Beogradski Sindikat - Samo u snu - Sa Aki - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Beogradski Sindikat - Samo u snu - Sa Aki

Samo u snu - Sa Aki
Only in a Dream - With Aki
Samo u snu
Only in a dream
Pravde nema ni za lek
There's no justice, not a bit
To je 21. vek
This is the 21st century, babe
Algoritam vodi glavnu reč (Samo u snu)
An algorithm calls the shots (Only in a dream)
Bez duše oblikuje svet
Shaping the world without a soul, girl
Pažnju krade svaka vest
Every headline steals attention
Biti usamljen je greh (Samo u snu)
Being lonely is a sin (Only in a dream)
Menjamo noć za dan
We trade night for day
Menjamo dan za ekran
We trade day for a screen
Pratimo tuđi plan i tu je kraj (kraj)
We follow someone else's plan and that's the end (the end)
Više nismo tu
We're not here anymore, darling
Živimo samo u snu
We only live in a dream
Stvarnost postoji za nas samo na čas
Reality exists for us only for a moment
Više niko kao ja, ne oseća dodir
No one like me, feels a touch anymore, sweetheart
Niti bliskost, niti ljubav, niti bilo šta
Nor closeness, nor love, nor anything at all
A zašto je sve tako
And why is everything this way
Zašto ne tražim spas
Why don't I seek salvation
Kad znam da samo u snu
When I know that only in a dream
Ima mesta za nas
Is there a place for us
Dok u Guglu prave digitalnog boga
While they're building a digital god in Google
Između dva koda se zagubila sloboda
Freedom got lost between two lines of code
Između dva skrola se uhvatim za volan
Between two scrolls I grab the steering wheel
Setim se života u pauzi sinkopa
I remember life in a pause of syncope
I za ovo malo pažnje stalno rade da nas skrate
And for this little attention they constantly work to shorten us
Da zgrabe budne sate, prikuju nas za ekrane
To grab our waking hours, chain us to screens
Da nas kuvaju ko žabe, prate ko dokone babe
To boil us like frogs, watch us like nosy old ladies
Džabe vidim zamke kad nas znaju ko zle pare
It's in vain I see the traps when they know us like bad money
A svet se vrti ko Tiktok
And the world spins like TikTok
Zabava je non stop
Entertainment is non-stop
Nema kraja kao skrol
Endless like a scroll
I kad misliš to je to
And when you think that's it
Okrene se ponovo
It turns again
Sve novo i šareno
Everything new and colorful
To je kao džek pot
It's like a jackpot
I ko da nije dovoljno
And as if it's not enough
Tu je GPT-4
There's GPT-4
Samo otvoriš komp
You just open your computer
I slikaš kao Van Gog
And you paint like Van Gogh
Pišeš kao Džejms Džojs
You write like James Joyce
Repuješ ko Bigi Smols
You rap like Biggie Smalls
Možeš sve lagano
You can do everything easily
Al' to sad može bilo ko
But now anyone can do that
Ceo svet ti je na dlanu
The whole world is in your palm
Ali ne znaš šta ćeš s njim
But you don't know what to do with it
I što ga stežeš jače
And the tighter you squeeze it
Brže će te slomiti
The faster it will break you
Zna sve slabe tačke
It knows all the weak points
I sve ih koristi
And it uses them all
Ne možeš odoleti
You can't resist
To su ljudski porivi
These are human urges
Prija nam komfor
We enjoy comfort
Da je mekano i toplo
For it to be soft and warm
Da svu pamet sveta
To carry all the world's wisdom
Svuda nosimo sa sobom
Everywhere with us
Al' kao kamenje u džepu
But like stones in our pockets
Samo vuče nas ka dnu
It only drags us to the bottom
Više nikad nismo tu
We're never really there anymore
We live
Samo u snu
Only in a dream
Život postoji za nas
Life exists for us
Mnogo se toga izgubilo
So much has been lost
Al' od svega ostade strah
But all that's left is fear
Samo u snu
Only in a dream
Nedelja i svi ste tu, na Tviteru, sve podseća na sreću
Sunday and you're all there, on Twitter, everything resembles happiness
Nedelja, a više vas ja, na mrežama, lakovati neću
Sunday, and there are more of you than me, on social media, I won't sugarcoat it
Nekad slušao se Džej, a danas sve je lame
We used to listen to Jay, but now everything is lame
Snima kontent, sve za share
Filming content, all for shares
Close friends, only fans
Close friends, only fans
Dick pic, Q&A
Dick pic, Q&A
Lip sync, IDJ
Lip sync, IDJ
Speed up, make up
Speed up, make up
Tutorijal, Snapchat
Tutorial, Snapchat
To je danas ceo svet, nemaš život, samo Web
That's the whole world today, you don't have a life, only the Web
Prodje mladost ti za tren, na skrol i na čet
Your youth passes by in an instant, on scrolling and chatting
Ćale ti je old head, misli igraš Sony 5
Your dad's an old head, he thinks you're playing Sony 5
A ti se snimaš, nudiš seks - hoćeš live? Samo tap
And you're filming yourself, offering sex - want to go live? Just tap
Dobar filter, dobar set, za shake i za twerk
Good filter, good set, for shaking and twerking
Usta kao Mik Džeger i na dupetu tet
Lips like Mick Jagger and a tramp stamp on your butt
To ti danas pravi keš, šalji message u DM
That's what makes you cash today, send a message to DM
Keva ugledni tviteraš, ne zna šta u sobi gledaš
Mom's a prominent Twitter user, she doesn't know what you're watching in your room
Koga pratiš, koga vredjaš, koga mrziš i šta pevaš
Who you follow, who you insult, who you hate and what you sing
IAD, IGD, klinci svi ko zombiji
IAD, IGD, kids all like zombies
Svi su redom kileri, luteri i šuteri
They're all killers, looters and shooters
Ništa nismo bolji mi, matori navučeni
We're no better, old folks addicted
Pratimo razne gluposti, tražimo beg od stvarnosti
We follow various nonsense, seeking escape from reality
Posle redom svi se čude u šta rastu nam deca
Then everyone wonders what our children are growing into
Zašto vaspita ih mreža, kako srasla su za ekran
Why the internet raises them, how they're fused to the screen
Sada pitanja je mnogo, ali odgovor je jedan
Now there are many questions, but the answer is one
Samo u snu
Only in a dream
Život postoji za nas
Life exists for us
Mnogo se toga izgubilo
So much has been lost
Al' od svega ostade strah
But all that's left is fear
Samo u snu
Only in a dream
Život postoji za nas
Life exists for us
Mnogo se toga izgubilo
So much has been lost
Al' od svega ostade strah
But all that's left is fear
Samo u snu
Only in a dream

Writer(s): Nenad Knezevic, Dorijan (jun) Setina, Milan R Bojanic

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