Berri Txarrak - Bizitzaren iturria - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Berri Txarrak - Bizitzaren iturria

Bizitzaren iturria
The Source of Life
Nafarroan sorturik dagoela liskarra
The dispute arose in Navarre
Denek nahi zaituztela etxean barra-barra
Everyone wants you home forever and ever
Zuk ematen diozu lurrari indarra
You give strength to the land
Beraz ondo zaintzea irtenbide bakarra
So to take good care of it is the only solution
Lortu ezin diraden herrientzat lotura
The soul-link for unreachable peoples
Estalirik beraien arteko samindura
Covering up their pains among themselves
Zuk hamaika txokotan sortuaz lilura
You who bewitch with your charm in a thousand corners
Noiz edukiko dugu zuganako ardura?
When will we become responsible for you?
Eta zurekin amestu nahi dut,
And I want to dream with you,
Euriari goizero abestu.
To the rain I will sing every morning.
Faltan zaituenak du barruan etsipena
Whoever misses you feels nothing but despair in their soul
Ta sobran zaituenak bizirik du barrena
And whoever has too much of you feels nothing but joy in their heart
Pozaz zoratzen baita gertu zaituena
For they are struck with joy who have you near
Zu zara bizitzaren seinale nabarmena
You are the bright sign of life
Zure etorkizuna omen da nahiko ilun
Your future is seemingly very dark
Desertifikazioa dugun etorkizun
Desertification our future
Gu ohartuko gara zenbat erru dugun
We will realize how much we are to blame
Berandu baino lehen zeozer egin dezagun.
Let us do something before it is too late.
Eta zurekin amestu nahi dut,
And I want to dream with you,
Euriari goizero abestu.
To the rain I will sing every morning.
Eta zurekin amestu nahi dut,
And I want to dream with you,
Euriari goizero abestu.
To the rain I will sing every morning.

Writer(s): Gorka Urbizu Ruiz

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