Beogradski Sindikat - Stotka - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Beogradski Sindikat - Stotka

Potrosio sam papir i boju pa nastampao stotku, 8 sati za masinom odradjujem nocu, kakva ironija sudbine pravim ih na stotine a cekam kraj nedelje da samo jednu dobijem.
I've used up all the paper and ink, printing hundreds, working the machine for 8 hours at night. It's ironic, I make hundreds of them, but I wait for the end of the week just to get one myself.
Pa trk u kladionu keca odigr'o na Romu, nadao se somu a izduv'o ga za stotku.
So I run to the betting shop, put a single on Roma, hoping for a big win, but I lost it all for a hundred.
Na kraju dana kad je dobar pazar da stavim kljuc u bravu, pravac sa butkom u dzepu da ofutim kuravu.
At the end of the day, when the sales are good, I lock up the shop, head straight to a hooker with a wad of cash in my pocket.
Mojoj maloj satalnoj radicu sta hocu i odvaljenoj na stocic ostavicu stotku.
I'll do whatever I want with my regular girl, and leave a hundred on the table for the wasted one.
Ulazim u sobu, na stolu vidim stotku, samar kurvi sto se buni ona predstavlja robu.
I enter the room, see a hundred on the table, slap the bitch who's complaining, she's just merchandise.
I tako gajbi zurim, klinac pali mi u skolu, 3 rata za ekskurziju na dopu odlazi na drogu.
Rushing home, my kid's skipping school, three installments for the school trip, and he's going for drugs on credit.
Brate, sedim u bloku s' ekipom na dopu obradov'o drustvo svi kljucamo za stotku.
Brother, I'm sitting in the block with the crew on credit, made everyone happy, we're all chipping in for a hundred.
Rolam na nos da izvucem koku hoce dam me roknu pa za prljavu stojevku dajem samo stotku.
I snort it to get high, they want to shoot me, so I give just a hundred for the dirty needle.
Prod'o sve iz gepeka, zatvorio radnju nocu trosim sve sto zaradim danju, posao im cveta al' uvek sam u sranju, za pesmu na splavu svalio sam glavu.
Sold everything from the stall, closed the shop at night, I spend everything I earn during the day. Business is booming for them, but I'm always in shit. I bowed my head for a song on the raft.
Po celu sam znojav al' se lakse lepi stotka, dok pevam grlo grebu cigare i votka, u zoru odvaljen k'o stoka sedam u kola glavica jura da me ne cima patrola.
I'm sweating all over, but the hundred sticks easier, while I sing, cigarettes and vodka scratch my throat. In the morning, wasted like a pig, I get in the car, my head spinning, hoping the patrol won't bother me.
Kolegi ne dam pola ova stotka je moja, ni on meni nije dao kad je startov'o Pezoa.
I won't give my colleague half, this hundred is mine, he didn't give me any either when he got the Peugeot.
Pravac ka Kartasu gotova je smena da na kacu upecam sto evra se raduje zena.
Straight to Kartas, the shift is over, to catch a hundred euros on the perch, the wife is happy.
I ja prod'o sam sav kupus zajmio bih pare na parti kod carine zapazih sibicare, zavrtela se kuglica ja misl'o da je srednja zagazih je s' nogicom kad tamo nista nema.
And I, I've sold all my cabbage, I would borrow money. At a party at customs, I noticed the gamblers, the ball spun, I thought it was the middle one, I stepped on it with my foot, and there's nothing there.
Divi vamo tebra, coban ovce tera, trte-mrte, trte-mrte, zdimah mu sto evra.
Look here, buddy, the shepherd drives the sheep, trte-mrte, trte-mrte, I blew him a hundred euros.
Taman tol'ko mi teba jer bolesna mi cerka a zeka lekar da bez toga cene da je gleda.
That's exactly what I need, because my daughter is sick, and the doctor is a greedy bastard who wouldn't see her without it.
Za stotku iz dzepa prijem preko reda, kad zavrsim skoknem do teniskih terena, cekaj danas je sreda, moj partner me ceka, isprecila se mreza sad sam laksi za sto evra.
For a hundred from my pocket, a priority appointment. When I'm done, I'll jump over to the tennis courts, wait, it's Wednesday today, my partner is waiting for me, the net got in the way, now I'm a hundred euros lighter.
Naplacujem klijentu sto ga na pucnjavu branim taman imam stotku kusur da mu vratim, kao postujem tarifu i korektan se pravim, on stiti ove s' vlasti, moze da mi znaci.
I charge the client a hundred for defending him in a shootout, just enough to give him change. I pretend to respect the tariff and be fair, he protects these people in power, he could be useful to me.
Sedim s' prijateljem na njegovoj gajbi trazi mi nesto sitno u sakou mu novcanik.
Sitting with a friend at his place, he's looking for some change in his jacket, his wallet's inside.
Kolike pare mlatim, koje kombinacije pravim, koliko sam jak, stotkom tompus palim.
How much money I'm making, what schemes I'm running, how strong I am, I light a cigar with that hundred.
O stotki prica na stotine,
Hundreds of stories about the hundred,
Od bogadstva do sirotinje,
From riches to poverty,
Na isto sve svodi se
It all comes down to the same thing,
Novac zivot pokrece
Money drives life,
A ka zlu vodi sve.
And leads everything to evil.

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