Berri Txarrak - Biziraun - original - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Berri Txarrak - Biziraun - original

Biziraun - original
Biziraun - original
Ezagutzen ez dudan herri batean
In a town I don't know
Bapatean, ixilean bezala agertu naiz
Suddenly, as if in silence, I appear
Kafetegi barrura sartu, lekua hartu
I go into the cafe, take a seat
Eta nire ingurura begiratzen jarri naiz
And I start to look around me
Bikote bat muxuka mundua desafiatzen,
A couple kissing, defying the world,
Bizitza xurgatzen,
Sucking up life,
Muxuz-muxu maitasuna puzten
Blowing up love kiss by kiss
Ez dute besteentzako lekurik apenas uzten
They barely leave any room for others
Telebistari begira jarri naiz, naiz, naiz...
I started watching TV, I am, I am...
Nahiz eta albisteek, berri guztiek,
Although the news, all the news,
Berri gehienek
Most of the news
Hortzak erakusten dioten zorionari,
Shows the happiness that bites its lip,
Zorion apurrari
A little bit of happiness
Sanzek ezetz, ezetz euskarari
Sanz says no, no to Basque
Hiru palestinar zulora, real madrilek gola
Three Palestinians into the hole, Real Madrid a goal
Arma tiro pum, atxilotu lotuak edonun
Arma shot pum, they arrest the bound anywhere
Eta galdetzen dut zer ote den hau
And I wonder what this is all about
Bizi ala iraun, bizi ala iraun,
Live or survive, live or survive,
Biziraun zu barik.
Survive without you.
Noizean behin barre egin
Laugh once in a while
Bakoitzak bere ikarak
Each one keeps his fears
Gordetzen ditu berekin
With himself
Halakoak gara
That's how we are
Ezinegona, zulo sakona
Uneasiness, a deep hole
Sentitzen dudana ez da batere ona
What I feel is not good at all
Batzutan, askotan, gehiegitan, oso maiz
Sometimes, often, too often, very often
Gaizki nabilela ohartzen naiz
I realize that I'm doing badly
Kamarero: kafe bat, hutsa ta doblea
Waiter: a coffee, black and double
Gaur ez dut ametsik egin nahi, nahi, nahi...
Today I don't want to dream, I don't want to, I don't want to...
Nahikoa da, ez dut ilunegi azaldu gura
Enough, I don't want to explain too much
Altxa aingura eta bakarrik atera nahiko
Raise the anchor and go out alone
Nuke kanpoko mundura
To a non-nuclear world
Baina kosta egiten zait,
But I find it hard,
Kosta egiten zait, bai
I find it hard, yes
Ta ez naiz ari,
And I'm not talking,
Ez naiz ari damu eta erruei buruz
I'm not talking about regrets and mistakes
Hainbat zauri irekirik ditut
I have many open wounds
Horixe da dena, barkatu.
That's all, forgive me.
Behin idatzi zenuen elaberri hura
Once you wrote that novel
Nire poemengatik trukatu nahi nuke
I would like to exchange it for my poems
Jakiteko behingoz ni sufritzen
To know once and for all that I suffered
Ari nintzen bitartean
While I
Zu zertan ari zinen,
What were you doing,
Zertan ari ote zinen.
What were you doing.
Dirudizun bezain zoriontsu
As happy as you seem to be
Izan zaitezen opa dizut.
I hope you may be.
Behin idatzi zenuen elaberri hura
Once you wrote that novel
Nire poemengatik trukatu nahi nuke
I would like to exchange it for my poems
Jakiteko behingoz ni sufritzen
To know once and for all that I suffered
Ari nintzen bitartean
While I
Zu zertan ari zinen,
What were you doing,
Zertan ari ote zinen.
What were you doing.

Writer(s): Gorka Urbizu Ruiz

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