to the last, like in the Bura rebellion.
Cujes li zov vuka?
Do you hear the wolf's call?
Minirana je pruga.
The railway is mined.
Presrescemo transport koji vozi snage s'juga.
We will intercept the transport carrying forces from the south.
Zazalice vecno kad ih plamen smrti skuva, jer DeMartensova klauzula ne prati ih svuda.
They will regret it forever when the flames of death cook them, because the DeMartens clause does not follow them everywhere.
Sto puta su slali specijalce po mene, a ja ih komad po komad vracam kuci isecene.
They sent special forces after me a hundred times, and I return them home piece by piece, cut up.
Ko "Pustinjska lisica" samo nestanem sa scene, zavaram trag u sumi i stopim se u stene Svi unapad na zadatak operacija lakat!
Like the "Desert Fox" I just disappear from the scene, I cover my tracks in the forest and blend into the rocks Everyone attack the task, Operation Elbow!
Prva ulicna brigada, prva ceta sindikata Jedinica za brza dejstva, specijalci desant kad ide komandant svi na celo ruka desna!
First Street Brigade, First Company of the Syndicate Rapid Response Unit, Special Forces Assault when the commander goes, everyone to the head, right hand!
U borbi sam pet godina, imam grudi pune ordenja iz akcija mnogih, sto jos I dalje se pominju Nocu sam u njihov kamp vesto upao ko senka sam, bez ijednog metka, nozem napo tenka A onda upadi sa krovova, izletanja iz podruma naglavacke niz konopce, i lomljenje prozora Stoput jedva se provuko, ranjen jedva se dovuko proso surovvu obuku, iz koja sam surovost povuko znaj da mnogi su pali, mnogo nas u stroju fali al ponosni ko nekad, SBS stoji sada izabrani, besmrtni ko pretorijanska garda Na licu boja il imalin, u krvi opet adrenalin sive beretke krecu 'de svi ostali su stali Stizu poruke od jutros, kazu bilo je gusto, Elektronika zakazala, pa su morali sve rucno.
I've been in combat for five years, I have a chest full of medals from many actions that are still remembered I sneaked into their camp at night like a shadow, without a single bullet, I stabbed a tank with a knife And then raids from rooftops, jumps from basements headfirst down ropes, and breaking windows A hundred times I barely made it through, wounded I barely made it back I went through harsh training, from which I drew harshness know that many have fallen, many are missing from our ranks but proud as ever, SBS stands now chosen, immortal like the Praetorian Guard On my face paint or imalin, adrenaline in my blood again gray berets go where everyone else stopped Messages have been coming in since this morning, they say it was thick, The electronics failed, so they had to do everything manually.
Kamionet, C4, upaljac, brzo svi do zaklona, a onda festa, ko na proslavama drzavnih praznika.
Pickup truck, C4, lighter, everyone quickly take cover, and then a party, like on national holidays.
Sa lica mesta pali se iskljucivo u dzipu, kroz dimne zavese, varnice, u velikom stilu, redenici puni, spremni, kalasi na gotovs, brojim petu godinu sluzbe za ponos, brojim epolete, brojim sanduke i metke, brojim pogotke na vezbama sa bojevom u mete.
We leave the scene exclusively in a jeep, through smoke screens, sparks, in grand style, sentences full, ready, Kalashnikovs at the ready, I count the fifth year of service for pride, I count epaulettes, I count boxes and bullets, I count hits on exercises with live ammunition at targets.
Ajmo svi na puske, bajonete, ponovo ostav, sto sklekove za svaku gresku nikad nije dosta.
Let's all go to rifles, bayonets, leave it again, a hundred push-ups for every mistake is never enough.
I bilo u grupi, bilo jedan na jedan, uvek budi spreman, dal je gija, zno, zrno, nikad ne znas sta ti treba.
And whether in a group or one on one, always be prepared, whether it's a gi, sweat, grain, you never know what you need.
Nikad ne znas ko te vreba, je li malo ili puno, stoga oprez, svaki potez, uvek jedno oko budno.
You never know who's watching you, is it a little or a lot, so be careful, every move, always one eye awake.
Vojnik SBS-a kamuflaza ili crno, i fore sa Akademije ko "Oficir sa ruzom".
SBS soldier camouflage or black, and tricks from the Academy like "Officer with a Rose".
Meni je molitva zakletva za familiju, saborce, protiv sistema koji nas godinama drzi kao taoce.
My prayer is an oath for family, comrades, against the system that has held us hostage for years.
Zato cilj je da prezivim i da ispunim zadatak, a ideali krivi su sto postao sam takav.
That's why the goal is to survive and complete the task, and ideals are to blame for me becoming like this.
Nacela koja vode me necu napustiti nikad, jedna ljubav SBS, sive beretke Sindikat...
The principles that guide me I will never abandon, one love SBS, gray berets Syndicate...
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